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  1. PegasusOrgans

    List of all Total Conversion and major mods

    While it is true that you can find most, if not all by thoroughly searching the forums, it would be nice to have a more central list of them for easy reference. This is true especially for games like Fallout that have many fans worldwide making mods in their native languages. I'm sure that with...
  2. PegasusOrgans


  3. PegasusOrgans

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Hiya Sduibek-kun, Big fan, big fan, been lurking forever and a day, but wanted to ask a couple ? so, tada! Anywho, I was wondering if you could give a rough break-down of stuff that'll be in the new .90 release. More obvious adds, less small fixes and upkeep. Also, are you planning to keep...
  4. PegasusOrgans

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

    Hi killap, long time fan, first time (?) poster (in this thread). Love what you've done with the restoration. I have yet to play it, as I have the unfortunate issue of wanting to play the final version of whatever it may be. As that seems to be what you are now focused on, this will (finally) be...
  5. PegasusOrgans

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Just want to start off by saying thank you Sduibek for picking up the reigns on making a RP for F1! I was very excited when I saw the project go up. You can imagine how long I've stalked this place. YEARS. Anyway, I was wondering, knowing you are busy ATM with RL, when you DO get back to Fixt...
  6. PegasusOrgans

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

    So, is there even a soft ETA for the next version? I have such a wretched habit of waiting for just one more patch... seems like some specific issues need solving, altho I realize just how much has been fixt. Anyhow, back to the shadows...
  7. PegasusOrgans

    What was your first RPG?

    WOW, a lot of youngins here! Welp, let's see for consoles it was Dragon Warrior followed by Final Fantasy, while on the PC it was a combo of Bard's Tale 3 and Quest for Glory 2 (the desert one for anyone in the know). By the time Fallout came out I was well into RPGs... wait are there ppl on...
  8. PegasusOrgans

    Subm.: XCOM: Enemy Unknown

    I'm sorry but you are/were either A) a young gamer, B) Someone that only plays major release games from big publishers or a combination of the two. You only mention Dragon Age and Witcher when there have been many indie/middle tier releases that are very much in the style of the classic RPGs...
  9. PegasusOrgans

    Fallout: New Vegas developers posts round-up

    Why would it be wrong if it WAS? I don't get what was wrong with Fallout 1. Early-ish RPGs punished newbies. You just started playing, WE'LL KILL YOU. Ok, Imma learn from my experiences and choose guns next time.
  10. PegasusOrgans

    Fallout: New Vegas developers posts round-up

    I never tag melee and I murder every being in that shithole. C'mon, you must be a post 2000 RPG gamer. We old schoolers don't get fazed by nothing less than Wizardry 4.
  11. PegasusOrgans

    Fallout: New Vegas patch 1.2 out on Steam

    Actually, it was absurdly EASY to get some. After you meet Hardin for the very first time, you can follow him to the rooms next to the Elder. There, if you approach him when he opens the door, you can enter, grab power armor and leave scot free. Hell Ranger armor was also very easy to get...
  12. PegasusOrgans

    JE Sawyer Formsprings #9

    Honestly, if there were valid points expressed in a calm, deliberate manner the "shitstorm" would be alot smaller. Every game should get a contrarian review if not several. Fear does rampant amongst journos these days.
  13. PegasusOrgans

    JE Sawyer Formsprings #9

    I agree, but you should call them out on being ignorant. There's ways to do it properly. Still, I can't help feeling it was a way to drum up hits.
  14. PegasusOrgans

    JE Sawyer Formsprings #9

    Really? My experience(near novac) has been them decimating everyone they see.
  15. PegasusOrgans

    JE Sawyer Formsprings #9

    I've read the review and I think it's more than a "negative review" but instead the actual content/wording. For instance. " It is the sound of Obsidian phoning this game in. I’m talking long distance, reversed charges, not-giving-a-fuck." While you may think Obsidian could have...