2008 US Elections

my hard, throbbing cock is greedy for some twinkie love. all you other poeple who "discuss" "politics" on a "forum", go change something. start with your hairdo.

Point taken and considered. Regardless I have my priorities I look out for as does everyone else. What ever happens in my life I will cross that bridge when we get there (Although if I get a leg blown off by an IED in Afghanistan or Pakistan and have to go on disability I am blaming you all for bad Juju :P ).

Kidding of course but in all seriousness in relation to the presidency, I do not fault people who are worse off for wanting Obama economic plans. At the same time I do not feel they represent what I would have wanted but I will deal with it all the same.

TwinkieGorilla said:
Bal-Sagoth said:
Would it be bad if the government helped people out a bit? If it is with my money absolutely.

this would be absolutely miserly, selfish and horrifying if it weren't so obvious why you feel this way.

see below:

As far as myself going on welfare I do not think that is in my cards. My family is well off to say the least without going into details and after college (two more years) I am going into the Marine Corps as an officer.

and there we have it folks. nothin' like a silver spoon, eh? these aren't really your economical philosophies are they? you were born into them and i'd wager a guess you were raised to follow them strictly.

We play with the cards we are dealt do we not?
So the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? O brave new world, that has such people in't!
Bal-Sagoth said:
We play with the cards we are dealt do we not?

you're using the word "we" much too broadly. if you mean "people like you" yeah, sure. you do. and i hate you for it. deeply. more than deeply. i sincerely wish your entire class is wiped out and you all suffer a fate of sustaining yourselves without capital.

anyway, to REALLY answer your question:

every human has a choice at every single moment of the day to make a selfish or selfless decision for the betterment of himself and the world he lives in.

simply serving yourself will never fulfill either of these.
TwinkieGorilla said:
Bal-Sagoth said:
We play with the cards we are dealt do we not?

you're using the word "we" much too broadly. if you mean "people like you" yeah, sure. you do. and i hate you for it. deeply. more than deeply. i sincerely wish your entire class is wiped out and you all suffer a fate of sustaining yourselves without capital.

anyway, to REALLY answer your question:

every human has a choice at every single moment of the day to make a selfish or selfless decision for the betterment of himself and the world he lives in.

simply serving yourself will never fulfill either of these.

Well I doubt "my" class will ever be wiped out, Capitalism is a glorious thing is it not? :P

Anyways joking aside who decides what qualifies as "betterment", that sounds very opinionated and best left to the person in question to decide.
When he says betterment he probably means for everyone involved, not just your own betterment, though that often is the first choice for many people. Though that's my interpretation and twinkie is free to correct me.

@horse: Nothing wrong with discussing; Like Ozzy said: "I don't want to change the world. I don't want the world to change me" And I like my hairdo. A lot. :)
Sicblades said:
When he says betterment he probably means for everyone involved, not just your own betterment, though that often is the first choice for many people. Though that's my interpretation and twinkie is free to correct me.

@horse: Nothing wrong with discussing; Like Ozzy said: "I don't want to change the world. I don't want the world to change me" And I like my hairdo. A lot. :)

Well he said

"every human has a choice at every single moment of the day to make a selfish or selfless decision for the betterment of himself and the world he lives in.

simply serving yourself will never fulfill either of these."

One could argue serving only yourself would lead to the betterment of ones self. Of course the definition of "betterment" is opinionated and varies from person to person I am sure.
Well, you could take the speech from Gordon, you know the whole "greed is good" speech. Selfish decision, still for the betterment of society though. Whether it be a selfish or selfless decision, you can't go wrong when everybody wins.
i'm talking about the very basic tenets inherent in existentialism & humanism. i'm talking about the feeling you get when your existence helps the existence of somebody else. if everybody living only cared about money or their own well-being we'd be in a very sad place. a place i'd rather not visit even in my mind. anyway, i'll save a bit of time by using some easy quotes.

in brief and from wiki:

"Humanism is a broad category of ethical philosophies that affirm the dignity and worth of all people, based on the ability to determine right and wrong by appealing to universal human qualities, particularly rationality."

"As Sartre puts it in his Existentialism is a Humanism: "man first of all exists, encounters himself, surges up in the world – and defines himself afterwards." Of course, the more positive therapeutic aspect of this is also implied: You can choose to act in a different way, and to be a good person instead of a cruel person. Here it is also clear that since man can choose to be either cruel or good, he is, in fact, neither of these things essentially."
"the trick is", as oscar wilde once said in madame genevieves much acclaimed salon, "to put something blatantly obvious in quotation marks and add a random famous name to it."
"That box of Rohypnol was the best investment ever." --TwinkieGorilla
TwinkieGorilla said:
if everybody living only cared about money or their own well-being we'd be in a very sad place. a place i'd rather not visit even in my mind.

I don't want to scare you, Twinks, but you need to wake up. Or get that needle out of your armpit. Or get from behind your computer and take a walk through the world: everybody out there only cares about money and their own well-being. If you don't, you eventually end up sleeping in dumpsters and under bridges.

On a more positive note: capitalism has three more years of unfairness and leeching up its sleeve. Then the whole cookie will crumble and we will all drown in the bitumen.

Yay! :roll:
horse said:
"The trick is", as Oscar Wilde once said in Madame Genevieves much acclaimed salon, "to put something blatantly obvious in quotation marks and add a random famous name to it."
Ehehe. This is so ironic. I like it.