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  1. Zyax

    Fallout 76

    This thread is pure gold.
  2. Zyax

    Fallout 76: E3 Trailer

    Don't mind me, just enjoying the show :lol:
  3. Zyax

    What Pisses You Off?

    General fanboyism really makes one enjoy a franchise a little less, but overall: F1: Really I guess it was a little short but I didn't really think anything was worthy of being angry over F2: For the love of god the references every 5 seconds really started to annoy. I almost had to stop...
  4. Zyax

    As of yesterday Fallout 4 got DLC's or microtransactions

    If they make a good game that I want to play is published by them then yes. I have yet to see an effective boycott of a publisher work (that wasn't over something that was obviously, horrendously idiotic).
  5. Zyax

    Are Fallout 4 DLC's worth it?.

    Really depends on whether or not you liked the game, and at that what aspects. Personally I feel that Far Harbor is worth it as an expansion that is arguably better than the base game, Nuka World is a fun little jaunt that has some neat hub areas, and Automatron is pretty good, if not a bit...
  6. Zyax

    New Vegas in Fallout 4. From Goodsprings to Primm (NO LOD)

    You need to remember where you are, of course some will just want to complain about 4 around here. That said in full context as I understand it the creator wants to do an inspired by NV type thing, and not fully make NV again.
  7. Zyax

    Is Vault Boy worse on Fallout 4?

    Some of them look better, some look worse, and some are the exact same. The only real difference is the fact that the Vault Boy is more featured in 4 so you tend to notice it more.
  8. Zyax

    Pillars of the Community

    I apologize for assuming that you knew this based on language. The phrase "pillar of the community" generally means something that figuratively "props up" a community or place. For example: Say there is a small town and many poor people live there, there could be a locally owned grocery store...
  9. Zyax

    Pillars of the Community

    I mean you must be aware that the phrase "Pillar of the community" right? I mean really that's some serious mental gymnastics at work.
  10. Zyax

    Favorite Companion in Fallout 4?

    I mean I just don't like X6 on principal, because he's an ass and blindly devoted. Strong is just..... inconsistent with his likes and dislikes and he just makes me uncomfortable.
  11. Zyax

    Favorite Companion in Fallout 4?

    Gotta go with Nick, but I basically like all of them, except Strong and X6-88.
  12. Zyax

    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    I mean insulting people does make you look like a child, but you sure showed them!
  13. Zyax

    Today is 1 year since Fallout 4 has been released for sale and I still didn't purchase it

    See now THAT'S more like it right there. This is the improvement I'm looking for.
  14. Zyax

    Today is 1 year since Fallout 4 has been released for sale and I still didn't purchase it

    I know you're shitposting, but at least be real about it. There's an art to it.
  15. Zyax

    Fallout 4: What it didn't need and what it needed.

    I see where you're coming from, but I think it's somewhat realistic, as most of the time our perceptions of groups are clouded by biases we have for one reason or another.
  16. Zyax

    Fallout 4: What it didn't need and what it needed.

    I mean he's literally been in 1, 2, 3, and 4, if anything they should start changing the name just to make the joke about the fact that there's a Dogmeat in every game. Like you heal an injured wolf and his name becomes Wolfmeat.
  17. Zyax

    The voice acting is intentionally bad

    Projection is unhealthy.
  18. Zyax

    Who else here LIKED Fallout 4?

    Oh that's right. I was thinking of Vault 75