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  1. D

    Fallout Haiku

    Like my fancy drug? It's just tons of brahmin shit for the Mordinos. Next: Doc Morbid's basement.
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    Dev Vision Statement

    Thanks for the video; i missed that 2 years ago. Great talk. also i very nearly shat myself when he played the Interplay jingle
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    The Official Fallout JRPG Demake

    I sense a profound lack of walkthroughs in your posts, gentlemen!
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    The Official Fallout JRPG Demake

    I can actually understand some of the Japanese, but no matter what I do nothing ever seems to happen, every location just reboots whenever I choose any action. Is there like a guide for this or something?
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    Translation Time!

    "Fuck Bethsoft in the ear with a buttered corn cob" ...54 translations later we get: "Look at the opening and cleaning the cream" Hooooo, a hundred kinds of no. "Fuck" ...54 translations later we get: "You are rude" Sorry...
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    Star Trek 11 or just plain 'Star Trek'

    So I see the Onion report was completely true. What a bummer. I want my heavy-handed messages about tolerance! :cry: Also, [spoiler:f8d22847d2]REAL spoilers what the heck was Pike's role? I just don't get it. He gets abducted and has the brain bug implanted (success is...
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    What did you get for Christmas?

    I got an iron, a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle, some socks and boxers, a dead grandma, and an umbrella.
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    You talking to me? That would be Dennou Coil. It's a kids' show really, but it's slightly phenomenal. Best anime of 2007 in my humble opinion (ha, let the flame wars begin).
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    Ghost in the Shell (mainly for sentimental value though) MONSTER Nausicaä Infinite Ryvius Wings of Honneamise Kumo no mukou, yakusoku no basho Boogiepop Phantom Seikai no monshou Azumanga Daioh Dennou Coil Cowboy Bebop Otogizoushi Mushishi Piano no mori Grave of the Fireflies...
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    Pic of the day

    Yeah, but still... from the outside? So they can hack away at the planks and you actually hope they do because you'll never get out otherwise? Oh, I forgot, it's stuck on with Wonderglue... MUTATED BY THE RADIYAYYYYSHAWWWN. Well then. I know I named my character "Jimmy Hatt", but...
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    Your Favorite Non-Player Character (is there any?) /spoilers

    That's exactly what I was thinking. Other than that, hmph. President Eden has magnificent acting IMO, and his speeches are good, but that dialogue was the most anticlimactic thing in the whole game (it really left me wondering if he was the big bad). I also liked that whassisname in Big...
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    A question on the Commonwealth

    Um. The US in Fallout is divided into 13 Commonwealths rather than 50 states. Hence also the different flag. Not to mention it could be any kind of post-war organisation called "the Commonwealth". By the way, I...
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    Pic of the day

    Here's a little more from me... More "clipcorpse" madness: [spoiler:674688351a][/spoiler:674688351a] Where's he putting that hand? ...And that head? [spoiler:674688351a][/spoiler:674688351a] Bow before the Mechanist! I thought I'd use the suit to taunt the AntAgonizer, but...
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    Thanksgiving: Count your blessings about FO3

    * Fallout 3 has by far the largest city location of any Fallout game. * Fallout 3 introduces new exciting East Coast factions and powers, such as the Commonwealth, the Railroad, or the Talon Company. * Fallout 3 allows players to roam the land freely and discover dungeons on their own...
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    [Brainstorm] Fallout 3 Ending Mod

    You know, the small town problem is aggravated by the overworld exploration thing. The freedom of movement is nice and all, but the towns are non-negotiably small as a consequence. Whereas in FO1/2, it could be (and was) reasonably claimed that the game only showed you PARTS of cities, which...
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    Pic of the day

    Hello, kids, and welcome to Uncle Slamák's Panorama of Gaffes and Oddities. Have fun! [spoiler:4b6f761075][/spoiler:4b6f761075] Yes, that's his other arm in the wall. [spoiler:4b6f761075][/spoiler:4b6f761075] Another terrible vista of the same. And now, a friendly message to...
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    99 Awesome screenshots from the Wasteland

    I believe you can actually adjust the fish-eyedness at startup. Or at least that's what I imagine when I see the words "angular distortion". Haven't tried mucking with it and don't normally play FPS games.
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    Pic of the day

    Well, she is the Elder's (grand?)daughter. A little nepotism in the army never killed anyone, right?
  19. D

    99 Awesome screenshots from the Wasteland

    I thought I'd finally have some privacy when I left the Vault, but nooo... VDSG Tip #2134: Due to persistent background radiation in the wasteland, you may encounter outlandish mutations. Try not to photograph them when the subjects can see you.