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  1. frajaq

    Fallout 4 review roundup #2

    If you're smart you quickly figure out which pieces work best with what with settlement, but it really does require some additional polishing from Beth's part. As for the exploration part, what exactly do you want? This is how Beth games are. A lot of people find exactly what you describe fun...
  2. frajaq

    Fallout 4 review roundup #2

    That's incorrect, there are a lot of cool elements/story settings in F3/4/NV that I can't find anywhere else and liked a lot. I doubt I would enjoy "The Mad Max Scrolls" or whatever
  3. frajaq

    Fallout 4 review roundup #2

    See you're speaking as if Fallout Fans is a single monolithic entity that has NO DIFFERENT OPINIONS. Or something silly like only people that liked the classics are the "true" fans. Anyway, what the first creators of the franchise wanted with Fallout literally does not matter anymore, they...
  4. frajaq

    Fallout 4 review roundup #2

    It actually does. I know it must be hard for you to accept that Fallout 4 is a good game but it simply doesn't have what you're looking in a game, and likely never will, so just move on really. No one is forcing you to play it.
  5. frajaq

    Will obsidian make another fallout?

    They're too busy with the Vampire game in New Orleans and Pillars of Eternity 2, sorry buddy
  6. frajaq

    Bethesda fans want MORE aliens - surprised or not?

    There was an Alien Blaster in Fallout 1 that you could use no prob. Not like the encounter was just looking at the ship. Also 2 had the crazy shaman in Arroyo that fucking talked through telepathy to the protag (well at least the wiki said it does) and there was a psyker kid in New Vegas
  7. frajaq

    Bethesda fans want MORE aliens - surprised or not?

    Why not? Do you actually have an argument against it?
  8. frajaq

    Why are so many people buying this game?

    It's hilarious to see the amount of excuses NMA makes to say they're not enjoying Fallout 4 S-stupid Bethesda, i-it's not like I like your games or anything!!!!
  9. frajaq

    Bethesda fans want MORE aliens - surprised or not?

    More alien guns and Psychic powers would be good things to include in the Fallout series, it's not like it's a SUPER NEW THING in the lore
  10. frajaq

    Why are so many people buying this game?

    1. It has all the cool Fallout elements 2. Dialogue options could be a lot better and needs more alternate quest resolutions, so meh on the RPG side of it 3. As game it's good, besides a few annoying crashes and bad pathfinding AI
  11. frajaq

    Theoretical Future Isometric Fallout Engine Discussion

    Just lol if you think Bethesda will let Obsidian use anything but the F4 engine
  12. frajaq

    Obsidian has already proven they could do wonders with the Fallout 4 dialogue system

    Wellll Obsidian did say they're looking to announce something in the next 2 or 3 months, and that they have been talking to some Fallout 1 dude a lot lately
  13. frajaq

    Perks / special - am I the only who hated the new system?

    I like it a lot, you can customize your PC to whatever playstyle you like
  14. frajaq

    Why are so many people buying this game?

    It's a solid 8/10 game that Bethesda did a LOT of smart marketing for. Also a fuckload of people bought and liked Skyrim, and considering F4 is Skyrim with Guns (and crafting/building stuff!) it's easy to see how it sold so well
  15. frajaq

    Bethesda's Lore Recons

    It's great that you didn't answer my question AND already hurled insults around, nice job.
  16. frajaq

    Bethesda's Lore Recons

    And they didn't buy it because...?
  17. frajaq

    Bethesda's Lore Recons

    Yeah see this is what confuses me the most when people here in NMA shake their fists in anger at Todd and Bethesda or whatever. Wouldn't the better target for this anger be the guy who sold this ~precious~ IP to them in the first place? I guess Beth is an easier target since they're making good...
  18. frajaq

    Bethesda's Lore Recons

    A more apt comparison would be Fallout being a kid being sold by junkie parents to buy more drugs.
  19. frajaq

    Interesting Observations on the Fallout Tactics World Map

    Did you take massive amounts of drugs before making this post
  20. frajaq

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    Always was a fan of Bethesda games ever since playing Morrowind so getting Fallout 3 was unavoidable