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  1. Crni Vuk


    I always wanted to do this but I always missed the post. Not this time I said. So here it is. My 50.000 post. Dedicated to you. Yes. YOU. Him. Her. Everyone. All of NMA (and it's sub-forums). Hope it makes you feel better. Love you peeps. (most of the time).
  2. Crni Vuk

    Unconventional Meat

    As I was bored it kinda hit me, what would certain meat actually taste like? Demons for example. Like in Doom. Would Hell Barons have a taste similar to beef? Pinky Demons to pigs? Imps to chickens? Or Pokemons? Xenomorphs? Spicy I guess. Very accidic.
  3. Crni Vuk

    Fallout: London - Official Reveal Trailer - Fallout 4 Modification

    Would have put this in as a sort of news but I forgot only a few very priviliged people can post there. Anyway. Just saw this on Youtube and I thought why not share here : Seems to be a mod set in well you guessed it. London. Based on Fallout 4. Good? Bad? It's the first time I hear about it...
  4. Crni Vuk

    Texas LARPING Frozen.

    Matthew Dowd warns not to ‘forget what you’ve been lied to about’ ( GOP politicians in Texas push ‘survival of the fittest’ during power outages, snow storms, pandemic ( Looks like the shit has hit the fan. And it's not green energy or fossil fuel or some politics here...
  5. Crni Vuk

    Another Bail out.

    Should large corporations which have made huge profits over the last 10 years get another bail out, like 2008 but even with less strings attached in how to use the money? It is fair to talk about government support (so much for free markets I guess ...) to companies with a large work force...
  6. Crni Vuk

    2020 - Will you survive the Apocalypse?

    - Pandemic - Giant volcano eruption. - Radiation Forrest Fire - Megadrought equal to the worst to have hit the western US in recorded history expected by scientists - Alien Invasion? - ... Seriously. Who did not share that chain letter on Facebook 10 years ago?
  7. Crni Vuk

    UBI - Universal Basic Income

    Maybe it's time for it now? It doesn't seems like this Coronavirus thing is going to end that soon and many people will be forced to stay home, either not to infect someone or to be infected. And if it means that 20-30% of the population is out of the work force and they are not very likely to...
  8. Crni Vuk

    Fallout First - A new way to displease customers?

    So I havn't seen someone commenting on this. It seems many thought Fallout 76 for one or the other reason would become at some point a Free2play game. But apparently that's not what Bethesda under Todd Howard has in plan. From what it seems they want to make a new kind of subscription model for...
  9. Crni Vuk

    Product Placement in Video Games.

    So I watched a few videos of people playing the post apocalyptic game Death Stranding and one of the things that immediately jumped at me was the use of "Monster Energy Drinks" in Kojimas game. Apparently stamina and stamina management is an important part of the game while you navigate trough...
  10. Crni Vuk

    We are insignificant.

    I don't get it. When you look at space and it's approximately 13 billion year old age, the vast distances and the incredible number of stars in the observable part of the universe and the high probability of even more stars existing beyond that barer - the observable part is not necessarily the...
  11. Crni Vuk

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    So, it seems more and more likely that this might lead to the impeachment of Donald Trump. Actually pretty surprising how quick everything escalated. But the more information is available the more likely does it seem that many people have been involved in this corruption. Maybe even Mike Pence...
  12. Crni Vuk

    Best Gaming Trailers

    So what do you think is a really good trailer/promo for a game? I personally always liked this one : And pretty much anything with Warhammer, but this one in particular :
  13. Crni Vuk

    Boris what ya doing?

    We Germans have this expression which was made for such cases : Geh mit Gott, aber geh! It's used to indicate that a loss is welcome. Boris Johnson : To save democracy we had to destroy it.
  14. Crni Vuk

    This is pure gold!

    The glorious 50s!
  15. Crni Vuk

    Climate Change is not real!

    Record for the highest ever measured temperatures in Germany since the start of measuring temperatures in 1800 or so, has been breached like 3 times in the past 1 or 2 days. Climate change is not real guys. We and we have nothing to worry about. Just a reminder.
  16. Crni Vuk

    Philadeplphia exploded!

    Damn. That's pretty huge. 5 people injured - or so I have read. Kinda reminds me to Albania, when some factory/debot for ammunition exploded in the city. Apparently due to lax safety standards. Famous last words: "Should we really smoke around here?"
  17. Crni Vuk

    Robots, will they make our life easier?

    So, is it going to make our lifes easier or not? I guess in many cases this will be true in others false. Yay! Binary! No seriously, there can be no doubt that technology does make our lives easier and more comfortable. So obviously there will be many situations where robots in the workplace...
  18. Crni Vuk

    Game of Thrones - The night dark and full of spoilers.

    What the hell have I just watched. The last episode of the last season is done and it's finished. But that pretty much was my reaction. This is not adressed at people that genuiely liked this season or are happy with how everything ended, more power to you, seriously go and enjoy it. That's...
  19. Crni Vuk

    Fuck Notre Dame. Seriously.

    This kind of stuff, really gets the cynic out of me. I love history, I love old structures and it's terrible when they are destroyed regardless why. But how long has it been now? 2 Days? And there have been 1 Billion Euros donated to restore it and If I understood this correctly most of the...