
  1. J

    Are there slings in NV, officially or modded?

    I have not seen everything the game has to offer, but I thought this game had slings and thus rocks/bullets (for slings). Researching, I am not seeing it, which now has me questioning what game did. Perhaps I am confusing it with another FO or game altogether. Regardless, unless the info page...
  2. The_Proletarian

    Nova Arizona - A Legion Lands Expansion

    Here's an expansion mod to New Vegas that adds more Legion content. Currently in beta. Could be interesting.
  3. KingArthur

    Aurelius' Legion Overhaul

    It's still a WIP and thus not on the Nexus yet, but I figured I ought to come to this community for suggestions and feedback on ideas for an overhaul mod I'm making. Currently, I've made combat and Hardcore survival more brutal, made VATS a more fleeting resource (you'll use it once a fight...
  4. KingArthur

    So I’m Making a Pen and Paper Game and Need Input

    So, yeah. Like it says in the title, I’m making a PnP Fallout game, specifically one set around the time of the first Battle of Hoover Dam. So far the idea is that the party is a caravan, made up of diverse player characters and builds of course, which travels the Mojave, making deliveries and...
  5. KingArthur

    The Ticking of the Clock

    So basically the purpose of this thread is to speculate how long the New California Republic has left. In my opinion? Not long. The Republic is a shadow of the Old World, yet unlike the Legion, it’s beginning to rot from the inside. Corruption, inefficiency, ineffective military tactics, the...
  6. KingArthur

    I Made This Meme for the World’s Political Situation / NV Sh!tposting

    I’m just gonna come out and say it. We’re getting weaker. Easily offended, willfully complacent and decadent, rallying behind politicians who hide behind our best interests as they stab us in the back. It’s pathetic. And if you don’t think Trump is the president America deserves, the xenophobic...
  7. NMLevesque

    Is Caesar's Legion more like Sparta than the 10th Legion?

    Legio X Equestris, aka the 10th Legion is apparently what Edward Sallow based his cult on, but aren't there more parallels to Sparta? For a start Sparta is a nation, not just an army. It basically has Sparta's breeding program, as well as a somewhat similar social structure (military upperclass...
  8. KingArthur

    I Admire the Purity of The Legion's Justice.

    This is going to shock you. But I side with the Legion. And I know what you're saying; "you seem so friendly, why would you do that?" Well, sport, first of all shut the fuck up when I'm talking and secondly, because the title says it all. Because with that one dialogue option in New Vegas, I...
  9. KingArthur

    Legion Territory Speculation

    I don’t know if my username, title, and profile picture have it away, but despite my personal beliefs I still feel an odd calling to the Legion. I just find them fascinating, in so many ways; in my opinion, they’re the most interesting faction in New Vegas. One of the most depressing aspects of...
  10. VIXRE

    A book containing the whole Fallout Lore

    It's been various years since i first started writing a sort of book containing every major and non-major events in the fallout universe sorted by date (DD/MM/YYYY) spanning from the XVII century to the very last years . I am from Italy so the only copy existing online is in italian and has been...
  11. Ranger N


    Who do you like?
  12. Ranger N

    What will happen to the NCR

    I'm gonna be honest. The NCR is my favorite faction in Fallout. I will give an honest thought to what I think and not because they're the best. The NCR suffer from political corruption,traitorism and much more. But they are probably the best thing that could happen to the Wasteland. They are...
  13. NMLevesque

    Stronest Legionary (current or former)

    Joshua Graham, Legate Lanius, and Ulysses are all in the running obviously. Game mechanics are one thing, though that's certainly part of what I want to discuss, but as I've learned they are fickle af. So arguments that somewhat disregard the results of literally staging NPC battles between...
  14. NMLevesque

    How laughable is Legion armor?

    Old sports equipment and if they're lucky some dinner plates and a motocross helmet, until you become a Centurion. Then you can have an unbalancing mishmash of used armor you probably just broke, and then took off a dead person. And we're supposed to think they represent some kind of brutally...
  15. Ben Soto

    NCR vs. Caesar's Legion : Who Will Win?

    The question is two-fold. Firstly, without the Courier's intervention, who wins The Second Battle of Hoover Dam? Secondly, who wins the war? The first one is obvious. The Legion has countless operations in the West that will utterly cripple the NCR's operation in the Mojave, while the NCR is...
  16. NMLevesque

    NCR population or % of population in the military

    I did find a couple posts on Reddit trying to estimate the sizes of the NCR and Legion militaries, but I am curious as to what the overall populations might be for each. In Fo2 they say the NCR is 700k (kilo = thousand), with most of the people presumably living outside of the major towns as...
  17. NMLevesque

    Purpose of targeting Dry Wells? Better target?

    Hitting the I-15 makes sense as a way to cripple the NCR. Though looking at maps some routes are never explained as being broken*, it's definitely their best route into the Vegas valley. Whereas I don't see the strategic value of Dry Wells. I assume it was just for the sake of referencing...
  18. Antiwarprofallout

    Legion Strategy inspirations

    I have a question: Does anyone else notice that the legion (ironically) uses Hannibal's strategy of putting lighter and less experienced/reliable troops at the front with veterans at the rear, that he used at Zama?