Behind the Scenes: The Many Voices of New Vegas


this can't be in game, it's impossible.
Probably a piece of concept art most likely. No way that is ingame running on the Gamebryo engine.
Gaddes said:
Probably a piece of concept art most likely. No way that is ingame running on the Gamebryo engine.

I agree.

The real giveaway is that the characters' postures and suggested movement seem fairly fluid and natural. If that were an in-engine screen shot, they'd all look like cloned, ramrod-stiff mannequins having an epileptic seizure. (I'm exaggerating a bit, but still....)

On the other hand, perhaps Obsidian has worked a miracle.
"I should confess, I am a very big Star Trek fan. If it were up to me, this entire cast would be comprised of not just Star Trek, but Deep Space Nine characters. "

I question how someone who is such a big fan of the series would refer to "Star Trek" and "Deep Space 9". When you are talking about Star Trek in general you say Star Trek, but when you are talking about the various series within Star Trek you refer to "The Next Generation", "the Original Series", "Deep Space 9", etc.
I honestly don't mind that they've hired Matthew Perry, any professional actor is better than one of Bethesda's voice actors.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
Well, if it does turn out to be an in-game screenshot, maybe Obsidian have managed to put shadows in.
Diospyros said:
"I should confess, I am a very big Star Trek fan. If it were up to me, this entire cast would be comprised of not just Star Trek, but Deep Space Nine characters. "

I question how someone who is such a big fan of the series would refer to "Star Trek" and "Deep Space 9". When you are talking about Star Trek in general you say Star Trek, but when you are talking about the various series within Star Trek you refer to "The Next Generation", "the Original Series", "Deep Space 9", etc.

Since when? I'm a big fan of Star Trek too, specifically DS9. Let's not start criticising people speaking with clarity. If anything, it shows taste, because DS9 was considerably better than all the other series.
It's part of the introductory cutscene. Benny's screenshot is like that too because [spoiler:832ca15300]he shoots the main character[/spoiler:832ca15300].
[spoiler:110a42e262]So I was right, Benny is the guy who shoots the player at the start of the game.[/spoiler:110a42e262]
[spoiler:090c595863]So it is most likely a part of the intro, which is pre-rendered, like Sawyer said in the Bethesda forum.[/spoiler:090c595863]
Diospyros said:
"I should confess, I am a very big Star Trek fan. If it were up to me, this entire cast would be comprised of not just Star Trek, but Deep Space Nine characters. "

I question how someone who is such a big fan of the series would refer to "Star Trek" and "Deep Space 9". When you are talking about Star Trek in general you say Star Trek, but when you are talking about the various series within Star Trek you refer to "The Next Generation", "the Original Series", "Deep Space 9", etc.

Set theory time! Thats precisely what he's reffering to. "DS9 Actors" is the set of actors from Avery Brooks to Rene Auberjonois. "Star Trek actors" is the set of actors who appeared in Star Trek- from William Shatner to Connor Trineer. Hence, "DS9 actors" is a subset of "Star Trek actors", as all "DS9 Actors" were also "Star Trek actors".

So what he's saying is if it were up to him, he wouldn't just be casting "Star Trek actors", he'd be casting just "DS9 Actors".

To be fair- DS9 didn't start well. But it's last three years were Trek at it's finest.
Like I wrote above, I'd say it's a pre-rendered scene from a video, just like the Benny-shot is pre-rendered. (the light-style looks very similar.)
Lexx said:
mor said:
btw does FOLV is fully voice acted? i mean will my answers, even as simple as yes, no, let me see what you got(shop) count as lines?

good :D what about the second part do they pushing line count, counting the same line for male/female player as two?
Jesus, this thing sounds better and better every day. Too bad I live in Finland, I gotta wait a lot longer than 18th of October :/ At least that's what I'm guessing.
no matter how good this game will be this time i intend to wait at least half a year before playing it, until the mods will role out...