The game does not anticipate your intention to kill your own shit-stain of a son. It was inconcievable to Bethesda that this might be your desire. I once shot the fucker as soon as I meet him, the game does not seem to react to this in ANY way, all you can do is hang around his dead body, or just walk back to where you came from.
On 2nd attempt, I let him live, let him finish babbling - he ACTUALLY sends me to kill raiders. Yes, you heard right: Your own fucking son sens you to kill more raiders. That's the depth of it. In the end climax, when I butcher all of the institute, I also save a bullet for him. Again, the game seems to take NO notice of this, whatsoever. Nobody comments it, you don't acknowledge it, and apparently I'm not supposed to, there's a last encounter with Shaun in the ruins of the institude, that I am... half curious of... but he's dead, so I can't

Good riddance anyway. What a psychopath.
There's also a point where Shaun tells you that the commonwealth is a failed society, and as always, you are given 4 different options to whole-heartedly agree with him. Why!? Wtf, that's NOT what I see - I see a society that _survives_ and that _intends on surviving_, how the hell is that a failure? Because of all the rusty walls, and trashy floors? But apparently, that's the narrowmindedness imposed right on you - all you see is the brokenness of society. You are not allowed to see anything else