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  1. Continuum

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 1 in Fallout 2

    ThiefFlag is for this: procedure pickup_p_proc begin ThiefFlag := 1; dialogue_system_enter; end # [UNUSED] {366}{NIC_74}{What are you doing? Put that down!} {367}{NIC_75}{Stop!} {368}{NIC_76}{Stop that!} On a side note: every single script which is edited by me has "NodeXXX" (in...
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    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 1 in Fallout 2

    Ok, will wait then. Can't really help you because of total incompatibility with my scripts and other shits, but I can point you out bugs here or there - I've fixed many of them, but I don't have any list of what I've changed + it was five years ago. Looked at Nicole, originally you could piss...
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    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 1 in Fallout 2

    Are the random encounters fully scriptable (like in Fallout), or can they be only driven by that some sort of procedural txt file? Anyway, I'm thinking to move my sandbox over there... but... a) are you still adding shits there? b) I want to repack critter.dat and master.dat to avoid trucktons...
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    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 1 in Fallout 2

    Differences in protos: IIRC, conversion to 416 bytes makes them working in both engines. Some mess you can clean up: a) in Fallout all stairs, ladders, etc. that take to another level or map have a single script attached to it. IIRC, in Fallout 2 you can write data directly in Mapper. In my...
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    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 1 in Fallout 2

    Sure - teams, maps, scripts, itempid, global, critrpid, aipacket, and extra hubdwnt. GLOBAL.H has my comments here or there, like: // Random Encounters #define GVAR_WATER_THIEF_2 (289) // DUC.INT is hurt #define GVAR_SAVE_TANDI_2 (331) // DUC.INT is...
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    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 1 in Fallout 2

    Hello Herr Lexx Back in 2014 I made some fixes, improvements, restorations, etc. Removed many useless scripts, did merges, reduced variable count. Scripts I've changed all fully sourced. Example of Kane (largest script in whole game): procedure start; procedure look_at_p_proc; procedure...
  7. Continuum

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Quick, raw render. Source: Author: sethodie //--------------------------------------------------------------- Empty carts. One not finished.
  8. Continuum

    New animations 2

    Yes. But I think it will not work with mental ray. I don't know what with other high-end renderers. From other hand who needs them for this kind of artwork.
  9. Continuum

    Fallout 1 mod Modding Fallout 1?

    Adding items is exactly the same in both games. Speaking of items: I stole Fallout 2 restock macro :wiggle: and added it traders in Fallout: procedure start; procedure map_enter_p_proc; variable restock_amt; variable restock_obj; variable removed_qty; import variable Beth_Box_ptr...
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    Fallout 1 mod Modding Fallout 1?

    It's not possible to add new locations that will be visible on World Map (i.e.: Junktown, Hub, etc.), nor maps that will be visible on Town Maps (i.e.: Shady Sands West, Shady Sands East, etc.) - all this stuff is hardcoded. For instance, I wanted to split Boneyard into the pieces - small dots...
  11. Continuum

    Fallout 1 mod Modding Fallout 1?

    Modding Fallout is easy if you stay within its engine limitations. For instance, whole stuff with world map/locations/whatever is hardcoded while in its total conversion has been externalized to txt. Scripting is exactly the same like in Fallout 2 (except few extra script functions). The same...
  12. Continuum

    Talking Heads

    I was bored... so: Nice composition, isn't it? :V Clothes are lil' a big for him, but meh...
  13. Continuum

    DarkFO Announcement

    Walk/run/whatever along walls, and you'll get similar effect to this. But instead of floor, you're getting "interactive dancing walls", which looks simply awful + it's not consistent with how tiles are highlighted/lit/whatever - area with fade vs. per FRM, where distance to its blocking hex...
  14. Continuum

    DarkFO Announcement

    I have a petition to new engines writers: can you fix that AWFUL highlight "feature" on scenery objects (walls, etc.)? I don't need to explain how "interactive dancing walls" work, I think. Quick viz: Make area of light that is visible on tiles going over scenery too + disable per FRM...
  15. Continuum

    Talking Heads

    Yankee source files. Leather Jacket isn't finished. This is second best TH in my inventory (just after Garl Death Hand). Been thinking to rename project to Kane (from Fallout), but long time ago I've lost intention to actually put any of them into the game. It was moar like fiddling around...
  16. Continuum

    Jim's flexible random encounter template.

    How about building maps from blocks, something like original XCOM? I'm not an expert in this matter, but isn't Fallout's scenery visually too complex to run algorithms that will put separately walls, tiles (both roof, and floor), and other stuff in nice looking way? Imagine broken curbs that...
  17. Continuum

    Talking Heads

    Cassidy source files. Note that you'll have to finish his head first: - gaybrows, - lips wrinkles, - other shit-and-shits I have no will power to write about. No, head isn't animated. Do whatever you want with this, except including it in any commercial crap. Case you wonder what source...
  18. Continuum

    Editing RP NPC Companion Appearance when wearing Armor

    Not Pid, but Fid. ARTFID.H is the file you should look at. Proto: pid: 16777219 00000003 ... fid: 16777229 hmmaxx,11 PID is a pointer to given proto, while FID is a pointer to art. As for custom 'models' used by player - AFAIK they're hacked-in, they don't have fids, nor presence in default...
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    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    @ arrays Just curious... - there's a X amount of "special" doors in a game, - with default commands/functions/whatever I'd have to create GVAR/MVAR/LVAR per door to make NPC remember that that something happened around the door: if (condition) then begin // remember that something...
  20. Continuum

    Changing a critters appearance - how? I have the graphics.

    @ "dev" folder It saves human readable version of proto, each time you edit it - internal purpose only. "Real", binary proto is created/modified in ROOT\DATA\PROTO dir - use only it. If you're creating new proto, it will be automatically added to ROOT\DATA\PROTO\*TYPE*\*TYPE*.LST of your...