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  1. C


    um.... right..... ya like the taxes on oil they want in order to force the economy to go green(like in many highly socialist eurpean nations) even when the oil companies are not charging an arm an a leg. like the smoking bans they put in place with the ideal that second hand smoke is incredibly...
  2. C


    i generally refer to liberals as socialists, because really thats what they usually propose. more government control, less free economics. generally the "liberals, progressives or democrats" support things like that. its the view that governmental programs and control will make things better and...
  3. C

    Theoretical Question - Taiwan, and YOU as U.S President

    heh reminds me of the classic game hidden agenda..... use the opertunity to TRY to scale back trade with china in the hope of galvanizing my economy from the trade embargo that will come in the case of war. open discussions with taiwan and set the fleet/3rd marine division at okinawa at...
  4. C


    hitler was a vegetarian, his second in command was an animal rights activist. they pushed ideas of universal employment, healthcare, state support of those in need and complete gun control and of course the afore mentioned animal rights. the NATIONAL SOCIALIST party itself was liberal...
  5. C


    liberals started the second world war. they were the leaders of germany. people tend to flock to the liberals because they feel disenfranchised but the truth is that they have a historical tendancy to be absolutely controlling and destroy those not like them. it has to do with the mentality...
  6. C

    The Future

    on petrol cars being pathetic.... originally the competition was between three types of cars. the rarer steam powered car, the petrol combustion car and the electric car, yes the electric car. because the practicality of petrol fuel that's what pulled to the lead but the electric car was a...
  7. C

    The Future

    that sort of technology has actually been around for a LONG time.... however so much energy is lost as its "transmitted" that its rediculous. further such high energy levels in the air can easily interfere with signals from all wireless devices. i think that almost 100% you got there means...
  8. C

    The Future

    why cant people admit that electric cars are actually great town cars? its indeed true that they rarely have a limit more then 200-300 miles in a charge(which usually means 200-300 mile limit in a day) but they are great for getting to and from work in lots of cases and going to the store. they...
  9. C

    Sharing the Wealth (or not)

    anti smoking laws are spreading across all western nations. its because the general public does agree that they cause health problems and that determined fringe groups believes that both the companies and the product itself are an evil cancer dug into our society. you can see the effectiveness...
  10. C

    The Future

    um, first lets drive a point home. aluminum is THE MOST abundant metal in the earth's crust. saying that will run out any time soon is well.... foolish. iron maybe, MAYBE in a few centuries if we continue to grow. though that itself is doubtful.... now on with the quotes... um, i did say...
  11. C

    The Future

    lol, we aren't going to run out of aluminum and iron thats for sure. they are some of the most abundant minerals on this earth. iron actually first started to be used in weapons and every day items instead of bronze because its so abundant that its practically impossible for anyone not to have...
  12. C

    Sharing the Wealth (or not)

    ..... ..... conspiracy theory.... .... ...
  13. C

    Sharing the Wealth (or not)

    WRONG, lobbyist groups are groups hired by various orginizations to hound the lazy, the incompetant and the just downright senile politicians into doing something about an interest to that group of people. you think the "top 1%" you talk about truely honestly gives a flying fuck about...
  14. C

    Greece is the time, is the place, is the commotion- Riots

    well your right, not much will likely change over this.... :P. that is not because the people dont have the power, its because the setting is not quite deep enough yet for a major change. however i had to rail about the moronic statement that the rioters couldnt possibly lead to any change.
  15. C

    Greece is the time, is the place, is the commotion- Riots

    on a starting note, civil unrest in greece, hell the entire balkan region is nothing new. grecian riots were one of the events that caused a domino effect to create two world wars, i wouldnt be surprised if it starts another major one. man.... you have NO clue do you? students are...
  16. C

    Boy, 8, fatally shoots self with Uzi at gun show

    well, lets see. first lets look at afganistan. that place is one of the few spots on this earth that loves guns as much as americans do, they love them so much that they have some of the worlds most highly skilled gunsmiths there that build guns from scrap metal with hand tools and produce...
  17. C

    Boy, 8, fatally shoots self with Uzi at gun show

    if you believe guns = murder then your an idiot. canada has some of the highest guns per household counts in the world and they are calm as shit. ill say this here too, i said it in the sharing the wealth thread as well. THE VIOLENT CRIME IN THE US IS A SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEM. ITS...
  18. C

    Sharing the Wealth (or not)

    so your point is that we should tax the stock market itself a hell of a lot more heavily and tax individual income(especially below a certain ammount) far less? everyone agrees that taxing the poorer population over the wealthy is not the way to go, the issue is ensuring that it actually works...
  19. C

    Your desktop image.

    hrmm... simple straight to the point lines, the artist who made that picture knows exactly what lines to put in. mostly that picture really comes together with the digital coloring that he performed. i sat there thinking it could be paints but when i looked at it enough i realized it had to be a...
  20. C

    Sharing the Wealth (or not)

    well, we could go back to the old way where assets and land were taxed :P. buuuuut there were a few people who wound up dieing in jail because they couldnt pay those taxes.... lol. capital gains is a problem because that money IS doing something for the economy. it is providing a source of...