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  1. K

    A Vault Suit Costume?

    I just went to my local Walmart and just bought a few yards of thin and generic yellow fabric, then I cut it to size. For the belt/straps I bought a "leather texture" fabric. All in all, the fabric only cost me around $10. With costumes, it's best to get the general idea down rather than have...
  2. K

    A Vault Suit Costume?

    I made a Vault 13 suit with the armored shoulder piece and belt two years ago. All I used was a blue paintsuit from Lowes and sewn it to fit tighter, using yellow fabric for the stripes and numbers. Some shots here and here.
  3. K

    Have They Fixed Damage Dealt by Guns?

    This seems easily accomplishable. Such as flagging a weapon to not deal damage (or at least 10% of what it normally would do) to certain NPCs with certain armor. I know it must suck if the player doesn't have a weapon in their inventory to defeat a certain enemy, but really, they can run away...
  4. K

    Speculation of locations from Fallout 1

    I read on these forums that the location of Las Vegas can be seen on the Fallout 1 map (though, in Fallout the location is inaccessible) and it got me to wonder if any Fallout 1 locations on the east side might make an appearance. (More specifically, Vault 15, even if completely uneventful.)...
  5. K

    Huh, Las Vegas is a really huge city

    I'd like to think that it doesn't matter much of how everyone nuked the world, just that it was and you now have to live in it. Though, I guess my idea is: what if everyone had thousands and thousands of large nuclear weapons ready to be dropped or launched and right before the war everyone...
  6. K

    Fallout: New Vegas miscellaneous round-up

    Oh, no, that's not what I meant. I meant that if I read a review that a game is mediocre then I would either not buy the game or wait a year or so until it's on a dirt-cheap sale. I meant that if a game is of high quality (opinions from honest reviews) and I wish to support the developers, then...
  7. K

    Fallout: New Vegas miscellaneous round-up

    I don't have faith in any product to buy it before it's released. The last thing I want to listen to is the marketing jargon and believe what marketing wants me to believe about their product. Look at the most recent iPhone, who's fault was that? The consumer or the company? If Steve Jobbs took...
  8. K

    More New Vegas voice actors revealed and giveaway

    I would rather have less generic characters with unique dialogue than more generic characters with the same dialogue. I get the point of doing this: it adds to immersion and feels like it's a living, breathing, and populated world. But once you mentally flag a character as "oh, this is a...
  9. K

    Inside the Vault: Eric Beaumont, also toys

    Eric Beaumont seems like a pretty cool guy. Stories like his give me some more confidence about the industry. John Mallamas does some great work. I like how he takes an idea and puts his own twist on the models, like the power armor here...
  10. K

    how does he get the pipboy?

    Sorry, I meant that they would have to change how the pipboy functioned in relation to the physical controler (gamepad), not how it is to be brought up. Cause the old pipboy was meant to be used with a mouse and keyboard, introducing a gamepad to control that is sort of designing backwards.
  11. K

    how does he get the pipboy?

    The pip boys are passed down from dead to young vault descendants. Does the Pip boy magically "unlock" when a vault dweller dies? Do they have to saw dead vault dwellers' arms off to get to it? I think it was just a dumb excuse to tell the player "Oh, btw, you can't unequipt and lose this."...
  12. K

    Fallout: New Vegas TV ad

    From everything I've gathered, I have learned that I will like this game more than Fallout 3, but for the TV ad... eh, I don't like it. But like Sea said, I'm not the commercial's target audience. It's sort of like the Dragon Age trailers with "This is the new shit!" just showing swords and...
  13. K

    Fallout: New Vegas Developer Diary #2 - Tech/Weapons/Audio

    Bethesda's music design: Outsource it and throw money at it. DONE. :wink:
  14. K

    J.E. Sawyer interview

    "Really it was about not making people work toward the fun. We felt it should feel fun as soon as they get into it." What if I find it fun working toward the fun?
  15. K

    Caravan rules revealed

    Ah, you guys are right, I spoke too soon. (Even the quote at the bottom makes sense) I could scrape the bottom of the barrel and say it's not as rugged as Nicole's! ;) For some reason when I saw the pointy mohawk I first thought "FO3 player customization." As for the art, I appreciate the...
  16. K

    Caravan rules revealed

    I really like the art on the cards... However, the mohawk girl pisses me off, I'm like "Ew, Bethesda."
  17. K

    Robot sex, achievement, shots

    Marcus and APA?? I might end up picking this title up just for the sake of fanboy nostalgia. Btw Lexx, totally loved your APA.
  18. K

    New Vegas Definitive Ending Explanation

    I think when players continue to play after the game's story has finished they tend to get the "uncanny valley" feeling where the player begins to lose immersion once content is noticeably depleted. Even with a Fallout 2 ending, adding fluff and flavor text only goes so far. I'd rather have a...
  19. K

    Fallout: New Vegas screenshots

    I really hate the character's face in the Strip screenshot. Glad he wore his spf10 chapstick before he went out into the wasteland. Other than that, it's not looking so bad.
  20. K

    Hello, old friend

    Working from clay isn't a bad idea at all, it's just another form of the creative process (and a quick medium to work with I might add). Venturing from the 80's into the early 90's, "3D modeling" wasn't as big or as popular. Not to mention the people that know how to use this type of software...