It Wandered In From the Wastes

No sarcasm zone.
* Folded First Aid and Doctor into one skill.
* Folded First Aid and Doctor into one skill.
Nodder said:Less clunky and annoying that way.
to steal from NPCs to manage their inventories
And what's wrong with one skill merging Throwing and Traps, anyways.
Wouldn't knowledge of first aid also cover the healing of major bones and injuries,
Actually, having been an ambulance man for some time, I can affirm you, that most practicing doctors are completely overchallenged when taken out of their natural habitat, surgeons too, lacking all the assistents and medical devices of their OR.FeelTheRads said:In fact, I have a feeling that nurses might be better at first aid than doctors themselves who practically never do it. Not saying they are unable to, which doesn't happen in Fallout either like you just again babbled incoherently.
Traps are laid on the ground, sometimes with carefully laid out triggers.Nodder said:...
And what's wrong with one skill merging Throwing and Traps, anyways.
Maybe I missed something... where's the strategy in VATS?Bloody William said:Developed a combat system that maintained the strategy
They didn't do it better than Black Isle, they did it the same as Black Isle (in Van Buren).Nodder said:No sarcasm zone.
* Folded First Aid and Doctor into one skill.