It Wandered In From the Wastes

Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones on GBA. Still play it from time to time.
Dragon Warrior on NES for video games
Dark Tower, though not a traditional RPG like D&D. There was adventure, asset management and a huge boss battle at the end. Plus, you could play with 3 other friends. Also Risk is awesome and can get really interesting if you introduce required objectives in addition to world domination. Not a RPG but everyone becomes someone else once you start placing armies. EDIT: These two are board games.
Additional Edit: I'm gonna rant here here about Dark Tower. I wasn't alive when the game came out but even into the 90's it's use of mixed media was still incredible. Milton Bradley made a robust game given the constraints of tabletop/boardgames in 1981. Search the game, see if there's some youtube and then put that game next to what was rolling out on the Atari 2600 at the time.