10 best sci-fi/horror movies

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I also enjoyed The Cube - the idea was fresh and, for a thing filmed practically in a single room, it was pretty amazing. Not sure if it's strictly sci-fi tho. Too bad The Hypercube was nothing but a clone of the first part.
welsh said:
Dude.... I thought Malkavian had rotten taste in movies.
Murdoch said:
Are you sure your not all Malkavian dopplegangers?
Poor Malkavian, his name becoming synonymous with "bad taste."

... though I suppose he only has himself to blame.

Somehow I could predict that Starship Troopers 2 wasn't worth watching. Who could have guessed that I would be correct? It is an amazing ability I possess. But, I must utilize it wisely, with great power comes great responsibility.
I don't care what anybody says, Dune is one of my all time favorites. David Lynch, Frank Herbert & Dino Delaurentis crafted something special. Awesome cast and music by Toto (who'd've thunk?).

I really liked the movie Starship Troopers until I read the book. The movie seems really trite and shallow now, like Beverly Hills 90210 in space. Acting and dialogue are just laughable. Every scene Carmen looks like she's auditioning for a Pantene commercial.

For me the late 60's early 70's were great for sci-fi. Planet of the Apes, Logan's Run, Westworld etc.
The Cube trilogy was awesome. I loved how Cube 3 tied everything together. It gives you that sense of satisfaction like when you finally finish Revenge of the Sith. Why did I get busted on for Queen of the Damned? It was a great movie. The soundtrack rocked (which i admit is my favorite part)and it kept me glued to the screen the whole time. Aliens Vs. Predator was just fun to watch. I guess now that I think about it, I just watched it the other day, so maybe I chose too rashly!

I do admit I have bad taste in movies, but there is a reason behind it. I watch the good and bad movies just to see what I can take away from them. I always find at least one or two things interesting, even in bad movies!
TorontRayne said:
The Cube trilogy was awesome. I loved how Cube 3 tied everything together. It gives you that sense of satisfaction like when you finally finish Revenge of the Sith.
GAH! Next thing you know he will be praising Fallout: Piece of Shit for the way it ties everything in the Fallout series together. Petition to change TorontRayne's title to something that mocks his taste.
There is nothing wrong with the Cube series. Leave me alone or I'll tell my mommie! :wink:
Murdoch said:
My ten best sci-fi:
2. Wing Commander
3. Starship Troopers 2
4. Queen of the Damned
5. Star Wars Episode 1
6. Tomb Raider 2
7. Armageddon
8. Battlefield Earth
9. Lost in Space
10. Mission the Mars.

Oh, Space Camp too, anyone remember it? I loved it!


CCR who has surprisingly good taste said:
I like Dark City a lot, but it's almost genre-less outside of Distopian retrofuture. Not really Sci-Fi.

Thank you for mentioning it. I remember seeing it and thinking "It wont make a top ten list, but its pretty close and the setting is so unique and well-done its a shame I've never really heard of it."

By the way everyone thanks for this thread including TorontRayne who started it.

You see as much as I like sci-fi I hardly watch any TV so I rarely see stuff anymore. Also a lot of the better stuff from before my time I havent seen to begin with. However armed with the information found here I just updated my gift list to include multiple things including and most noted being "2001: A Space Odyssey". YES I havent seen it already...I know...

The Vault Dweller
The ones I can remember at this moment, not necessarily in that order:

The Exorcist
The Shining
The Birds
Rear Window
Star Wars (take it as a whole six part movie)
Back to the Future (take it as a whole three part movie)
Terminator (only the first original one)
Dr. Strangelove
Starship Troopers

Starship Troopers is an awesome movie. Starship Troopers 2 is, however, a piece of shit. I remember renting the movie one day. I was slightly sick and felt like lying in the couch doing nothing more than drinking lager and watching a good movie. How disappointed I was once Starship Troopers 2 began...
Deja vu?

I haven't read Starship Troopers yet, I just saw the movie, so that is probably why I still like that movie. Anyways, last time I saw it was not as good as I remembered, strange...
Seriously, Robocop is science fiction. It's a dark future, and while the premise, like with any good sci-fi, is way out there, it shows a future that is all too plausible and near.

You guys didn't feel the love at all for Robocop?
John Uskglass said:
Oh, and Lost is better then any Sci-Fi or Horror movie.

