17 days to go

* old crazy Hermit voice * "Before you cross the bridge of death and face the beast NMA you must answer these question three... "

I think we should open a sub forum for Bethesda forum initiates who come here to confess their love for Bethesda's Fallout and must confront the NMA members, telling them how stupid and ignorant they are according to the initiation rites of the Bethesda Fallout fandom.

That way they don't fill up other sub forums with their repetitive posts that are basically the same claims just written in a different way over and over again.

Yes! I'd love to have a place where we can have auto vat!
* old crazy Hermit voice * "Before you cross the bridge of death and face the beast NMA you must answer these question three... "

I think we should open a sub forum for Bethesda forum initiates who come here to confess their love for Bethesda's Fallout and must confront the NMA members, telling them how stupid and ignorant they are according to the initiation rites of the Bethesda Fallout fandom.

That way they don't fill up other sub forums with their repetitive posts that are basically the same claims just written in a different way over and over again.
It can be the unholy grounds that surround the Vats, maybe replace that useless F:POS thread...
Oblivion with guns.
Yeah, problem is I was expecting a new Fallout, not a post-apocalyptic TES.
*ends first post of thread with calling us squanchfaces*


Whatevs man, it's 2015.

If it really bothers you that much that there are people out there who don't like something you like, then I don't know what to tell you.

Maybe woozle wuzzle?
You're wasting your time. If you think that people hate on Bethesda Fallouts because they're not isometric, then you're mistaken. The problem with Bethesda fallout is shit writing, story-building, characters and world. But there's no point in explaining it, as it's a horse beaten to death a thousand times over.

Well, I do definietly feel that the game lost one of it's core mechanics with the change from ISO/Top down view to first person and from turn based to real time.

Hate, is probably a to strong word here, the bad writing, dialog and inconsistent world sure play a much larger role, it would be much easier to ignore the missing turn based gameplay and top down view if the rest was top notch as far as RPGs goes. But one has to remember that the original developers chose turn based and top down for a reason, they WANTED Fallout to be made in that gameplay. It was a design choice. For the same reason that Bethesda CHOSE to make their games in first person/third person. How would people react if Bethesda made the next Elder Scrolls game as turn based game with isometric viewpoint? I would imagine that a lot of their fans would be complaining very hard about it, even if the rest would be just like in previous games beeing open world and all that.

It might seem pedantic, but I think that is what seperates the fans from people that just enjoy the theme without really caring to much about the game.

You're wasting your time. If you think that people hate on Bethesda Fallouts because they're not isometric, then you're mistaken. The problem with Bethesda fallout is shit writing, story-building, characters and world. But there's no point in explaining it, as it's a horse beaten to death a thousand times over.

No hey, I get it. Yeah the story and shit is probably the weakest link on the Bethesda games. They're trying to address that with Fallout 4. Their games have ALWAYS been greater than the sum of their parts. Pessimistic, shitty attitudes not withstanding.

It's sort of like someone absolutely shitting on Fallout 1 and 2 because they're not open world games.

I hope you don't get this as offense, but I have no clue how else to say it, but this alone shows that you did not understand anything here nor that you understand where some of us are coming from. Because no one here ever suggested in a serious way to make the next Elder Scrolls game into a racing game for example. Or angry Birds with Elder Scrolls graphics or no clue a strategy game like Warhammer 40k.

Even though all of that would be possible. The point is, Elder Scrolls was always conceptualized as Open World games, now there is also a debate between "old" Fans of the TES series that the new Elder Scroll games also moved away from the old Elder Scrolls formula like if you compare Oblivion to Arena, but that's a different story. So, if you or anyone would be complaining about a change in the Elder Scrolls because it drastically changed it's design, this would be most probably the place where people would agree with you - I admit with a sarcastic undertone saying that you now know what it feels like.

Point is, Bethesda changed Fallout in to something it never was meant to be. It changed a design which was chosen by the original developers, and this choice was not a mistake. They made the choice for Turn Based and Top Down in a time where First person was also VERY(!) common, even for RPGs. So to say it that way, you are comparing apples and oranges here.

What is wrong with critizing a Franchise when it moved completely away of the core principles of the previous games, from the design and principles that made the series FAMOUS in the first place and gave it it's quality? Remember, it was not Bethesda that made Fallout known, it was after all Interplay and it's old fans who bought Fallout 1 and 2 and which gave the franchise enough value so that companies like Bethesda and a few others would start to bid on it.
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Not gonna lie, I am going to get the game day one and play through it. I'm not that excited for it, and i'm not expecting anything special, but I am curious to see how NMA reacts to the game and if my opinion will be the same. It's obviously going to get 10/10's or close to that on most review sites because they praise everything Beth does, so i'm trusting this site to give an honest review of the game. I've read the FO3 and NV reviews and they were both spot on, so i'm expecting the same this time around.
Should they not be bussy playing Fallout 4 instead of lecturing us old greezers?

It's not the Fallout 4 fans that will be frothing, it's the people who hate Bethesda's Fallout games. The new stuff to hate on will exist so threads will explode with "OMG THEY RUINED IT!11" over and over.

See, the kind of person who comes here to whine about us not liking something is a sub-variety of the Internet personality I like to call the Jimmy-Rustler.

But where the Jimmy Rustler is an easily offended person who tries to offend others, this is the Adoring Fan who just can't understand why people don't like what they like.

Therefore, the people who don't like the subject of debate become a target of derision.

And building off the Dunning-Kruger effect, these people think they are in the right and enter the fray unaware that they have no idea what they're talking about.

I estimate we'll have at least five separate posts on release going "You guys are stupid, the game is amazigballs, IGN and TechRaptor gave it 10 an Metacrtic and stuff"

Of course, they'll have worse spelling and grammar than mine.

And not because English isn't their first language either.

But simply because they don't care about the actual game and more about proving us doubters wrong.
Should they not be bussy playing Fallout 4 instead of lecturing us old greezers?

It's not the Fallout 4 fans that will be frothing, it's the people who hate Bethesda's Fallout games. The new stuff to hate on will exist so threads will explode with "OMG THEY RUINED IT!11" over and over.

I think most of this stuff will be kept in the "FIrst impressions" thread?

You can always make a new thread for discussing the positive sides of the game. I don't think it will be that bad honestly. You are really overexaggerating it too
For every hundred happy Bethesda fans, there exists a NMA poster. We lie in wait, biding our time. We prey on their doubts, doubts they believed purged from their minds by the mighty Howard. They will deride us, hate us, attempt to cast us out. But the damage is already done. In their minds, there will be that twinge of doubt. That maybe, just maybe, Fallout 3 isn't as good as their circle of confirmation bias claims. They will look. They will see. And they will weep. NMA will look upon their tears, and know it has done its good work.
For every hundred happy Bethesda fans, there exists a NMA poster. We lie in wait, biding our time. We prey on their doubts, doubts they believed purged from their minds by the mighty Howard. They will deride us, hate us, attempt to cast us out. But the damage is already done. In their minds, there will be that twinge of doubt. That maybe, just maybe, Fallout 3 isn't as good as their circle of confirmation bias claims. They will look. They will see. And they will weep. NMA will look upon their tears, and know it has done its good work.


We must hold the line!
We're either the vicious hive-mind consuming everything in front of us or the put-upon guys working for the jerks who blow up planets.

I'm probably closer to day Orkz.

Kicktoof Facestompa.