Dr Fallout
Addiction is the same as fun, you guys. Just get yourself some rope and a syrnge and go get yourselves some never ending fun!
Woohoo! Addiction = fun!
Addiction is the same as fun, you guys. Just get yourself some rope and a syrnge and go get yourselves some never ending fun!
It's hilarious to see the amount of excuses NMA makes to say they're not enjoying Fallout 4
S-stupid Bethesda, i-it's not like I like your games or anything!!!!
It's hilarious to see the amount of excuses NMA makes to say they're not enjoying Fallout 4
S-stupid Bethesda, i-it's not like I like your games or anything!!!!
Or the excuses you make to come troll here. "Those big meanies at NMA! How dare they not bow down before Todd Howard and Pete HInes! Those infidels must pay!"
I actually stopped playing altogether a week ago, which was the last time we recorded footage for the youtube video.
It is but I must keep going!I just find it so boring...
I wasn't dismissing criticism.I think dismissing criticism of a video game as "elitism" is, as you put it: "quite frankly, retarded."Maybe, but he also said the game was very addictive, which means he was having fun.I've seen shit like this before with people who try to act elitist and claim that a game is bad even though the amount of hours they've invested in it says otherwise. I don't know if that's the case here, but regardless, if he put that many hours into the game and still says it's bad, well, then I think there's something wrong with him or he's just being a hypocrite.
One explanation is that he was digging desperately to find moments of brilliance in the game. I’ve certainly been in the same position: tolerating something unpleasant in hope that the situation will improve.
He’s giving the game a chance, and it ha’n’t paid off.
Well, those people are wrong and should be ignored. If you're not reviewing a game you're not obligated to play it all the way through to have an opinion. And again, he put 60 hours into it and said the game was addictive. It's only addictive if you're having fun.If he didn't play it all the way through there would be people saying he only thought it was bad because he didn't play it all the way through for 60 hours.I've seen shit like this before with people who try to act elitist and claim that a game is bad even though the amount of hours they've invested in it says otherwise. I don't know if that's the case here, but regardless, if he put that many hours into the game and still says it's bad, well, then I think there's something wrong with him or he's just being a hypocrite.Why would you put 60 hours into a game if you thought it was bad?
The answer is simple: algophilia.
You're allowed to buy a game, take in everything it has to offer, and draw a conclusion. It's this thing called freedom.
Personally, I think Fallout 4 is a totally mediocre game that is just enough to make me play it but not enough to make me satisfied at all. So I'm playing it despite Kid in the Fridge and other nonsense. And as an RPG/Fallout game it is awful.
You're either having a good time with the game or you're not. Mediocre games can be just as fun as truly great games. I just think it's stupid to shit on a game that you've put that much time into because you were having fun. And to do it (not saying this is the case necessarily) out of a sense of elitism is, quite frankly, retarded.
I just finished the main story a few hours ago and I have totally lost all motivation to play the game, every quest in the game is a fetch quest or a kill quest. The only interesting quests in the game are in good neighbor and involve the radio, the sad part is that they are so out of place in a fallout game its almost pathetic, yet they are the most interesting quest line in the game but its still a fetch or kill mission.
None of the factions interact with each other in any meaningful way, the institute is terribly written and any conclusion just feels rushed, the story is disjointed with flat voice acting and some of it is outright silly. I am just under 100 hours clocked and its by far the lowest play count of any Bethesda game for me to date and im glad I didn't get the season pass. I have over 220 hours on NV and somewhere around 200 on FO3, and I need to play OWB/LR for NV and PL/MZ for Fallout 3 still as well.
I was going to write a well written review of the game, its faults and what little it does right, but whats the point. If I post it here we are all pretty much in agreement already, if I post it on reddit my karma gets tanked and if I posted it on BSGF ill get ignored, or incur a infraction.
Ive gotten my monies worth by hour count, but the game is such a let down I dont even want to waste anymore time talking about it, reading about it or thinking about it because I could have been playing TW3, MGSV or I could have bought several months of EVE play time and mad max with the money I spent on FO4.
I only managed to get to Virgil before being unable to bother picking the game back up. It gets boring super quick and it feels like an amusement park of enemies living for the sole existence so you can kill them. I'm assuming the rest of the main quest line is complete junk? The voice acting to me was awful and cringeworthy.
If you wanna know some dumb stuff
The game does not anticipate your intention to kill your own shit-stain of a son. It was inconcievable to Bethesda that this might be your desire. I once shot the fucker as soon as I meet him, the game does not seem to react to this in ANY way, all you can do is hang around his dead body, or just walk back to where you came from.