You just had to mention a popular media program, because you were to afraid to admit to being a nerd huh?


You guys didn't feel the love at all for Robocop?

Your a pervert...

The Vault Dweller
I love Robocop. Part three kinda sucked. I have a friend that looks just like the guy off of Robocop, so we call him Murphy.
TorontRayne said:
I love Robocop. Part three kinda sucked. I have a friend that looks just like the guy off of Robocop, so we call him Murphy.

No no no no no.

Robocop 1 was awesome. The rest were indisputibly ass.
What kind of ass exactly? Rash ass, hairy ass, baboon ass.....?
There is nothing wrong with the Cube series. Leave me alone or I'll tell my mommie!

Yes, there is. Cube 3 is one of the worst movies ever. In fact it's so bad I'm suprised it's not made by Uwe Boll. It didn't tied anything together, but ruined everything.
Cube 2 was OK, but it wouldn't bother me if it didn't existed.
Cube 1 was good.

That's all.
It explained all about that retarded guy and how he got there. He was the same guy from Cube 1. the one that said, " I want to go to the blue room!" He wanted to go to the blue room because that was the way out. Even if you think part 3 sucks, the rest are pretty fun to watch.
John Uskglass said:
In no particular order

The Wicker Man

Stupid. Horrible.

More funny than horrifying.

Like you didn't see it coming.
Like it only takes a 70s flick to do cheezy songs and more naked English chicks.

Paganism? Please.

Seriously, dumbest film I've seen in awhile.
Sci-fi/Horror top ten

Ok I have to say something about the Alien VS. Predator/ Butterfly Effect/ Queen of the Damned mentions.... Those movies were horrible wastes of film in my opinion, I saw them once, and I regret wasting my time doing so. It is very sad that someone would actually put this on their top ten, even a top 5000 for that matter.

Anyway here's my top ten for sci-fi-

1.) 2001: A Space Oddessey (Probably one of the greatest books ever written, and I'd be bold enough to say one of the greatest films ever made.)

2.) Alien (I agree with the comment made earlier about this changing the way female's were portrayed in movies.)

3.) Star Wars Episode IV- A New Hope ( If this movie wasen't made, movies would be much different now.)

4.) Star Trek II- The Wrath of Khan (Ricardo Montiblanc was astounding, I thing I got his name right.)

5.) Blade Runner (Such an interesting and somewhat grim way to view the future. The book 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' is a masterpiece.)

6.) Star Wars Episode V- The Empire Strikes Back (The last great movie in the saga in my opinion, Return of the Jedi was great but it just doesen't compare to the two films that preceeded it. The new ones are... Well lets just say they fall short of greatness... Thats all I'm going to say.)

7.) Akira (Not everyone will agree with me on this one, I picked this because it was not only one of the most influential anime films in existance, but the story is complex and intriguing as well. This set the bar for anime and is still one of the greatest.)

8.) A Clockwork Orange (This movie is a landmark in film history. I still haven't gotten' around to reading the book. The story seems like something that could actually happen, its kind of a scary thought that the government could shape and mold your behavior via brainwashing.)

9.) Predator (This is another that people will probably not agree with me on. I choose this because this movie was not only Arnold's greatest flick, but it brought a monster that was so interesting, such a scary creature but deep down inside you almost wished that you could be this alien hunter. I was looking forward to Alien VS. Predator, but when I saw it I almost shit my pants at how horrible it was. Paul W. S. Anderson is officially the worst director in the world. He has destroyed Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat, and now two francises at once, Alien and Predator. Does this asshole's reign of shitty movies know no end?)

10.) Dr. Strangelove (Peter Sellers at his best, this is a must see movie for ANYONE!!)

Horror films top ten-

1.) Psycho (This did for horror what Star Wars did for sci-fi.)

2.) The Exorcist (Not into the religious crap, but this movie seriously made me believe that the devil was in that little girl.)

3.) The Haunting (The new one was...blah, the old one was a work of art.)

4.) The Legend of Hell House (Roddy McDowell was sensational in this film)

5.) Nightmare on Elm Street (The original, and the only good one for that matter.)

6.) Halloween (Simple and scary, also the only good one.)

I don't even have anymore that are worth mentioning... Most horror movies are crap.