Old World Blues trailer

Walpknut said:
I think eh is Mobious, the HAMMMY NARRATOR!! mentions "Mobious" by name in the Trailer, I wonder, is the Narrator a abd guy, was he braging abotu how imrpesive his atomic machines were to the Courier, or is he worried because the COurier will have a hard time accomplishing whatever task he needs him to do? well eh sasy "Saves all in the name of SCIENCE!" at teh end so maybe he is a good guy?
Nah, the narrator is Dr. Klein, head of the Big MT research team. Mobius is the one in the Think Tank with a broken eye screen and is the antagonist.

Also, on the Bethesda forums, Jason Bergman said that the Toaster gets it's own ending slide. One can only wonder what it will do.
generalissimofurioso said:
I hope there are larger atomic versions of the weapons we get our hands on.


The narrator mentions about how you won't be needing your skin. So I'm assuming that they won't be just taking away your brain...
Which would be very silly, even for a lulzy Fallout. But yeah, I am pretty much assuming the skeleton in the trailer has been the player character.
Lexx said:
Which would be very silly, even for a lulzy Fallout. But yeah, I am pretty much assuming the skeleton in the trailer has been the player character.

Why stop there if the rest of it is already on the side of inanity.
I don't think so, or else you would be stuck wearing that spacesuit.
Then again it would be, dare I say, funny.
Maybe it's some sort of X-ray suit that makes it look like you're a skeleton? This is pretty 50's B movie-ish.
Maybe is gonna be an enemy and not the player? maybe a wild wasteland thing? maybe it is a secondary effect of the brain removal and you are halucinating?
Old World Blues is already up on steam, weird, consdierign there are no Achievements for soem reason.
TwinkieGorilla said:
shihonage said:
FO:NV mostly recycled assets from FO3, resulting in the same monochrome look.

Yes, but they already made a concerted effort to change the environment back to real colors from "cyan-green-nightmare!" so I don't quite see your complaint as...er...senseful, I guess. I can't bring up anything in my mind where I thought "Oh, these environmental color schemes need to be replaced." So...yeah. :?

Some people seem to dislike the fact that New Vegas' post-apocalyptic desert environment features washed-out, dreary, muddy colors. I've seen similar sentiments posted on other forums. I personally consider washed-out, dreary, muddy colors to be a perfect fit for the game's setting; I don't really understand what all the fuss is about.

The general landscape comprises faded reds, muted oranges, shady browns and sandy tans. There are pale and dusty greens, whitish yellows, and dark browns for vegetation. Add in smatterings of dirty gray (wood, etc.), dark rust, splotchy grayish whites, and off-black (tires, cars, etc.), and there you have it.

I'm not quite sure what could have been done differently. I strongly suspect the lack of proper shadows in the Gamebryo engine has a lot to do with it. Without shadows, everything kind of blends together into a homogeneous mass.
I like this distruibution of colors....and i really like when u go to places that were not affected by the war...like inside the Lucky 38 (Everything so tidy..) i'm just waiting my day off to go buy this new DCL!!! (pS3)