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  1. Sorrow

    GURPS Fallout video - Colt Rifle?

    So, I was watching the GURPS Fallout promo and I saw an interesting thing. Namely, in higher res (480p), it's visible that the Assault Rifle is probably named "Colt Rifle" and the damage is 7d (in contrast, Desert Eagle has damage of 3d just like in...
  2. Sorrow

    Raider Kiddies

    So, I'm playing Wasteland now and it reminded me about how kiddies were handled in Fallout1 - according to Fo Bible, raiders in game world have kiddies but they weren't shown because they could get childkilled. I had some encounters where kids actually were trying to kill me in the Wasteland...
  3. Sorrow

    Wasteland is moddable

    I was looking for modding information about Wasteland and I have finally found a site with modding tools and modding information. The tools are available here. Finally, I'll be able to play without seeing a random encounter every 10 seconds :D .
  4. Sorrow

    Kneel before Todd!

    And read about his top 10 games :D . Guess which game doesn't belong to his favourites :D ?
  5. Sorrow

    Fallout 1 scripting - spawning critters and and their items.

    How does it work? For example spawning Kenji in Junktown and Blades in laadytum?
  6. Sorrow

    Dead Critters

    How do I place them on map in the Interplay Mapper?
  7. Sorrow

    How do I create new weapon graphics?

    As in the title.
  8. Sorrow

    HP per level in F1

    Is there any way to prevent their increase?
  9. Sorrow

    Killing Children is Wrong

    Hello, I'm Ed the Raider and I'm a good and decent person. Morality is very important to me. That's why I never kill children. Killing children is wrong. I'm very careful to not do wrong things. For example, I visited Shady Sands a few days ago. I liked Seth's rifle so I shot him in the...
  10. Sorrow

    Fixing the Master's plan...

    So, the Master has a great plan of changing humanity. Then a VD guy comes and tells him that mutants are sterile and the Master kills himself. Could he have done something different? IMO the solution is hidden in the name of his human followers - Children of The Cathedral. I wonder why he...
  11. Sorrow

    Editing Fallout maps with Official F2 Mapper

    One of the biggest problems with modding Fallout is lack of proper mapper. Dimms Mapper is unfinished and lacks many necessary functions. I'll post my experiences with the official mapper. 1. I extracted Fallout .Dat files into Datax folder in Fallout2 folder. 2. I made following the...
  12. Sorrow

    Problem with creatures.

    When I'm decreasing amount of HP of creatures, game crashes when I try to examine them in game. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
  13. Sorrow

    Fallout 1 Scripting Tutorials?

    Do any F1 scripting tutorials/tools exist? All tutorials that I've seen are for F2.
  14. Sorrow

    Mentally challenged gods?

    Baldur's Gate? Was it that game where a cretin and a genius got the same dialogues, all which were written for someone with intelligence of 8?
  15. Sorrow

    Costs of developing Wasteland

    So, does anyone know what were the costs of developing Wasteland? Or Fallout, while we are at it?
  16. Sorrow

    So I watched the Lilya 4-Ever a moment ago...

    It was an interesting experience - like watching some kind of curious insect. The movie was pretty amusing and sometimes a bit sad. It is set in some post-apocalyptic country. Rape scenes sucked and were rather silly due to the fact that they skipped the whole business - on the other hand...
  17. Sorrow

    So I watched the Transformers three days ago...

    And it seems that raping franchises is wildly popular nowadays. I mean, the special effects were amazing, stunning, mind blowing, etc. but the movie had nothing to do with original Transformers - the plot is different, for some weird reasons Transformers didn't come to Earth on the Ark...
  18. Sorrow

    Dominionist Christians trying to take over the US Military??

    link So, I've read some articles on that site and it really got me scared. It seems that a group of Christian extremists that want Bible to become an an American law and have no respect for secular laws like constitution and think of believers other faiths, even other versions of Christianity...
  19. Sorrow

    Freeware games about murdering people.

    I'm in a bad mood. Could someone recommend me a good freeware game about murdering people :) ?
  20. Sorrow

    So, my mother bought a new HP PC.

    And I'm installing software on it. The first thing I have to do is to install Win XP. Sadly, a total moron that created that system thinks that it's a great idea to have the user instert the Win XP install CD and then confirm validate the stupid system by inserting a stupid Restore Something...