On 2nd attempt, I let him live, let him finish babbling - he ACTUALLY sends me to kill raiders. Yes, you heard right: Your own fucking son sens you to kill more raiders. That's the depth of it. In the end climax, when I butcher all of the institute, I also save a bullet for him. Again, the game seems to take NO notice of this, whatsoever. Nobody comments it, you don't acknowledge it, and apparently I'm not supposed to, there's a last encounter with Shaun in the ruins of the institude, that I am... half curious of... but he's dead, so I can'tGood riddance anyway. What a psychopath.
There's also a point where Shaun tells you that the commonwealth is a failed society, and as always, you are given 4 different options to whole-heartedly agree with him. Why!? Wtf, that's NOT what I see - I see a society that _survives_ and that _intends on surviving_, how the hell is that a failure? Because of all the rusty walls, and trashy floors? But apparently, that's the narrowmindedness imposed right on you - all you see is the brokenness of society. You are not allowed to see anything elseWait so you can kill FATHER when you first encounter him and nothing is affected by his death? Do you still go through the rest of the story line like as if he was still alive or does it turn out to fail the quest if you kill him on first contact? I am surprised nobody has retained basic home building skills like placing down new flooring, picking up the skeletons just lying around, replacing Windows, replacing walls and roofing, and picking up a damn broom. I'm not sure how they can live in run down huts or houses like that, I see the occasional place with some crops growing but that has been rare for me to find many places like that and the area of Boston feels DEAD. Like super dead, it doesn't even seem like people give two shits about surviving.
I don't understand why they could not do some ending for the case the player decides to kill ... all factions. Why not? It would even work with the idea of open-end gameplay. Just give it some slide, saying "... the Commonwealth is now without any leadership but the sole survivor ... yada yada".
The first time I played Deus Ex 2, this is exactly what I did. I hated ALL of the 4 different groups which asked for your help, the game simply disappointed me. But I was really surprised to see, hey, they really gave you an ending for killing them all! That was pretty neat.
It's hilarious to see the amount of excuses NMA makes to say they're not enjoying Fallout 4
S-stupid Bethesda, i-it's not like I like your games or anything!!!!
Why do you do that to yourself, I haven't picked up 4 in however long because it's so boring. I just picked up Fallout and Fallout 2 again. Oh and WOW frajaq just keep being the Bethesda apologist you are with all those poorly written excuses.It is but I must keep going!I just find it so boring...
They're literally giving the crappiest faction to you in the case that you make enemies with everyone else. In that sense, they're PUNISHING you for not going along with the game the way they wanted it to go. Sorry, wanted to kill everyone and see the consequences? No, here's a guy who gives you quests to shoot stuff and save people, again and again. Want to kill him too? Nice try. You're not getting past us.
Why do you do that to yourself, I haven't picked up 4 in however long because it's so boring. I just picked up Fallout and Fallout 2 again. Oh and WOW frajaq just keep being the Bethesda apologist you are with all those poorly written excuses.It is but I must keep going!I just find it so boring...
Why do you do that to yourself, I haven't picked up 4 in however long because it's so boring. I just picked up Fallout and Fallout 2 again. Oh and WOW frajaq just keep being the Bethesda apologist you are with all those poorly written excuses.It is but I must keep going!I just find it so boring...
I played two nights at first, rushed the quest, just to see what it was about
I started a new game on day 3, and spent the next 2-3 days trying to drag it out and thoroughly collect quests (that aren't radiant), and in order to boost a companion like, I found myself roced to... do many, MANY radiant quests o_-
After finishing all the quests I could find, I was at a serious loss. It simply isn't desireable to try to enjoy the environment, cus it's either raining mutants and raiders, or, well, raining mutants and raiders... I was gonna suggest your settlements to hang out and puzzle, but shit, mutants storm you there too, and often. Often...
I begun to wonder what exactly interests me, what am I bothering for? Oh, yes, the enclave armor! I found it. A settler stole it, and put it in the wilderness somewhere, SO... now what? Well, now I'm officially bored. I'm waiting for Final Fantasy 7 Remake now.
About a week was what it took, and the trainwreck of FO3 kept me replaying for months, simply because I could overlook the annoying quests, and just try to enjoy some atmosphere. This is SO weird, to remember FO3 "fondly"... in comparison :I I never thought the day would come... :I