Developers' Choice RPG of the Decade

Ausir said:
Too bad there's no patch-only version of Co8 mod, like with killap's patch vs. restoration project.
Actually the newest version of the mod is more patch-like. Most of the extra content has been cut out and will be re-implemented in a later release, so that it works like an expansion pack rather than a mod.
Todd Howard's #1 Fan said:
fedaykin said:
NiRv4n4 said:
Despite all of its glitches, gameplay issues, and repetitive NPC voices, it really is a great game.
NiRv4n4 said:
So much to experience in that game.
Like what?
NiRv4n4 said:
definitely one of the best and most innovative games of the decade.
What was innovative about it?

1.) Sandbox gameplay, 1950s art direction and music, great atmosphere, fantastic writing, the list goes on...

2.) What's there not to do in FO3? Seriously man have you even played it?

3.) Vats: This mechanic alone brings so much to the plate. Also there has never been a game that addresses player moral decision-making so boldly.

this guys is trolling, no way any person thinks VATS is innovative, even Todd Howard said it was a ripoff of crash time in Burnout or whatever that racing game is called.
Or perhaps bullet time from Max Payne. I prefer that, since you actually get to do something during the slow motion parts.
Khan FurSainty said:
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Todd Howard's #1 Fan said:
1.) Sandbox gameplay, 1950s art direction and music, great atmosphere, fantastic writing, the list goes on...

In Oblivion? Wow! :shock: Kinda original for a fantasy setting.

He was "talking" about F3.
Todd fan replied to my replies to NiRv4n4 who was talking about Oblivion. But this just proves that in the eyes of some Beth fans F3 and Oblivion really are one and the same thing :)
For me the best RPG of the decade is Arcanum...followed closely by Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines! :mrgreen:

btw, i would love to know Leonard Boyarsky's Favorite RPG of the past decade.
maggit said:
Ausir said:
Too bad there's no patch-only version of Co8 mod, like with killap's patch vs. restoration project.
Actually the newest version of the mod is more patch-like. Most of the extra content has been cut out and will be re-implemented in a later release, so that it works like an expansion pack rather than a mod.

That's good to know. Haven't really kept up with Co8 for years now. I'm amazed they're still active, wonder if anyone there still remembers that I founded the site. :)
Ausir said:
That's good to know. Haven't really kept up with Co8 for years now. I'm amazed they're still active, wonder if anyone there still remembers that I founded the site. :)
Yeah, yeah, President Gore, we all know that you invented the internet, you don't need to bring it up every chance you get :P
I'm amazed they're still active, wonder if anyone there still remembers that I founded the site.

Founded then left? Or were you one of those guys kicked out of the team? Not sth to be proud of, lulz :lol:
Believe it or not, Co8 was originally (back before the game was released) going to be a Polish ToEE fansite. I asked Rex Exitium to make the layout for me, and he proposed we start a general ToEE fansite in English too (the Polish version that started the whole thing doesn't even exist anymore).

The fansite wasn't actually a very successful one - other sites were better and more popular. Then, as soon as the game came out, we were the first ones to actually open a modding board, so all the modders suddenly came to our forum and started working on mods. When they made the first version of Co8 patch long before there was any official one, and after we were slashdotted, we had to change hosts thrice. So it became predominately a modding site, and since I was never much of a modder, I kinda lost interest in running the site myself years ago. Looks like I still have admin rights there, though. :)

Some time later Rex tried to change Co8 into a Hellgate: London fansite (wtf?) but the community told him it was a dumb idea, so he eventually started Hellgate Guru instead.
my choice:
arcanum, divine divinity, torchlight, gothic II: die nacht des raben, you see, NO PA RPG for me in last decade...

Astiaks said:
For me the best RPG of the decade is
btw, i would love to know Leonard Boyarsky's Favorite RPG of the past decade.

i'm too... where is this man, guys? any interview?
No A.D.O.M. mentioned in the decade? That's just not right. It is actually the game that re-defined the whole genre of rogue-like RPGs.

As for Herr Cain - I can understand him. Oblivion is not a bad game (although I didn't enjoy for long time due to its dullness and monotony of closing 100+ identical oblivion portals), but it _is_ one of the best sandbox games that the world has ever seen.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
this guys is trolling, no way any person thinks VATS is innovative, even Todd Howard said it was a ripoff of crash time in Burnout or whatever that racing game is called.
I know he's trolling but you're seriously underestimating people's stupidity.
Brother None said:
<blockquote>There were so many good RPG’s released in the last decade </blockquote>id=200]Read on to see what it is[/url]

Fallout 1 release date: 1997
Fallout 2 release date: 1998

As such neither of these are 'last decade' 2000 - 2010

So all those that are 'in shock' etc as to why these were not included need to check their pip-boy's and ensure the chronometer is accurate.
Ausir said:
Believe it or not, Co8 was originally (back before the game was released) going to be a Polish ToEE fansite.

If ToEE had had the user-modability of NWN it would be huge to this day. The OC isn't great, sure, but next to the OC for NWN it's King Lear. And unlike NWN, ToEE is actually attractive to look at and has fun combat.

Okay, I'll stop bashing NWN now. :D
BTW, funny that Co8 is actually still more active than Hellgate Guru, given how Rex tried to make a site about a "dead" game into one about a new and popular one.