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  1. Nodder

    What if X made Fallout Y?

    I would totally play a Civ/Alpha Centauri-styled post-apocalyptic grand strategy game.
  2. Nodder

    FALLOUT the movie

    You can't adapt an open-worlded RPG like Fallout for a movie. The story is too long and not driven enough. It'll end up looking like a travelogue. Certain movies with a strong enough constant narrative could work, though. Gore Verbinski's Bioshock could be the first film to break the...
  3. Nodder

    The Perfect Fallout...

    The lamest thing about Van Buren is the setting. They should've gone to a different place in the continent. Hell even Arizona/New Mexico or Baja would be more interesting.
  4. Nodder

    Fallout 3 : A succesful re-branding

    What shortage? Just take Rifts and tone down the over-the-top elements and make it into a sandbox postapocalyptic Mad Max world (with magic and high tech). And of course there's the Twilight series.
  5. Nodder

    V.A.T.S. is NOT a combat system

    I agree that VATS is kind of like Bullet Time. But to call bullet time a "cheating system"? Video game heroes tend to be, ya know, heroic? So they usually have Perks that make them better than the mooks you fight. Cheating?
  6. Nodder

    What if the Enclave was a Social Experiment as well?

    Why didn't the Enclave have more red, white, and blue and bald eagle iconography? They didn't have to be blatant, but they should still look more like "dystopian version of American government."
  7. Nodder

    Would you have accepted it as a Spin-Off?

    Call it Fallout: East Coast. Make it about a Vault Dweller without any connections to the story in the past. Have a rival surviving government remnant (name something else instead of Remnant). Maybe have some errant knights around, but change the D.C. Brotherhood of Steel into a completely...
  8. Nodder

    The MIRV - spoiler

    laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame hell I bet Diablo 3 with its geomod will be more immersive than FO3.
  9. Nodder

    What did Bethesda actually do better than Black Isle?

    Explosives includes grenades, and someone good at throwing grenades would naturally be good at throwing other things, no? And you accuse people favoring the new system of being slow on the draw. Where do you draw the line between dumbing down and simplification? Should every overt vestige...
  10. Nodder

    What did Bethesda actually do better than Black Isle?

    Wouldn't knowledge of first aid also cover the healing of major bones and injuries, or do you really think that all that first aid consists of is bandaging scrapes and bruises? If they wanted to do a system of minor vs. major healing they should have just done something like White Wolf's dot...
  11. Nodder

    What did Bethesda actually do better than Black Isle?

    Why would someone predisposed to be better at healing/curing large wounds be unable to heal/cure better at small wounds? I guess if you're a doctor, you can mend bones but you can't put on a simple band-aid for a scrape. Oh, Interplay, what a brave new world you have created! Truly you put...
  12. Nodder

    Bethesda Defends "3" in Fallout 3.

    Good idea. Call it Fallout: East Coast. Bill it as a rival to the original (West Coast) series.
  13. Nodder

    What did Bethesda actually do better than Black Isle?

    If by dumbed down you mean less of a hassle and by for the console crowd you mean updated for an era where games don't force you to steal from NPCs to manage their inventories then yes you are correct sir. And what's wrong with one skill merging Throwing and Traps, anyways.
  14. Nodder

    The MIRV - spoiler

    They had nuclear cars.
  15. Nodder

    Gamasutra kills children

    Deus Ex, despite its excellence, never had the mass popular appeal game that Rockstar sandbox crime games have. It's a lot easier to stir up sensationalism about a game where you play as a common city thug and can sleep with prostitutes than an FPS RPG where you're a cybernetic future cop agent...
  16. Nodder

    What did Bethesda actually do better than Black Isle?

    Less clunky and annoying that way.
  17. Nodder

    What did Bethesda actually do better than Black Isle?

    No sarcasm zone. * Folded First Aid and Doctor into one skill.
  18. Nodder

    Bethesda Defends "3" in Fallout 3.

    Not sure if post-apoc in a fictional magical version of Rome works. Sure it's cool, but it's not exactly the satire of '50s atomicpunk kitsch that Fallout is.
  19. Nodder

    Bethesda Defends "3" in Fallout 3.

    Isn't there a hope that as long as the original developers are out there, the dream lives on and one day they will get together and make Troika mk. II and the Once and Future King will be returned to Camelot? That I feel is a more reasonable aspiration. Anyways, forget Fallout for a...
  20. Nodder

    Bethesda Defends "3" in Fallout 3.

    Obviously it won't make them want to have a true Fallout 3, but at least the confirmation that the dev team will never make Van Buren would at last kill the hopeless dream and would help stem all of the vitriol flying around and funnel it towards a better end (such as modding FO 3 to make a...