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  1. H

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Many thanks, bro !
  2. H

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Hey guys, first i'dl like to thank you all for your hard work and efforts. I have a small problem to report here with regarding a sfall string and it's potential french translation. It seems to be translated in the french.ini but doesn't show up in game : [sfall] SaveInCombat=Tu ne peux pas...
  3. H

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Well that's simple : European languages usually have more letters than English for the same word/string. French Main menu in vanilla version : {9}{}{INTRO} {10}{}{NOUVEAU JEU} {11}{}{CHARGER JEU} {12}{}{CREDITS} {13}{}{QUITTER} With the new fonts i had to change it : {9}{}{INTRO}...
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    FOnline: Ashes of Phoenix OBT announcement & features

    Hey thanks for the screenshots, i think you should get a frontpage with this stuff, this is truly great work. What do you think ?
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    FOnline: Ashes of Phoenix OBT announcement & features

    Thanks Shangalar for the awesome news ! Do you have some screenshots to add ? Since you are in the modding section it would be nice to show some of the incredible work you did on mapping, critters and protos.
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    Killap is right, you can't do this quest with a low-int character. And the dog doesn't show up if you don't start the quest. That's not a bug, that's a feature ^^ I must warn you, with low-int a lot of your classic game content won't be where you usually look for it, especially when it comes...
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    Fallout Online tidbits

    i'm pretty curious about that meta-puzzle too. i don't know mmogs very well, does those kind of things exists in other games ? or is it some crazy dev bs ?
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    Legendary Fallout modder Prosper interviewed

    You are right Lexx and i totally agree with 1), 2) & 3) but despite this obvious benefits, people prefer podcast instead of reading because they can do things while listening to the podcast. Reading on computer screen is.. somehow exhausting when you have huge amount of text. People always...
  9. H

    Legendary Fallout modder Prosper interviewed

    We often do modders' interviews for our french website : - audio only - voice over video Audio only are for our monthy podcast, related to fallout and some other post-apocalyptic content like rage, fonline etc.. Voice over video are for demo videos of the mod. We capture a few minutes of...
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    Old World Blues Qore Footage

    Same Footage, but full HD version, credits goes to Archon. He extracted it from PSN and did some nice hex-edit in order to make it work. This is the last version of his work. Enjoy !
  11. H

    Fallout: New Vegas guide blog - Locations

    Fallout 3 vanilla without add-on had exactly 33 quests recorded on Pipboy, plus some other not recorded, and main quest was divided in multiple entries. Fallout 2 had.. +- 120 quest recorded in Pipboy. Fallout 1 had a little less than that. But it's hard to compare with that kind of...
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    10 minutes of Fallout: New Vegas

    at 6:28, just after Doc Mitchell gives you the pipboy, you can choose, your gender, your skin color and your face, just like in FO3
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    Canard PC Fallout: New Vegas preview

    Damn, i was preparing a very big piece of article with numerous threads from CanardPC and some other from PCJEUX (another french magazine). Especially on this article from CanardPC, there are several quotes that are much more interesting than what's quoted here : (After solving Repconn...
  14. H

    NMA Contest: chance to go hands-on with Fallout: New Vegas

    I want a golden ticket ! I live right next to Calais, and with the Eurostar, i can be in London in 1 hour from France. Should be great to see nma folks there !
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    GameTrailers interviews Chris Avellone

    Hey guys, what does MCA said about the president at the end of "Mining the Past Interview ?" Is there something about a mustache ?
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    GameTrailers interviews Chris Avellone

    In this case, MCA does not articulate very well in some part of his interview, that's why making a transcript could be a very difficult task wthout the (...), especially if you are not native-english speaker. I'm still trying to understand what he said just after "they had a different agenda...
  17. H

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    I know it's a pain to collect all those dialogue files and make it ready for the next release, but if you need any help to do that, don't forget that there are numerous of non-(only)english speakers that would be glad to help you. Again, i have to thank you for all the great work you made on...
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    Is this what you are looking for ? size : 140x117 and a background matching the other "Skilldex" FRMs
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    Looking for French Translators

    Sorry man i was really busy these days, now i'm back and ready to work. I have a bunch of people helping me, and i think the translation will be done before Sunday. Everybody who wanna help for the french translation can do it here I keep you informed via MP. Take care
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    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #88

    => That means : "it just rocks" i know this sound weird but we, frenchies, do have many expressions like that : "to take his foot" = "having a great time"