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  1. MKSaibot

    Fallout: New Vegas Digital Collector's Edition

    I at least want All Roads to read before I play the game
  2. MKSaibot

    Fallout: New Vegas Eurogamer Expo round-up

    Still the Tommy Gun has no been confirmed yet
  3. MKSaibot

    Fallout: New Vegas PC Gamer interview

    I want the dang collectors edition but I was too late, I contemplated for too long and now I can't get it.
  4. MKSaibot

    Canard PC Fallout: New Vegas preview

    Nice preview & defenitly the last one I want to read about if I can help myself but I need to go somewhat off topic for a second here & just vent this out . . . When in the SHIT HELL FUCK are we going to find out if the Tommy Gun made it in or not? Yes so anyway . . that preview and on top...
  5. MKSaibot

    Create your movie or game character for your F: New Vegas

    Ok well its defenitly close enough to release to bump this thread up and ill start with . . . Umbrella Agent, Nicholai Ginovaef "He excels particularly well in stealth and is well-experienced in both urban and woodland combat and highly skilled in the art of assassination with a good...
  6. MKSaibot

    @GAMER New Vegas article scans

    They said Colt .45 in the magazine as that is what it looks like. The wiki said the Virigin Mary Pistol (colt .45) takes 9mm. I don't think we know yet if .45 amm is even in the game or will be as of right now.
  7. MKSaibot

    Can anyone confirm this? (Tommy Gun)

    I know it does look like it but it's the 9mm :/
  8. MKSaibot

    Can anyone confirm this? (Tommy Gun)

    There is no 1911 in the E3 trailers that is the 9mm pistol shown on wiki Id like to state this one more time There are NO 1911's or .45 pistols of any kind shown on any Fallout New Vegas video or confirmed by any source as of the time im posting this. Along with the Tommy Gun
  9. MKSaibot

    Can anyone confirm this? (Tommy Gun)

    Which trailer exactly are you talking about, if its the one I think your speaking of that was a 9mm pistol.
  10. MKSaibot

    Can anyone confirm this? (Tommy Gun)

    Yea were did they say or was it confirmed they put .45's in the game with .45 ammo because I can't find anything on that
  11. MKSaibot

    Fallout: New Vegas Con previews, #5

    Crispy Gamer FTW And hardcore mode will help with that for sure
  12. MKSaibot

    Can anyone confirm this? (Tommy Gun)

    6th page that ive linked, scroll up almost to were someone say's "The esteemed Mr. J. E. Sawyer himself said there would be a Thompson, so this post is now invalidated." He didn't give us a link and I haven't...
  13. MKSaibot

    Hello, old friend

    Michael Dorn is voicing Marcus again so that alone gives me a lot of hope. You know if he isn't a companion on release they will make a DLC just for him with sidequest etc I would bet. I wouldn't mind just having a mod that makes him a companion, but id be nice if he was a companion with...
  14. MKSaibot

    Hello, old friend

    That is exactly right along with . . . Fallout 3 Engine There is only so much you can do with it, but you can still load it up with all the textures you want & etc making Marcus look easily better then what there showing us. Thing is though again as you said, Fallout New Vegas is a...
  15. MKSaibot

    Feargus Urquhart interview on Gamasutra

    "FU: I don't want to just say that I really enjoyed it, because that feels like I'm just kissing ass" . . . Tell's me he didn't like it and but had to throw in the good thing's to say about the game. I guaruntee you he did not like Fallout 3 as much as some of you think, just a high $$ hunch.
  16. MKSaibot

    Mafia 2

    Thank's haven't seen this yet
  17. MKSaibot

    Fallout: New Vegas E3 previews

    The guy at Gamer Limited, I want to see what the girl would write about him visiting & playing the game if she had to. I bet it would go like this . . . "So this weird guy comes in to play" "He really didn't seem to know much about our game at all" "I felt bad for the guy, I don't think...
  18. MKSaibot

    New MK9 video

    If you mean endless combo's and people yelling in my ear cause im hacking or cheating then yea, probably so. :D Far as the people playing in the video and there skill, they are just demoing the game out showing off each character's moves & combo's. While they did not connect some combo's...
  19. MKSaibot

    New MK9 video

    I can't wait to see Smoke & Noob in this game and that trailer is actually all some of us MK fan's need. They are doing what Street Fighter did with SF 4 & SSF 4, which was make it badass & back to it's roots.