the Mayan calendar does not end for 49.5 million years.
as the Mayans use both a long and a short calendar, the long is when it ends.
the "short calendar" does end in 2012, but that is because the short calendar tracks the path of the zodiac which is like 26,000 years long.
that should tell you about the long calendar. their short one is 26,000 years long. think about it.
Chr1s said:Do you believe in the 2012 apocalypse? I don't, just wanted to check...
Same thing here, considering how much we as modern humans rely on technology, a missed solar eruption could spell for alot of accidents.
Sunspot 720 at 2005 ?TheWesDude said:i think it was like 2007 or 2008 where a solar flare did end up knocking out a few sattelites that they did not get enough warning to turn them off
most got turned off, but a few didnt and got knocked out.
military grade sattelites are protected. commercial grade ones especially the older ones are not. i think the newer ones have some protections, but no sattelite is safe from a major solar flare.
the big problem is less the sattelites, but if a solar flare is big enough to knock out ground-based electronics is possible. and that would be very dangerous because a lot of them are not protected.
Blakut said:Yeah, power outage doesn't seem that scary. I grew up in a place where the lights would go out once every few months. Sometimes every day.
Asteroid fucking us up seems far more cool. But where could we find such an asteroid?
Between this planet:Blakut said:Asteroid fucking us up seems far more cool. But where could we find such an asteroid?