Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Well to start with, your aunt and cousin are retarded because Canadians can get insurence for out of country coverage which covers all healthcare expenses in countries that don't have socialized health care (mostly for Canadians visiting the states). Yes the government should socialize public colleges (ie pay the bill) but really the entire education system needs an overhaul (standardized testing for every grade level before college which determines if/where a student moves onto and if/where they can get into college).Dal1as said:Canadian healthcare is great until you needs specialized attention or have to wait. My aunt and cousin in Toronto had to come to the states twice and pay out of pocket and were not reimbursed. You socialize healthcare and many of those specialized doctors will cease to exist. They would never be able to pay their college loan... Or is the govt supposed to pay for that too?
Social programs are much less abused by citizens than they are by corporations like WalMart (I'd suggest watching the documentary "The High Cost of Low Prices" which has how much it costs the government and thus tax payers to pay for the social programs for WalMart that WalMart should be paying for).Dal1as said:You keep giving out handouts the lazier and more stuck in a rut many will be.
Incorrect. Donations are deductable from taxes to a certain level (I think it's a percentage of taxes, but I'm not sure).Dal1as said:The more you tax the middle and upper middle class the less charity will recieve. Fact.
Yes and no. It depends on where the taxes are going (socialized healthcare for example would reduce costs for many companies) and most corporations don't pay nearly as much as is on paper due to the excessive number of loopholes and work arounds.Dal1as said:The more you tax small business and corporations... They'll just raise their fees.
Link it. Most hospitals require prepayment (multiple times as expensive for the uninsured) or proof of insurance before treating anyone.Dal1as said:Welfare and our hospital system now is a joke but for a completely opposite reason. Hell the New Mexico, Arizona, and California (if not being bailed out in the budget) hospital systems are going bankrupt due to all the uninsured, most who are illegal aliens. Spend that attention and money on American citizens and "legal" immigrants and many problems will be fixed.
The impact of illegal immigrants is greatly exaggerated and the problem isn't them, the problem is those hiring them. If you put massive monetary penalties along with years of prison time for anyone hiring illegal immigrants and you'll start reducing the problem (it'll never completely go away).Dal1as said:Basically get rid of every opportunity for illegals to stay here. Their are plenty of legal immigrants and high school kids, and even those struck in that welfare rut, that can take those jobs. I'll pay an extra 10 cents an orange... They are a much larger drain on our economy than are stated. Especially when it comes to healthcare and education.