Sci-fi/Horror top ten
Ok I have to say something about the Alien VS. Predator/ Butterfly Effect/ Queen of the Damned mentions.... Those movies were horrible wastes of film in my opinion, I saw them once, and I regret wasting my time doing so. It is very sad that someone would actually put this on their top ten, even a top 5000 for that matter.
Anyway here's my top ten for sci-fi-
1.) 2001: A Space Oddessey (Probably one of the greatest books ever written, and I'd be bold enough to say one of the greatest films ever made.)
2.) Alien (I agree with the comment made earlier about this changing the way female's were portrayed in movies.)
3.) Star Wars Episode IV- A New Hope ( If this movie wasen't made, movies would be much different now.)
4.) Star Trek II- The Wrath of Khan (Ricardo Montiblanc was astounding, I thing I got his name right.)
5.) Blade Runner (Such an interesting and somewhat grim way to view the future. The book 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' is a masterpiece.)
6.) Star Wars Episode V- The Empire Strikes Back (The last great movie in the saga in my opinion, Return of the Jedi was great but it just doesen't compare to the two films that preceeded it. The new ones are... Well lets just say they fall short of greatness... Thats all I'm going to say.)
7.) Akira (Not everyone will agree with me on this one, I picked this because it was not only one of the most influential anime films in existance, but the story is complex and intriguing as well. This set the bar for anime and is still one of the greatest.)
8.) A Clockwork Orange (This movie is a landmark in film history. I still haven't gotten' around to reading the book. The story seems like something that could actually happen, its kind of a scary thought that the government could shape and mold your behavior via brainwashing.)
9.) Predator (This is another that people will probably not agree with me on. I choose this because this movie was not only Arnold's greatest flick, but it brought a monster that was so interesting, such a scary creature but deep down inside you almost wished that you could be this alien hunter. I was looking forward to Alien VS. Predator, but when I saw it I almost shit my pants at how horrible it was. Paul W. S. Anderson is officially the worst director in the world. He has destroyed Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat, and now two francises at once, Alien and Predator. Does this asshole's reign of shitty movies know no end?)
10.) Dr. Strangelove (Peter Sellers at his best, this is a must see movie for ANYONE!!)
Horror films top ten-
1.) Psycho (This did for horror what Star Wars did for sci-fi.)
2.) The Exorcist (Not into the religious crap, but this movie seriously made me believe that the devil was in that little girl.)
3.) The Haunting (The new one was...blah, the old one was a work of art.)
4.) The Legend of Hell House (Roddy McDowell was sensational in this film)
5.) Nightmare on Elm Street (The original, and the only good one for that matter.)
6.) Halloween (Simple and scary, also the only good one.)
I don't even have anymore that are worth mentioning... Most horror movies are crap.