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  1. J

    Anybody notice?

    Anybody notice the X-01 in the display case in Nuka World? Are there any other lore inconsistencies I missed?
  2. J

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    Actually, I'm almost 28 and I like to welcome new concepts to games that never had them. Too bad I'm not like you and like to be stuck living in the 90's with outdated gameplay mechanics.
  3. J

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    Jet propulsion tech, especially given the game's setting around MIT, isn't a hard concept to fathom. In our world, jet propulsion tech existed WAY before our use of minimalization with computers and other tech. Don't underestimate the power of nuclear fusion. lol
  4. J

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    I have to ask, why do some people here not like the jetpack power armor?
  5. J

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    Lol, overreact much? It was just a demo.
  6. J

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    Dude, they said that building houses and communities was optional.
  7. J

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    My mind's still trying to process the ton of awesome shit I saw. What's the stuff they screwed up on?
  8. J

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    I'm so fucking hyped for this game! I always wanted to be able to have some sort of jetpack power armor and it looks like I'll be getting that! Fuck yeah! The dialog wheel is a hell of a lot better than scrolling up and down a list of replies. I like this change. The crafting system looks...
  9. J

    Xbox 360: Explosive weapons doing no damage

    That sucks dick. Reloading doesn't do shit. The explosions don't do any damage either. It sucks because the red glare is one of my favorite weapons.
  10. J

    Xbox 360: Explosive weapons doing no damage

    Every time I use any weapon from the explosives category, they do no damage. In fact, the only time they do damage is if I target a creature's/npc's head in VATS. Otherwise I don't do any damage. Is there an explanation/fix?
  11. J

    Rage Released

    If full-price is too much for you I'd say don't get it, but it IS a great game for what it is. I don't normally buy games at full price, but I do support Id, so whatever.
  12. J

    GRA and Courier's Stash out today + GRA preview, part 5

    I was hoping they would add new locations to where you can find these new weapons, but having them ALL available from the GR is pretty stupid and a waste of $4 to me.
  13. J

    OWB Micro Review

    The LAER is a piece of shit compared to my pimped-out holorifle. Even when I apply both mods to Elijah's version, it's still shit compared to my holorifle. I don't even know why they put this thing in the game. To show that there are other pulse-type weapons???
  14. J

    New Vegas DLC soon, patch first

    Playing without companions is how I roll, so I like it. It's nice because it's a bonus for players who don't like to play with companions. Haven't heard about the contest, but I have a couple that sound decent: Mirror Mail: While wearing power armor, the player has a 25% chance of...
  15. J

    Old World Blues possibly coming in May?

    Looking forward to this one over Lonely Hearts. I liked how it was hinted in during Dead Money.
  16. J

    Killing Legendary Deathclaw (without relying on bugs)

    I can kill anything I want with my 12.7mm Submachine Gun. 289 DPS FTW.
  17. J


    Is there any point in getting it to 100? What's the highest speech check? 80 is the highest I've seen.
  18. J


    Ha, I just realized that after making that post. It's a good thing he mentioned taking that perk in his posts. /sarcasm Comprehension is useless to my build because the only two skills I'm taking that I'm not maxing out are Science and Lockpick. I can use skillmags and drugs and clothing for...
  19. J


    Just wanna bring this topic back up to ask the OP where the hell in your mind do you get that skill mags equal +20 to that skill? It's 10.
  20. J

    Killing Legendary Deathclaw (without relying on bugs)

    LD's? There's only one in the game...