Reality Maybe Tomorrow
Reality Maybe Tomorrow
BN said:
He's not a hero. He just accomplished a lot and is unreasonable disparaged while guys like JFK are sanctified. History written by the winners, I guess.
Looking back at Cold War One and turning over the compost of history.
Your 'winners' may be the last archeological level published and on a PR tour, interviewed by talking heads who have not read the book.
Historical events, memories of where and when Nixon's Resignation and Kennedy's Assassination announced. The TV's were black and white, the news cycle a drum beat. It is an inebriated reality when consuming one leadership cult after another.
JFK was shielded by that era's 4-color glossy, LOOK magazine sheen, his assassination froze his legacy in a block of amber. Looks good on your dashboard, but no GPS.
Nixon lived longer. Nixon had enough slack, to hang in effigy. View 8 by 10's of full frontal Nixon, and not hard to say, he did ALL that!
When the full nature of Nixon, including, ah … reasonable disparagement, achieves some volatile synergy, 'The Good Nixon' may be acknowledged with less disorientating spin and/or conditional love.
Depending on one's needs and desires, we get our pick of a Saint JFK or a Shakespearean anti-hero, Dick the Nix.
And, the reinvention cycle must be quickening, (Running out of heroes?), I laughed out loud when 2012
Republicans waxed nostalgic over Bill Clinton!