Hello, old friend

Crni Vuk said:
Any irony aside I find it somewhat interesting that Fallout 1 and 2 managed with rendered images such details more then 15 years ago while things with "new engines" look much worse compared to that today ~ no one can seriously tell me Fallout 3s faces look better then any of the Fallout 1 or 2 renders. One can only imagine what kind of preredenred scenes they could achieve today with current technologies and such. Well somehow shows the different principles behind past and todays games.
Yea. I will exchange thousand of idiots for several great talking heads.
They were doing supermutant. Result is yellow ork.
They were doing supermutant again. Result is Shrek.
Hope they don't have Myron, Cassidy and Goris.
OakTable said:
Gaddes said:
I like the voice cast so far, but Matthew Perry is just...really really odd and random.

When Matthew Perry heard about Fallout: New Vegas, he probably begged to be in it. Matthew Perry fucking loves Fallout 3.
Your right, I recall seeing him talk about that on talk show.I think he will do a good job people. :o
Paul_cz said:
I like Perry from Studio 60. Haven't seen him in anything else.

I thought he was fine in Studio 60 and his small part in The West Wing, and he was in the non-bad half of the Friends bunch. If someone told us McGyver would end up as an iconic sheriff we'd probably wince a little as well.
10 bucks says Perry's character will have some sort of joke quote like "Could this BE any more blabla"?

Only voice I thought was semi-decent in F3 was the ghouls, so NV is already miles ahead. Now we just have to see how it all comes together.
It's not really fair to compare the details of a pre-rendered talking head originally sculpted from clay to a three-dimensional character created from a wire mesh skeleton and textures. Considering what they're forced to work with, Obsidian has done a good job, and I for one prefer to give credit where credit is due.

Of course, I'd prefer it if the game were still isometric, turn-based, and used talking heads of its own, just like the originals. But that's not going to happen, because 90% of the people buying the new games aren't old-school fans. They're frat boys and teenagers.

And yes, the yellow fucking orcs in Fallout 3 are ridiculous. More green, more hunched shoulders, fewer stupid hats, and a variety of gruesome facial features would be a good direction for the new franchise to go in where Super Mutant appearances are concerned.
Marcus looks great. It's also nice to see a more stooped and hunched supermutant. The one in the background looks to have that stance also. Very exciting.
Jubal Quintus said:
Marcus looks great. It's also nice to see a more stooped and hunched supermutant. The one in the background looks to have that stance also. Very exciting.

Indeed, I didn't notice the one in the back, but yeah, their stance looks much better.
Expresate said:
Well, that's an uncalled for generalization. Different strokes for different folks.

It's a generalization, yes, but only because I can't/won't list every single category of new-school gamer. It gets the point across: If we bitter, hardcore, old-school fans were still the primary target audience, Bethesda's butchery of the franchise wouldn't have flown.

I've mostly been a lurker here at NMA, but I'm still a bitter old Fallout fan. :P

Elhoim said:
Indeed, I didn't notice the one in the back, but yeah, they stance looks much better.

I noticed it, and I too agree — it's a much better look for super mutants.
Reminds me a bit of the Tactics super mutants stance.

Still better than "we simply took humand skeleton and animations for our super mutants, because we don't think it's needed to waste time on details in here, especially because players don't care anyway"-thingy from Fallout 3.
Mad Max RW said:
Doesn't really look like Marcus at all. Except for the armor you'd never know.

I knew who it was immediately the moment I set eyes on the screenshot, so I don't think your statement is entirely accurate. If nothing else, the goggles and shoulder armor give it away (as you say), but the face is pretty close, too.

If nothing else, this brought a smile to face. And while my initial excitement has subdued somewhat (and I'm still hoping they touch him up a little bit more) I'm not weary of this at all. This is looking good.

Besides, this answers one of my prayers: SMs are CERTAINLY no longer orcs. All we knew until now is that a group was mindless orcs and the other wasn't that hostile, but was still segregated. I mean if Marcus founded a new town it HAS to be cosmopolitan and mostly peaceful/neutral to the different factions (I mean in principle, if someone has done them wrong or looks down on muties they will of course be hostile). The "social" advances from FO2 are back! Seeing so much of NCR and it being 100% human was giving me the wrong vibe...

Crni Vuk said:
Any irony aside I find it somewhat interesting that Fallout 1 and 2 managed with rendered images such details more then 15 years ago while things with "new engines" look much worse compared to that today ~ no one can seriously tell me Fallout 3s faces look better then any of the Fallout 1 or 2 renders. One can only imagine what kind of preredenred scenes they could achieve today with current technologies and such. Well somehow shows the different principles behind past and todays games.

Yeah, you speak the truth. Even other details, like lip synching and facial expressions, were still better back then in FO!