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  1. J

    Old World Blues trailer

    Some people seem to dislike the fact that New Vegas' post-apocalyptic desert environment features washed-out, dreary, muddy colors. I've seen similar sentiments posted on other forums. I personally consider washed-out, dreary, muddy colors to be a perfect fit for the game's setting; I don't...
  2. J

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

    Yeah, I've gotten random scenery items in my inventory at Primitive Village, too. Happened to me after the fake stimpak quest.
  3. J

    New Vegas outgunning 3 in preorders; Fallout 3 sales

    SIGH. I'll only say this: If Bethesda Softworks had any half-decent competitors — other than BioWare, which didn't release any RPGs during 2006 (Oblivion) or 2008 (Fallout 3) — they'd be winning a lot fewer awards. In my opinion, gamers are so friggin' starved for halfway-decent western...
  4. J

    Behind the Scenes: The Many Voices of New Vegas

    I agree. The real giveaway is that the characters' postures and suggested movement seem fairly fluid and natural. If that were an in-engine screen shot, they'd all look like cloned, ramrod-stiff mannequins having an epileptic seizure. (I'm exaggerating a bit, but still....) On the other...
  5. J

    Did you "screwed up" on your first playthrough?

    Man, I don't even remember my first playthrough. There have been so many — at least a dozen complete playthroughs per game over the past 12-13 years. Currently I'm doing something I've never done before: playing as an Energy Weapons sniper, with Energy Weapons being the only combat skill I...
  6. J

    Fallout 2 mod Party Orders add-on and NPCs Loot Bodies mod

    I don't know the first thing about compiling scripts (computer programming et al isn't really my shtick), but I'm a sharp fellow and can probably figure it out. I'll head over to The Vault and/or Vault-Tec Labs to find a starting point. I'm beginning to realize that since I still play and...
  7. J

    Hello, old friend

    Well, I must admit I'm fairly ignorant of the exact tools and applications used by today's professional 3D modelers and artists. As I mentioned earlier, if Bethesda were developing pre-rendered talking heads, I think they'd probably do an excellent job of it. However, they (and Obsidian) are...
  8. J

    Fallout 2 mod Party Orders add-on and NPCs Loot Bodies mod

    Regarding the NPC orders mod, would it be possible to place NPC names at the beginning of floating text in single-NPC parties, rather than at the end, so that the orders can be grammatically correct (i.e., end in a period)? Let me show you what I mean: Original ; Heal yourself (12xx)...
  9. J

    Hello, old friend

    Most of them were. I'd say all of them, but I've heard (unsubstantiated) rumors that alternative methods were used in some cases. Once sculpted, the clay models were then marked, laser-traced and scanned into a computer, skinned, detailed, and animated. The real issue is that Bethesda's...
  10. J

    Yet Another Ammo Mod (YAAM) Feedback Thread

    Yes, and it has nothing to do with YAAM per se, because YAAM doesn't change the Damage Mod for 4.7mm caseless ammo. 4.7mm caseless has a Damage Mod of 3/2, which means that the base damage against unarmored targets is actually: 13 * 1.5 = 19 (rounded down) 23 * 1.5 = 34 (rounded down)...
  11. J

    Hello, old friend

    I knew who it was immediately the moment I set eyes on the screenshot, so I don't think your statement is entirely accurate. If nothing else, the goggles and shoulder armor give it away (as you say), but the face is pretty close, too.
  12. J

    Hello, old friend

    It's a generalization, yes, but only because I can't/won't list every single category of new-school gamer. It gets the point across: If we bitter, hardcore, old-school fans were still the primary target audience, Bethesda's butchery of the franchise wouldn't have flown. I've mostly been a...
  13. J

    Hello, old friend

    It's not really fair to compare the details of a pre-rendered talking head originally sculpted from clay to a three-dimensional character created from a wire mesh skeleton and textures. Considering what they're forced to work with, Obsidian has done a good job, and I for one prefer to give...
  14. J

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

    To be fair, no computer game to date has implemented a balanced and/or even remotely realistic theft system — not even the Thief games, although they come pretty close, since the entire game revolves around committing theft. As far as perfectionism... I'm a perfectionist myself, but in my...
  15. J

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

    Well, the problem I see with that solution is that it's specifically designed to punish people who save and load the game in order to steal or plant items with a low skill level. What's the point? If people want to exploit as they play, let them. Adding a deterrent will only annoy them, and...
  16. J

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

    For all intents and purposes, the Steal system in Fallout 2 is completely broken and unsalvageable as-is. The consequences for being caught — just once — are ridiculous. An entire map or even several maps full of NPCs can turn hostile on you. Meanwhile, you can loot dozens of containers in...
  17. J

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    Oh, in addition, the pit boss in the Shark will speak to the PC as though you've already won the old man's slot machine jackpot, even if you haven't done so yet. I can get a save file for that and put it on the bugfix wiki later today.
  18. J

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    Just a small note (fresh Humongous install, RP 2.1.1 Windows installer, XP SP3, no other mods): The dialogue for nomad random encounters needs a bit of cleaning up. For example, when the shaman offers to turn broc flowers and xander roots into healing powder, he quotes a price that's missing the...
  19. J

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    I don't use Photoshop to actually create animations; for that I use JASC Animation Shop. I only use Photoshop for creating bordered Fallouty floating text from scratch. I'll still check out Titanium, though, as it may be better. Thanks for pointing me to that thread! Most of the FRM2XXX-type...
  20. J

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hello. Obviously I'm not new, but I've always been a lurker at NMA and have been inactive for several years, so I might as well be. I started playing Fallout in 1997, started playing Fallout 2 in 1998, and have played each of them more than a dozen times since then. I've returned to NMA...