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  • In my book, Greed and Gluttony are similar. Gluttony is taking far more than your fair share. Greed is hoarding material power or knowledge
    Isn't gluttony usually associated with consumption? If you're greedy, you horde stuff, you have a pile of it
    But a glutton will not horde or pile anything up, they consume it away
    @zegh8578 Yeah pretty much. i mean they sound similar but different. People confuse the two. You could horde anything and over consume on more than just food. Like the U.S. is a glutton sometimes and China is a greedy bastard that hordes knowledge because they fear their people
    More than anything. Will the series explain where the NCR is at? Yknow sense it's set in California. Did the war with the Legion end them?
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    I've posted a full spoiler in the show thread, but the way they've retconned it there was no war with Legion (and entire NV did not happen)
    I was correct in my complete lack of interest in this show; nothing is made from real passion, and a Fallout show based on Bethesda's hype is just bound to be... at best more average TV-trash.
    Sooooo. The Fallout series on amazon aires tomorrow. Yknow, why doesnt InExile make a Wasteland tv series?
    Wonder if the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment in universe were just modern skirmishers/light cavalry
    An RTS set in a Cold War gone hot-scenario in 1989, the Blackhorse regiment (11th ACR) is present in one of the campaigns. Probably the most armoured of all the tank units in the game. M1A1 galore.
    @Resardiv Oh cool. Ill give it a try whenever i set up my new pc. I asked a lot of old vets. They said yes armored cavalry like 10th and 11th would be skirmishing units there to prod the bear. Heavy cav is heavy battle tanks
    Are people more inclined to replay Fallout New Vegas or Wasteland 3? i miss the ways of the first two Fallout games
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    You have a point there. Sadly feels the same with me and Star Wars. Both Fallout and Star Wars are in the same boat. But i feel Star Wars at least gets a chance to fight back (Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau). Fallout doesnt get that. I wish it did
    Star Wars is too big to die so small stories that are good can still exist. Fallout is a stupid video game franchise that has to overcome that to get another chance. COMING SOOOOOON. Either way I am fine.
    Mr Fish
    Mr Fish
    Too busy to replay either of the two games but when I find the time to I'll probably replay Wasteland 3. Fallout New Vegas is just too "known" to me and the general gameplay is not fun enough.
    Since the Legion practices total war tactics. Why didnt the NCR make more use of Light Infantry and shock troops to fight them?
    Maybe they practice Company of Heroes tactics instead. Ba dum tss
    @eissa I say that because the NCR shouldve focused less on holding Vegas and the dam and just took the fight to the legion. Gut punching them all offense. I mean im shocked they never used Rangers to infiltrate legion territory and assassinate centurions and high ranking legates.
    Crazy that SR fires .50 Beowulf. In the south, we call em Hog Poppers. Pefect for boar bunting. in Fallout, perfect for deathclaw hunting.
    Why do cowboy characters in FNV like guns that draw from the same ammo pool? That just makes it easier to burn through ammo.
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    I would rather shoot .45-70 Gov or 44 magnum from a rifle than a revolver. Same with 10mm Auto, I would rather shoot such caliber with SMG because apparently the recoil if you fired it from pistol would give FBI twice to think over.
    @eissa Thank god i am not the only one who thinks that. Like i get it for SMGs. They directly use pistol calibers. but revolvers and Lever rifles are a 4 century old mystery. I gathered from reading reddit and old neoseeker threads
    The truth is none of these video game designers have ever been to a fucking range. If they have they went once.
    Survivalist Rifle or Medicine Stick? If we're just going by ease of use and damage numbers
    I could never manage to get either of them even though i have all the DLC on xbox, but id probs take the medicine stick because clicking on heads for beefed up damage on a rifle/shotgun build is just *chefs kiss*
    @mustadiokeepsdying Woooo that Shotgun build is amazing. I love it because Shotgun is kinda non specialized. You could easily integrate it into any build and be effective
    @Sn1p3r187 yeah i end up using it in all my playthroughs cause im scared of melee and unarmed lol
    its just really nice to shoot and have things die in 2 or 3 hits or 1 crit
    Godzilla Minus One (as good as it is) is slowly making me believe we should gatekeep communities.
    isnt it inherently obvious things need to be gatekept otherwise they get ruined?
    @R.Graves Makes me wonder how things wouldve been if gatekept fallout a little harder in '05 and '06 to keep bethesda from ruining it
    fallout couldnt have been gatekept. it had been ten years since there was an entry the original company was dying and bethesda bought the rights to the series halfway through development of 3 and by the time 3 came out it was p much too late
    I found overall damage and criticals to be king in New Vegas. It's kinda pointless to use AP rounds in a cowboy, shotguns, or sniper builds
    I question if Marko in New Vegas Bounties III was intentionally wrote the way he was. To be a more annoying Ulysses.
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    @zegh8578 Honestly i never minded Ulysses. He was always wrote like that. Trauma shaped his character into someone who passively aggressively will destroy the world. At least the devs and us knew he was wrong.....Marko however.
    I honestly didn't think you could get more annoying than Ulysses. blah blah blah bear and bull and the bear and bull everything is your fault. it feels like Chris telling you how he thinks fallout is the same way he did it in KOTOR 2 with Kreia
    @mustadiokeepsdying Yeah. Then someguy2000 introduced Marko....Eat your heart out Ulysses. Marko is Ulysses x10. Worse in everyway.
    45-70 Govt. Semi Wadcutters do exist...But they're not good at piercing armor. Idk why New Vegas makes them out to be armor piercers
    @Sn1p3r187 The thing is... most rifle calibers were originally as large as 7.9x57-8X51 mm. Those were in turn derived from much larger cartridge that use blackpowder as primer. Like 15mm-24mm. Back then people didn't even think around 6mm because they still believe that bullet mass matter most.
    @eissa People back then really loved firing cannon balls out of musket barrels
    Modern rifle caliber is what musket pistol size back then. And pistol musket was weak, the result is basically well resisted by hard surface armor like breastplate and even lamellar.
    Is it just me? Or is Cowboy the Fighter/multiclass build of New Vegas? Cowboy is so versatile.
    Found out the issue of using VATs for cowboy weapons in FNV. You have to be hitting aim button and standing in front of them to land hit
    Correction: If 1st Recon were a Medieval battle unit. They would be Slingers not archers. Taking out key targets on a ridge from afar.
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    Slingers would be the machine gunner. Slingers were not the most accurate, but unless you do it in volley.
    Actually. Slingers had to be distanced away from each other because of sling arc and wind up. Plus it was stated in historical text that slings were more accurate and had greater distance. Bows when used in volley fire were medieval machine guns
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