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  1. Yoshi525

    Climate Change is not real!

    Good thread. The Earth's climate *is* changing. There's a plethora of mechanisms causing this. What's open to debate is the hypothesis that anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions are the leading cause. The bit I find odd is the focus on CO2 omissions. Cutting methane omissions would be far...
  2. Yoshi525

    Favorite Music Group/Band etc.

    ^ Cool, never seen that before. I missed a few from my list:- Thom Yorke (as a solo artist) Atoms for Peace John Frusciante (Curtains, Shadows Collide, Empyrean are all siiiiick) The Clash Shpongle Jefferson's Airplane Mew Dream Theatre Pixies Tool Pre-Resistance Muse So...
  3. Yoshi525

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    I'm not much of a jazz aficionado, but that was both enjoyable and smooth as hell: 8/10 <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0"></iframe>
  4. Yoshi525

    Favorite Music Group/Band etc.

    In some vague approx current order:- Radiohead Johann Seba Bach (Gap) Pink Floyd Aphex Twin Boards of Canada Four Tet Led Zepplin Yes Autechre The Doors Qotsa Gold Panda Bonobo Infected Mushroom Dead Kennedys Rise Against edit: Forgot The so far unmentioned(!) Beatles...
  5. Yoshi525

    Toxic Caves fanmade Fallout 2 tribute

    Very nice job, though lacking in the gecko department.
  6. Yoshi525

    Brian Fargo Interview

    ^ I assume you're right and Fargo is expressing it poorly. On the other hand Fargo saying "This mode will add permadeath" seems pretty clear, by which I mean how can this be a miscommunication on his part? Unless the above quote is simply untrue, it would seem to be suggesting that...
  7. Yoshi525

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    *Drools* DB and Johnny, neither of you gentlemen would enjoy life in the gun-tight UK :cry: Reading (and seeing) your posts here makes me really want to move to a more firearm-liberal nation. I come from a pretty gun-centric family, my step dad especially likes his firing pieces and...
  8. Yoshi525

    2012 American Election (Presidential and otherwise)

    Sander, ivory tower or not, talks a lot of sense when it comes to macroeconomics. He doesn’t claim, as far as I can see, that macroeconomic policy can be applied to the individual. It is, after all, macroeconomic. Obviously that doesn’t help your average Joe Bloggs in the short term, the...
  9. Yoshi525

    So At My Work...

    It's *very* unusual for gallstones this size to remain asymptomatic. In fact, if the abnormalities in the levels of your liver enzymes are related to the gallstones, then they are not in fact asymptomatic at all. Whilst asymptomatic stones are in no way serious, symptomatic stones are. I...
  10. Yoshi525

    Where will the next Fallout take place? This. *Whistles innocently*
  11. Yoshi525

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    8/10 Not bad by any stretch of the imagination! <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
  12. Yoshi525

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    tl;dl Well I did, just not to much. She has a decent voice, all a bit hectic for my current state of mind 7/10 <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
  13. Yoshi525

    2012 American Election (Presidential and otherwise)

    Yeah, from what I know of him (which is probably less than BN) he was a decent president. His military policy in 'Nam aside. Very aside. 4-too, or 4-to-o? Perhaps the former can be attained on the latter? Posting in GD whilst serious intox' feels like trespassing into a lake full of...
  14. Yoshi525

    Game journalism is a disgrace

    Good stuff BN. Incidentally, I've found all the Gamebanshee reviews I've read to be well throughtout, detailed and fair. edit: Da fuck at the pages 2-3. Though it does fill in some blanks for me. ~Yoshi
  15. Yoshi525

    There's two kinds of people in the world

    Wasps/ hornets are the only insects that bother me in the slightest; I can handle (literally) spiders without the slightest sense of fear or repulsion, if a wasp makes physical contact with me I loose my shit though. I'm a very calm person in almost any scenario, wasps and hypodermic needles are...
  16. Yoshi525

    Current TV

    I don't watch much TV: news, football and the occasional documentary. Oh and South Park. Having said that, I'll echo the Game of Thrones posts. Having read all the books first, I was slightly disappointed by the series - still, it's very good. On the topic of the Lannister's, Jaime...
  17. Yoshi525

    IGN's Top 100 RPG list is Pretty Stupid

    Their top ten can't possibly be serious?
  18. Yoshi525

    The US is in decline but has a navy

    Whilst DB is clearly off his rocker, I think naval power has more importance than many in this thread accept. As Ratty said, in a symmetric conflict between nuclear powers, naval forces are fairly meaningless at a glance. There are other things to consider though, for a start asymmetric...
  19. Yoshi525

    The US is in decline but has a navy

    Meh. Their respective writing styles have a lot in common, and considering the apparent uniqueness of said style, I do mean a lot. Prosper may be insane, whilst 4too genius, however the boundary between the two states is a thin one. Hence :notworthy: Oil resources? You may want to look up...
  20. Yoshi525

    The US is in decline but has a navy

    4too is like a vastly enhanced version of Prosper :notworthy: