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  1. Fallout Guy117

    What kind of architecture do you think fits in Fallout.

    fallout has always looked great, but what kind of architecture do you think would fit in the series?
  2. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Going great, I'm actually going out and about the location in a day or two to collect data at the locations history museum. I want the setting to FEEL like even though it was nuked to shit, there are characteristics, or a personality that still resonates in the wasteland. One of the themes of...
  3. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    One thing that is enjoyable in all Fallout Games is: MUSIC! I've put toghether a list of songs that may give you a hint as to where it takes place. And the main game song,
  4. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Alright, one thing about F4 that I liked was the power armor mods. For example the VATS matrix, or the food scrubber. They felt like natural custom components to a power armor. I'd actually to see a in built weapon in an armor just to see how that would work. What mods would you folks like to see?
  5. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    "Make a good story and confine it to the environment." I like that statement, thanks for the good feedback!
  6. Fallout Guy117

    Am I the only one who sees serious space for new Power Armor?

    I can understand adding a new model of power armor or so, but it has to be rare in the sense of 1 of an kind like feel. The T-60 just felt wide spread. The T-45 thought felt natural because it had probably been in production longer than any other unit.
  7. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    One of the aspects i want to bring back to Fallout is the classic Fallout perk gain that Fallout 1,2,3 and NV had. I feel that this is a more balanced system, and it gives players time to reflect on what they want there character to be. As well as think about what perks would be best to acquire...
  8. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    I like what you are saying, I'll take a look at the metro pipe gunss and see if I can think up of better idea. They would probably be better by using 9mm then since it's a smaller, and weaker caliber.
  9. Fallout Guy117

    Hey there folk, if you haven't checked out "What Makes a Good Fallout Game," go check it out and...

    Hey there folk, if you haven't checked out "What Makes a Good Fallout Game," go check it out and leave some feedback!
  10. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    I agree on the upper tribals using the weapons, but I think I know what was trying to be accomplished. I love the look of F4, some different things could have been better, but I did enjoy it. The pipe rifles wood part was just trying to be the forearm, and sadly ended up looking like the gun...
  11. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Okay, so how about making them more tribal and only raider grade weapons, while also keeping them out of more advanced areas. Maybe more so in outskirts of the wasteland areas than urban. In urban areas, raiders have better guns as well as slightly more advanced armor.
  12. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    From what I've gathered, everyone who likes the original and NV like the ,ore open area dessert like environment. What I propose is something similar to the layout of F4, but with different ratios. ° No more large areas of water like the coast in F4. ° 3/4 open area with a 1/4 city...
  13. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    What did you find wrong about them?
  14. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Alright then, the next matter is weapons. I'm just gonna say this now, PIPE WEAPONS ARE AWSEOME!! They felt so real because they are a logical weapon for a post apocalyptic game. They need to be expanded though. For Example: Pipe Shot Gun Or Arm Rocket Launcher These would fit really well...
  15. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Never be discouraged man, this is why I set up the forum. Your not berating me at all. Your giving me great constructive criticism. This is just a rough draft after all and getting a responses back from people is great. Thank you for your comments!
  16. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    There's probably some legal plagerism protection I can do, I just need to do some research. Plus I would never be that idiotic and just hand it over. Alright I know this is not mutch for a preview but, here's the opening for my Fallout game, enjoy. (Opening by Ron Perlman) "The Atom, once...
  17. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Here's a vid for that whole money typewrighter thing.
  18. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    I really don't care, plus this is a full game script. I know it probably won't get used, but any things possible. Plus if Todd Howard can get a job from Bethesda with only degree in engineering and financial and become a game developer with unrelated credentials, then I have a small window. Plus...
  19. Fallout Guy117

    What Makes A Good Fallout Game?

    Okay, the script so far is coming along nicley, but I have a key question that is a FUNDAMENTAL part of any open world RPG. How many quests, since I'm working this alone, I can do about 200-300 over the course of writing this. What numbers do you think are a base number for RPGs. In my opinion...