This is going to shock you. But I side with the Legion. And I know what you're saying; "you seem so friendly, why would you do that?" Well, sport, first of all shut the fuck up when I'm talking and secondly, because the title says it all. Because with that one dialogue option in New Vegas, I realized what I truly agreed with, and believed in, and found a faction that accepts some of those more draconic beliefs.
Now, as a disclaimer, I, in no way, shape, or form condone slavery or non-sexual bondage. It's the Legion's reliance on slaves that causes my main issues with them. In the same way, it's my Roman ancestors' reliance on the same that makes me cringe sometimes when I think about it. But this thread isn't about slavery. It's about crucifixion.
To start with, think about the Powder Gangers. Humans have been imprisoning humans for thousands of years. Even in the modern day, the issues with the penal system become more an more relevant. The goal is to rehabilitate; but what happens to a repeat offender who doesn't want to be rehabilitated? There are addicts who need help rather than prison, and rapists who need a bullet in the head; yet we throw all of them into the same cement box and call it a day. What does this have to do with the Powder Gangers? Well, everything. The Powder Gangers literally organized a prison break, murdered the prison staff, and went on a murder-rape-pillage spree across the Mojave. And when I walked into Nipton and heard Boxcars' story, talked to Vulpes and saw the Powder Gangers on the makeshift crosses, I realized that I agreed with the Legion's methods (in certain situations, but I'll get to that). The Powder Gangers and Nipton townfolk were a cancer on the face of the reforming civilization in the Mojave, hardened thugs and NCR turncoats who needed to be punished. They got what they had coming.
Maybe that seems a little harsh. And I concede that perhaps it is. But sometimes people can't be reformed. Sometimes they're too far gone. And sometimes those unsalvageable-s can be used as an example. A lesson. Given the choice between Crassus and Spartacus, I side with Spartacus. But in the battle between the scum of the wasteland and the Legion? Well, my choice is made. When Crassus crucified the slaves in Spartacus' revolt along the Appian Way, it was for two reasons: 1) He probably got some sadistic pleasure from it and 2) to send a message to all those who would rebel that the Romans were on their third slave revolt and had had it with this shit already. That next time, there would be even less mercy than with Spartacus (and considering they'd shown no mercy in that situation, the message was pretty loud and clear).
Do I think that the 15 year old pickpocket should be crucified? Of course not. I also kind of think that there were some people in Nipton who probably didn't deserve what they got. But in the Fallout Universe, the ends justify the means. In that post apocalyptic world, measures have to be taken to restore civilization, whatever the cost.
(Please note that I don't support crucifixion or torture in our contemporary world; however, in the Fallout Universe, I simply admire the Legion's attempt to cull the herd of shitbags taking advantage of the powerless (while they admittedly do the same, I appreciate that they at least try to form a society). So again, I DON'T CONDONE ACTUAL TORTURE IN OUR CONTEMPORARY WORLD. Thanx. )
So, what're your thoughts? Who'd you side with? Is the Legion's quest for civilization at any cost too brutal, even by Fallout standards? I'm interested in hearing your responses.
Now, as a disclaimer, I, in no way, shape, or form condone slavery or non-sexual bondage. It's the Legion's reliance on slaves that causes my main issues with them. In the same way, it's my Roman ancestors' reliance on the same that makes me cringe sometimes when I think about it. But this thread isn't about slavery. It's about crucifixion.
To start with, think about the Powder Gangers. Humans have been imprisoning humans for thousands of years. Even in the modern day, the issues with the penal system become more an more relevant. The goal is to rehabilitate; but what happens to a repeat offender who doesn't want to be rehabilitated? There are addicts who need help rather than prison, and rapists who need a bullet in the head; yet we throw all of them into the same cement box and call it a day. What does this have to do with the Powder Gangers? Well, everything. The Powder Gangers literally organized a prison break, murdered the prison staff, and went on a murder-rape-pillage spree across the Mojave. And when I walked into Nipton and heard Boxcars' story, talked to Vulpes and saw the Powder Gangers on the makeshift crosses, I realized that I agreed with the Legion's methods (in certain situations, but I'll get to that). The Powder Gangers and Nipton townfolk were a cancer on the face of the reforming civilization in the Mojave, hardened thugs and NCR turncoats who needed to be punished. They got what they had coming.
Maybe that seems a little harsh. And I concede that perhaps it is. But sometimes people can't be reformed. Sometimes they're too far gone. And sometimes those unsalvageable-s can be used as an example. A lesson. Given the choice between Crassus and Spartacus, I side with Spartacus. But in the battle between the scum of the wasteland and the Legion? Well, my choice is made. When Crassus crucified the slaves in Spartacus' revolt along the Appian Way, it was for two reasons: 1) He probably got some sadistic pleasure from it and 2) to send a message to all those who would rebel that the Romans were on their third slave revolt and had had it with this shit already. That next time, there would be even less mercy than with Spartacus (and considering they'd shown no mercy in that situation, the message was pretty loud and clear).
Do I think that the 15 year old pickpocket should be crucified? Of course not. I also kind of think that there were some people in Nipton who probably didn't deserve what they got. But in the Fallout Universe, the ends justify the means. In that post apocalyptic world, measures have to be taken to restore civilization, whatever the cost.
(Please note that I don't support crucifixion or torture in our contemporary world; however, in the Fallout Universe, I simply admire the Legion's attempt to cull the herd of shitbags taking advantage of the powerless (while they admittedly do the same, I appreciate that they at least try to form a society). So again, I DON'T CONDONE ACTUAL TORTURE IN OUR CONTEMPORARY WORLD. Thanx. )
So, what're your thoughts? Who'd you side with? Is the Legion's quest for civilization at any cost too brutal, even by Fallout standards? I'm interested in hearing your responses.