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  1. C


    If you watched the games on TV, you'd see that the problem is that the constant buzzing of those vuvuzelas drowns out everything else - I'm not sure if it's the sound mix of the broadcasts or what, but even in the loudest games played anywhere else you don't get that constant-drone effect...
  2. C

    Fallout: New Vegas E3 Trailer

    Those ninjas were Caesar's legion? Awgod.
  3. C

    Mortal Kombat Rebirth?

    I dunno, I kind of like it. It doesn't take itself too seriously. Looks like it'll be an enjoyable flick. (Confirmed by Jeri Ryan (7of9) to be a movie pitch, and not a game trailer, btw)
  4. C

    Fallout: New Vegas Fan Interview Part 1

    So it's an evil looking bee.
  5. C

    Deus Ex Human Revolution trailer released

    What. Let's try that again. Hm... no. Damn, this just isn't working.
  6. C

    Deus Ex Human Revolution trailer released

    Some screenshots:
  7. C

    Deus Ex Human Revolution trailer released

    How sad is it that the only thing that I felt bore any resemblance to the original Deus Ex here were the riot cops? Like Invisible War, this looks to be yet another episode of the Jetsons, with guns.
  8. C

    Alpha Protocol

    What I found very jarring when I saw the video isn't the bad animation, but that there simply isn't any animation when crouching/covering is toggled on and off.
  9. C

    50 Greatest Characters of all time

    Not that I'm an "Xbawks tard", but Gordon Freeman at #1? Even the Vault-Boy has more character than he does...
  10. C

    Fireside Chat: Alpha Protocol reception and New Vegas

    You mean "Obsidian", not "Oblivion", I think.
  11. C

    What if the Enclave was a Social Experiment as well?

    No offense, but the original post sounds like something straight out of the notepad of M. Night Shamalamadingdong. Twist for the sake of a twist?
  12. C

    Good, Neutral, Evil.

    It doesn't get any more boring than forcing yourself to play a particular "path". Just face each situation as an individual case, and do what feels right, regardless of "good" or "evil".
  13. C

    Game demos...a luxury?!

    Sadly, I can see that happening. They will be marketed as add-ons, of course.
  14. C

    MoO on GOG!!!

    I think you need to have another look at the definition of "theft", Arronax. Intellectual property is hardly an idea "hammered into our brains through the media".
  15. C

    Developers' Choice RPG of the Decade

    Grain of salt, man, grain of salt. It's a joke account in case you haven't figured it out yet.
  16. C

    Infinity Wards is dead

    Uh, that's how it works, yes. At any rate, I've never had big troubles with SecuROM. I've had lots of it with Steam.
  17. C

    Developers' Choice RPG of the Decade

    Much like his biblical namesake, Mr. Cain just put a knife through my heart. ... Or tossed a boulder at my head, whatever. At any rate, I tend to agree with that one dev who said Neverwinter Nights: Despite being absolute shit in all aspects (story, graphics, interface...), it was an...
  18. C

    M-16? Now canon?

    Those screenshots were released by Bethesda.