Who hasn't seen South Park? it was funny 3 years ago. I think you didn't understand that I am basicaly just makign fun of this over sensitive shit, USA is incredibly over sensitive with laws that have a passing link to sex, or kids. Go to a video of a baby on youtube laughing, just laughing, or that video of the little girl telling a resume of Star Wars. now that you have seen them, you realize how innocent they are, no count the number of comments from people saying how much of a explotative douchebags the parents of the kids are just because they uploaded some funny moment with their children, this is just insane, is the kind of thign that you would expect from a comedy that si making fun of this kind of laws. Like people suing Mcdonalds for their hot cofee. Like when SOuth Park made that Mohamed Joke, and next thign you know people actually took offense from it and are threatening them, Is just so funny.