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  1. S

    French swear words, phrases etc.? NSFW---- hopefully

    I can't tell if you're a jerk or your brother is an idiot. I can understand being confused on some, but you'd think "sac de noix" and "testicule" would sound close enough to English, and identical words like "excrements", "feces", "scrotum", and "anus" would be an absolute tipoff to me.
  2. S

    Fallout 1 and 2: Has anyone here ever got crippled?

    My PC's limbs never got crippled, but my followers would kill their arms and sometimes legs on a surprisingly regular basis.
  3. S

    Fallout 2: Failed to use F2SE to change city enemy status

    This is my first signature here. +1. EDIT: Damn, it's not showing up.
  4. S

    Your favorite protaginist?

    In my game, he was a Made Man of two families in addition to all those.
  5. S

    Fallout and booze

    Beer in Fo1 an Fo2 is useless as a consumable. It bestows no benefit, only detriment. But it works as a weapon: give your enemies-to-be some booze, and watch as they can't hit the side of a barn when the gunfight begins.
  6. S

    I have some qustion about fallout world

    In Fallout 1 and 2, all of the farming areas have a lot of mutant corn.
  7. S

    I'm reading the FO bible, and already found an oddity...

    I don't understand why the FoB is so highly regarded. It's a single person who happened to play a major role in FO1/FO2 talking endlessly about a canon that was never only his creation, as if it was. Is it better than Fo3, though? You bet.
  8. S

    Fallout Haiku

    Behold suited man. Talk to him; he is leader. I am not mutant! Next: Highwayman out of energy.
  9. S

    Fallout Haiku

    Talking to a slut My choice is "bang her or die" Oh crap! Savescum time. Next: Talking Deathclaws.
  10. S

    Which FO critter annoys you most?

    Rats. So weak that once you get pretty much any gun and a SG skill of over 50 you can one-shot 'em. And yet the devs had to put them everywhere, just to suck up time with ridiculously one-sided "combat".
  11. S

    Fallout Haiku

    Oh boy, food! I'm hungry. Let's see what this old lady has. Way, way too much rat.
  12. S

    Are Ghouls zombies?

    If "canon" is based solely off FO1, maybe. But even then, in Necropolis proper, the "scavengers" are shambling, decaying humans who happen to appear in large packs and attack completely unarmed...
  13. S

    Are Ghouls zombies?

    In the beginning, they were supposed to, essentially, be zombies with more intelligence. They're even referred to as such a few times in FO1, I believe. They're still very zombie-inspired, but I think they've always been meant to play a greater role than mooks.
  14. S

    Fallout Haiku

    ... no topic. How about... holodisks? Knowledge lies within Use with your Pip-Boy, and then Read a lot of text Next: Outdoorsman skill
  15. S

    Dogmeat & K-9

    I always wind up with the pooches in my party. Then I usually drop them off in San Francisco, in neat formation, by the entrance.
  16. S

    What is YOUR mafioso nic?

    I always choose "Scarface". And the boxing nickname is "Clubber Lang".
  17. S

    Changing skill-dependent starting items

    I always thought that if they should axe one weapon category, it should be energy weapons. There is a rather sizable difference between how one handles an assault rifle compared to a flamethrower, for example. But all of the energy weapons in Fallout, as different in mechanics as they might be...
  18. S

    Are shots to testicles really funny?

    No. They're sure-as-hell effective, though.
  19. S

    Re: The Source for Cat's Paw #5

    I don't know who the Cheezy Poofs guy is. All I can say is that graphical glitches on my game make him look like a ghoul.