Steve Jobs died

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all

Very young, at 56 years of age.

And what had made investors fearful for ages. I don't know how justified it is, but the impression always was he was the creative driving force for Apple. If you were looking to short Apple stock, you're probably too late.

I'm guessing some people here are going to go on about "genius" and "visionary", like Apple itself. Ok I guess. I'm not going to speak ill of the dead but far as I could see he was just a guy who made incredibly overpriced gadgets and had a hell of a knack for PR. Not exactly a world-changing genius, there.
He was a real trooper, going out in public for as long as he did.

RIP Steve Jobs.
Excellent businessman. Bad way to die. I wasn't a fan of his company nor its products, but he was very successful at his profession.
Didn't expect him to use his iCoffin so soon... :? rest in peace, visionary and genius. You will be missed.
Apple was overpriced at times, but there's no denying the influence they had on the market. Steve Jobs was there at the company's two must successful periods, so he most definitely will be missed by them.

Dammit, between him and Jack Layton two of the public personalities I actually liked died of fucking cancer in one year.
Well, 56 is a bit young these days, but type As like him usually burns faster than others.

I am not the biggest fan of his products, but I do have to bow to his vision. He was certainly the face of the term PC and mouse. All the 3D craze these days were probably influenced in some way by Pixar's success. I hated iMacs, but now I think about it, without it, would we still be using gigantic white towers of doom? Despite its technical merits, the ability for an iMac to attract young girls (or people normally not interested in computers)back then was quite a sight to behold. And without the push of iPod, we might still be fiddling with something like Sony's miniDisc. iPhone also drastically changed the cellphone markets. The fact that it dragged Google into the hardware business is an interesting fact that might be a blessing to Apple later. Apple's competition with MS is probably one of the best things that happened to the tech world. I mean, can you really imagine the world after only MS? :|

RIP, Jobs.

Let's hope that your company and your ideas survive after your passing.
I use to be an Apple user, my work place was full of them, but I now hate Apple and all they stand for, I curse those tools that line up for 2 days in front of the Apple store just to buy the latest toy...but still Steve Jobs was a clever man. R.I.P.
I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did, but good for him, the beat the odds for awhile and I thought he might have pulled through, but Now he's at peace. R.I.P
So he died that same way Dio died? I am not a fan of apple (you could even say I hate apple with the intensity of a million suns, well not really) but poor guy, died too young, and too painfuly.
Not a user of Apple Product, but PC geeks cannot deny the achievement made by him like selling Apple I which is one of the best PC ever built.
Pancreatic cancer sucks my high school auto shop teacher died from that around the same age. RIP Parker "Cash" Clapp.
Jobs dies, wozniak lives. Siskel dies, ebert lives.

it's dangerous to be the skinny guy in a fat/thin couple.

