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  1. A

    National Guard Training Wing

    There is nothing on the top-most level. It's got some desks, junk, nothing in them. The Depot training wing is on the third level near the switch. I think it's near the cafeteria, if you can find that.
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    Queen Ant Phermones

    I finally figured out why this "loot" is available once you kill the queen ant in the Corvega industry building. If you keep it on your body, the radroaches no longer attack you. Very interesting, if somewhat ridiculous, once you're a level that roaches aren't really a threat.
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    Stuck at Vault 87 Quest

    I also found the unpowered door, but I don't think that's the way to go (unless there is a way to turn on the generator, which I didn't find). The Mayor walked me to another gate that was guarded by the Princess, in the back of the caves past the living areas. He has the key, I believe, in any...
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    Silenced 10mm

    It's an interesting tool. With Steatlhboy activated, I was able to snipe a Talon merc who was 10 feet away and he had no idea who was hitting him. I would think that this is a limited application, would be faster to just spray automatic fire at most times.
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    Specs for new weapons

    I found a Flamer in the Tenpenny Towers armory where the guards' beds are. Haven't tried it out yet. Also got a weapon spec for the Railroad Gun (fires railroad spikes) from Abraham Lincoln after I rescued the Declaration of Independence.
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    Cant get to museum of history, national archives

    Take a look at your local map, it may show which metro stops you need to take to get to the Mall. I want to say it's DuPont circle, but could be wrong. Should be the Blue Line, just not sure which metro stop. Essentially you need to use the metro lines for all travel in DC, so you will be...
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    Specs for new weapons

    Wow, thanks, couldn't have figured that out. Now where are the flamers... :roll:
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    A little tip for defending bigtown

    Ditto. Four big apes, I tossed a few frrag mines in their path and followed up with assault gun, no prob.
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    Specs for new weapons

    Is there a list of blueprints and locations somewhere? I'm level 12, found access to three weapon specs, finally found out what crutches and pressure cookers are used for. Still haven't found a use for the flamer fuel.
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    Places *not* to go.

    Obviously you've never come to DC, otherwise you'd know that in fact, they are all surprisingly very much the same. Maybe a few exceptions, Chinatown stop, but no, I find the FO3 depiction pretty on spot. Having said that, I don't enjoy the "dungeon crawling" but what are you going to do?
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    Fallout 3 Washington compared to real Washington.

    I haven't watched the "making of" video yet, but being a resident of northern Virginia, I was a little disappointed that they did not attempt to capture existing buildings or general location of towns better (yes I understand the alternative reality thing - Just sayin'). At the least, I thought...
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    Where Did Lucas Simms Go?

    This is a new twist that I haven't seen discussed (could not find in search either). I took the step of disarming the nuclear bomb in Megaton and not informing the sheriff of Burke's desire to pop it. So all of a sudden, the sheriff is missing, his kid is referring him in the past tense, and Mr...
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    The MIRV - spoiler

    Technically speaking, the concept of operations was to fire it from behind a hill so that one would be screened from the initial blast and radioactive energy release. Just saying. :roll:
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    Hit Points and Stims

    I guess I have to experiment more, like I did with lockpicking. Took me 10 bobbypins to figure out how to beat "very easy" locks...
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    Hit Points and Stims

    I am a little confused over the relationship of stims to HPs and for that matter, food and water. It seems that stims only revitalize parts of the body but the HPs are not regenerated. Only food and water does it, and usually only water significantly advances HP regeneration. Do I have this...