This ghoul has seen it all

"I knew you'd be the one to say something."
So you were Literaly asking to be insulted if that message was for the specific propouse of getting insulted by me.
Tip:If yo uare trying to "make a joke" it work better if you don't dissolve into a temper tantrum right after it. Just makes you look like an idiot.
I have never called you stupid for liking Fallout 3, I have called you stupid because you say stupid things. Like when you complained about not seeing Mr House Defense System ingame despite it being stated to be the Tower you can see from every place o nthe wasteland, or when you got super angry about me jokingly asking where did the Leather for the jackets for the Tunnel Snakes even came from. I mean i have even asked you to write arguments relevant to the topic at hand but you keep parroting the same pointless appeals to subjectivity, I am giving you the benefit of the doubt and expecting you to contribute to the conversation with your opinion but you keep crying about things we weren't even discussing before you wrote on the thread to complain about being called an idiot.
So you were Literaly asking to be insulted if that message was for the specific propouse of getting insulted by me.
Tip:If yo uare trying to "make a joke" it work better if you don't dissolve into a temper tantrum right after it. Just makes you look like an idiot.
I have never called you stupid for liking Fallout 3, I have called you stupid because you say stupid things. Like when you complained about not seeing Mr House Defense System ingame despite it being stated to be the Tower you can see from every place o nthe wasteland, or when you got super angry about me jokingly asking where did the Leather for the jackets for the Tunnel Snakes even came from. I mean i have even asked you to write arguments relevant to the topic at hand but you keep parroting the same pointless appeals to subjectivity, I am giving you the benefit of the doubt and expecting you to contribute to the conversation with your opinion but you keep crying about things we weren't even discussing before you wrote on the thread to complain about being called an idiot.