Bethesda fans want MORE aliens - surprised or not?


Out of my mind, freshly made
Take a look at this.

I know damn well that Reddit isn't exactly the haven for the best or brightest but...

Look at the comments below. They're actually downvoting anyone who points out inconsistency in lore OR insists that implying the aliens started the Great War completely ruins it. "Fly around the world doing alien bounty missions". Really? I mean... why? It's beating a dead horse, sure, but I can't get for the life of me why any group of people would push so hard to continuously break down the lore, more and more?

They're also suggesting that every single easter egg in the original Fallout must be canon. Anyone who disagrees with that is immediately shot down.

How does this even...?
Well, Mothershit Zeta, for all its problems, didn't imply aliens started the great war. All the dialogue for that tape was cut, leaving it silent besides the alien garble noises.

But yeah, their arguments and religious down-voting of people is retarded, as is their ideas for DLC.

But its not suppressing given its Leddit. I've heard more reasonable shit from 4chan then I have from leddit.
So, which Easter Eggs would you want to see becoming canon?

I'd like to see Pariah again just for the giggles.
I demand for FO5 - more aliens, the aliens were awesome! PEW PEW!
Magic! Let's face it, magic was always part of the franchise, the Master was psychic, and you're all just being old grumps about it, besides, it would be fucking awesome to shoot fireballs, electric bolts, or frost-damage (where did I see that before? Doesn't matter!), and dragons! Leik... mutated lizurd-bats! W fire magic

Also, who else was totally bored with all the talkng? Every time i hafta do something, i gotta REAAAD the WHEEEL of WOOORDS every time, words words words, im trying to have fun here, im not trying to reed a BOOK!!! also wats with all the locations? why do i have to go all the way to just have fun in this stupid game? thats lame like in the vault, boringest ever, only FIVE radroaches and NONE of them were legendary! so lame
got outside of the vault, and still nothing, wasnt this game suposed to have mutants? where ate the mutabsts==

MILES away!!!

fuck that shti

i also agree inventory is lame, like, u KNOW ur only gonna go back and get all the loot, so whats the point of going 10 times back and forth?
also, dont gimme that "realism" talk, in a game w monsters and zombies, inventory, reloading, ammo, wtf man, im not some UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR OF REALISTICNESS i just wanna have fun man

besides it takes like forever to reload
i got the perks to reload superfast but it s still lame

but seriously
alien dlc ftw or at least make the next one about aliens
Aliens and magic? LAAAAAAME! I want Time Travel! The post war world is already past it's due, we should be exploring other eras of history ALL AT THE SAME TIME! I also want for an option to romance a time displaced version of yourself!
What do you expect from Reddit? It's mostly fanboys in the fo4 section. The kind of people who downloaded that "Todd Howard Fallout 4 desktop icon" on the nexus. I felt sick to my stomach when I saw that file, hahaha.
More alien guns and Psychic powers would be good things to include in the Fallout series, it's not like it's a SUPER NEW THING in the lore
More alien guns and Psychic powers would be good things to include in the Fallout series, it's not like it's a SUPER NEW THING in the lore

Um.. No it wouldn't be. Only a child would want this crap which is probably why you want it.
Um.. No it wouldn't be. Only a child would want this crap which is probably why you want it.

Why not? Do you actually have an argument against it?

Yes beacause the alien blaster were just silly easter eggs and Chris Avelone himself believed that Pskyers created narrative difficulties for the Fallout writers. Only an idiot who wants a power fantasy would want this crap. Which describes you in a nutshell.
Um.. No it wouldn't be. Only a child would want this crap which is probably why you want it.

Why not? Do you actually have an argument against it?


But by all means, let's throw in fairies, spells and other crap