Robot sex, achievement, shots


Vault Senior Citizen
ESRB has got its rating on, warning of the usual use of drugs and violence...and robot sex.<blockquote>there is also an extended sequence suggesting (no depiction) sexual activity with a robot (e.g., "Fisto reporting for duty . . . Please assume the position," "I suppose I should test you out . . . Servos active!" and "Something wrong with someone if they got to f**k a machine.").</blockquote>Also. Some shots! (thanks Lexx)
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And if you're into that sort of thing, I refer you to the achievement/trophy list, over here.
"Fisto reporting for duty . . . Please assume the position"

That... was really unexpected.
It sounds pretty much as the sheep joke from Arcanum and Dragon Age to me.
Not a superfan of this type of humor but it doesn't bother me either.
Marcus and APA?? I might end up picking this title up just for the sake of fanboy nostalgia.

Btw Lexx, totally loved your APA.
I don't like that APA model. It looks very crude, like it's made out of iron, and it should look more high-tech. I think it should have more polished, soft, and smooth looks, plus it needs to be more black. Like it's made of some hi-tech materials (it is), not like it's made out of iron. But this APA could be old and battered.

Anyway, I'm happy to see APA in the game.
This, I agree on. The armor doesn't looks like it is made out of high-tech material.
Lexx said:
This, I agree on. The armor doesn't looks like it is made out of high-tech material.
Eh, it's decent. The brown-ness of it might just be due to wear and tear, but that helmet and shoulder combo is cliptastic.

Also, EGMi posted an issue on Fallout New Vegas. I posted it on the Bethsoft forums so you can see it there. Also on the Bethsoft forums is the achievement list.

Also, we need a news member to move these to new topics.
I see your post on the Bethsoft forum, but I don't see anything new. Just some random posts. (Edit: Now I found that thread with EGMi thingy. Saw it already yesterday or so as well.)

I can't find that @gamer thingy right now, but I saved that rifle dude yesterday.

Lexx said:
I see your post on the Bethsoft forum, but I don't see anything new. Just some random posts. (Edit: Now I found that thread with EGMi thingy. Saw it already yesterday or so as well.)

I can't find that @gamer thingy right now, but I saved that rifle dude yesterday.

I've been looking for that mag for a day or so. Funny, for a magazine that claims to be THE OFFICIAL GAMING MAGAZINE OF BEST BUY, it's got a pretty cool cover.

Also, the EGMi has a pretty badass picture of Raul in it.
Yes, sadly the quality is pretty bad, because of that flash page.

Reconite said:
Oh god that Vaquero Outfit looks ridiculous.

not that i care about it one way or the other...but could you explain why? i don't see anything ridiculous about it. looks pretty standard southwest U.S. fare to me. :shrug:
verevoof said:
So does this mean the Enclave is in the game?

It makes it more likely, but it doesn't have to. The options are:
1. Navarro survivors carried on and ended up near New Vegas.

2. Lots of Enclave troopers were murdalized and their armor scavenged (by the BoS or others).

From a narrative perspective, the 2nd option makes a lot more sense. From a "this is what the franchise is now deal with it dumbass" perspective, it might well be the 1st.
Most likely it is Arcade Gannon's. From the looks of it, as we reveal the past of our companions through their questline, they get gear relating to that past. Raul is a former gunslinger, hence the Vaquero outfit. Gannon is former Enclave, hence the rusted out APA.