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  1. S

    Does anyone still play Fallout Tactics multiplayer?

    Damn, that's a shame. Your description of the demo's multi does sound a lot more dynamic than just min-maxing.
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    Gecko in a Can

    I want one. :(
  3. S

    Does anyone still play Fallout Tactics multiplayer?

    Never played either's multiplayer. Care to explain why?
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    Multiplayer:Killing us slowly or best thing ever?

    Multiplayer is not the problem, developers who for some reason think every game needs a multiplayer part or that multiplayer is more important than singleplayer is the problem. But that depends on the type of game really, team based or co-op games are great fun with the right people. Surf's...
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    Tim Cain joins Obsidian Entertainment

    This definitely. I get the gripes with Fallout 2's references being in places outside of special encounters, but then I see people complaining about stuff in the special encounters from Fallout 2 while completely disregarding talking brahmin, doctor who, dinosaur footprints and crashed UFOs in...
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    Wallcutter 1.0

    Wow, this looks pretty nice. Good job.
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    RAGE: The Thread

    Just putting this out there, even though I was already completely aware of the whole "id" thing.
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    Favorite DLC Weapon

    The Anti-Materiel Rifle was my favourite weapon overall, I used that thing for the longest time I could remember over my main playthrough. On hardcore mode too, so ammo for it weighed a ton! So it's only natural that I took to the fully modded GRA AM Rifle once it was available. Dunno if this...
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    New animations 2

    That Exoskeleton critter is awesome! And nice stuff too, Geras.
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    Tim Cain joins Obsidian Entertainment

    The only reason people buy dumbed down action games is the publishers' large advertising budget (see Fallout 3, any new Call of Duty). It has nothing to do with the actual quality of the game. If enough adverts put the idea that a game is good into a guy's head, he's going to buy it because...
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    Tim Cain joins Obsidian Entertainment
  12. S

    Tim Cain joins Obsidian Entertainment

    Yay Tim Cain! :D
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    Building a First Character for NV

    I don't think the OP meant powergaming builds, Ben.
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Get the hell out of here Denton! In other news, I've been playing The Binding of Isaac, fun little game (heavily inspired by the first Zelda game, in gameplay, dungeon design and interface, but all randomly generated). Someone on Steam gifted it to me for my birthday (which was the 10th, if...
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    Afterfall: Insanity financial woes, trailer, $1 pre-order

    There's no way they will make it to 10mil in time.
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    References in Games (Also Easter Eggs) Good, Bad, How?

    Not quite sure, it really all comes down to the type of game they are in. Fallout 2 had an awful lot of silly shit in it that detracted from the atmosphere/setting quite a bit, it probably would have been better if they toned it down a bit. I feel New Vegas handled it quite well, it had some...
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    The Easter Egg Thread

    Blood and Blood 2 are the best games ever when it comes to the easter eggs thing.
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    Steve Jobs died

    Guess he finally gave in to getting a PC.
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    RAGE: The Thread

    Saw this picture earlier, looks really horrible.