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  1. J

    VC Turret tweak

    This is a teeny little tweak mod to make the Vault City turrets from the RP look more 'mechanical' in their animation: ... Here's the files:
  2. J

    64 bit compiling

    I'm unable to compile scripts (through FSE) because i recently upgraded to a 64 OS (Win 7). Is there a 64 bit version of DOS4GW? Or some other solution? Thanks guys.
  3. J

    Less ammo mod

    Hey guys. Is there a mod for NV that greatly reduces the amount of ammo available - both from vendors and found as loot?
  4. J

    Lonesome road worst DLC?

    SO i just finished Lonesome Road and boy, what a relief. I liked the high road and the, rightly famous 'deathclaw dropping on the bus roof', but my god, the writing! Did anyone else find the writing total crap? I got totally sick of Ulysees inane ramblings after only the 2nd recording! I...
  5. J

    Armor and DR

    Ok, having trawled the net i can't find a conclusive answer to this question: Does any armor in NV have DR? The armors statistics do, sometimes, show a DR value, but i read DR was cut from NV and DT determines armor effectiveness. Also the wiki makes no mention of any armor having DR.
  6. J

    NV voice acting.

    I know this has been said before, and I hear FO3 is much worse, but i have to say: the 5 different voice actors they use to voice the 100's or even 1000's characters in NV is RIDICULOUS!! I'm new to FO3/NV and this was one of the first flaws that struck me and has only got worse as i explore...
  7. J

    Game difficulty and companions.

    Very Hard difficulty does make the combat pretty vicious in my experience. Enemies do 200% damage and I do 50% damage or so i read. However, this doesn't seem to affect followers at all, which is quite annoying as it means Veronica, ED-E, Boone etc are damage tanks and killing machines while i...
  8. J

    New Vegas Ironman

    Ok, i'll admit it - i'm a bit of a masochist. I like to play my Fallout games 'Ironman'. This means, when I die - i'm dead. That's it. Restart. From the beginning. But I find the payoff is worth it. Real immersion in the game where you have to be VERY, very careful about your tactical choices...
  9. J

    Karma from killing

    Having realised that robbers, highwaymen etc give the player approx +5 karma each when killed, I now realise why it's so hard to make an evil character (i.e negative karma) For every evil quest's negative karma gain, it's pretty much immediately cancelled out (and some) by the endless hordes...
  10. J

    Weapon Jamming

    So here's an idea i've had on my drawing board for ages, and i thought i'd throw it out there to see if anyone (especially sfall global script experts ;)) can think of a way it could be done fairly simply: When a ranged weapon is fired, there is a % chance of it jamming. Jammed weapons...
  11. J

    Making the car break down

    Here's a simple thing i want to do: When the player goes to use the car, have a random chance it will not start, minus the players repair skill. Then have the player make a repair check to get it going again. Simple as that. Here's the appropriate part of the car script: procedure...
  12. J

    Editing Headers

    Well, i searched for a while but couldn't find an answer to this probably simple questions: How do i edit the headers? Should i use the mapper headers and then put them somewhere in the Fallout folder? Specifically, i want to mess with the lighting defines in 'UPDATMAP.h'
  13. J

    Destroy script

    My goal is: To have a spear that destroys itself upon a sucessfull hit. Here's my script in the combat_p_proc of obj_dude: if (obj_pid(critter_inven_obj(dude_obj,INVEN_TYPE_LEFT_HAND)) == PID_SPEAR) or (obj_pid(critter_inven_obj(dude_obj,INVEN_TYPE_RIGHT_HAND)) == PID_SPEAR) and...
  14. J

    'Error loading cities'

    2 Questions please folks: 1) I get the error message "wmareainit: error loading cities" when i try to start the Mapper. I have the basic patch, and RP 2.0 installed. It's a common problem i've had many times, and have just re-installed FO2 to solve it, but now i need to ask if someone can...
  15. J

    Weapon drop mod

    MIB88 and i have put together a simple little script that, essentially, makes a critter drop their weapon on the ground when killed. While it sounds simple, the gamplay effects of this little change are quite profound. Im sure we all know how weapons lying around on the ground can change the...
  16. J

    Long Hair Dude

    Ok, i'm starting a new thread for this mod which has been in the works for a while now. For anyone who doesn't know, x'il and I are making a complete new hero critter set that has the long-haired 'Ian' head. It's alot of simple, repetetive work but will, in our opinion, add something really...
  17. J

    Brahmin humping!?

    I found this in critter.dat with the AU suffix: Is it the fabled brahmin humping animation?!? Any ideas? :mrgreen:
  18. J

    Sawn-off and pistol burst

    Ok folks, here's 2 suggestions: 1) I'm a big fan of the old sawn-off and personally believe it should the trusty sidearm of any good post-apoc warrior (aka 'the road warrior' ;)) It also says in the description it has a spread shot and is a crowd-control weapon. As it is it's a about as good...
  19. J

    Assigning scripts to drugs

    Does anyone know if it's possible to make drugs follow a script? I've experimented a little, and you can assign the script to the drug, but all drug items seem to be pre-set to be flagged as 'use on' only. This seems to screw up any use_item procs in the script and prevent them from...
  20. J

    Modifying the THC on body parts

    Timeslip in all his/her wizardry has made it possible to modify the to-hit-chance on body locations in FO2. *gets down on knees and praises Timeslip* Needless to say, messing with any of these figures would dramatically change the game difficulty. I've long been thinking of a little mod...