5 new gameplay videos

Except for the bits about the only people who pay attention to the bomb being the cultists, all the rest of that's been known for... what, a year? However long it's been since BN and SuA saw the demo and asked Pete and Todd some questions.

I could see that aspect of the quest making sense. So consider me convinced in that regard.

I still can't see Mr. Burke in the bar making sense. Even less that he wants to wipe Megaton off the map and he's still there. I've already written the reasons why, so I won't repeat.
Just noticed, when he's picking the lock in the grocery store, there's a "Force lock (42%)" option. In one of the earlier movies he said there wasn't a way to bash open a lock, so either they added a way to force locks open with strength or he was just meaning you can't pound a box/door with a weapon and smash it open.
Cow said:
There's actually a mythbusters were Adam and Jamie build a homemade steam powered machine gun. The contraption was pretty big (it had 2 boilers and several pipes hooked up to a main barrel) but it shot rounds up to 700 yards (it was deadly only at about 100 yards), fired 5-7 shots a second. Fo3 is still science-fiction and if humanity has built laser guns, advanced artificial intelligence, and walking robots I can believe someone could put together a large clunky rocket-launcher sized weapon in the same setting.
1) That's a Civil War design that is not proven to ever have been used
2) It was never confirmed to have been used
3) It was in no way a handheld weapon
4) It was unreliable at it's best and wore out by the time they finished
5) It fired projectiles a fraction of the mass of a railroad spike
6) It had trouble doing lethal damage at point blank range
7) Boiling water to highpressure in a boiler requires a lot of heat, heat applied to a large container which would most effectively be placed on the back
8) You're better off using compressed air
9) It's steampunk-esc, it lacks the style and the functionallity but it might fit into the category (would have to talk to a steampunk fan)

Jiggly McNerdington said:
Just noticed, when he's picking the lock in the grocery store, there's a "Force lock (42%)" option. In one of the earlier movies he said there wasn't a way to bash open a lock, so either they added a way to force locks open with strength or he was just meaning you can't pound a box/door with a weapon and smash it open.
Poorly worded auto-attempt maybe? Would fit the Bethesda mold...
Brother None said:
<3 Protectron. Protectron is a RobCo product? Seems really everything is RobCo in Fallout 3's retconned setting.

Mr. Handy is still General Atomics.
UncannyGarlic said:
Poorly worded auto-attempt maybe? Would fit the Bethesda mold...
Maybe. I went back and eyeballed the old G4 video which turned out to be the one where he mentions not being able to force locks, but it actually sounds like the hosts were talking more along the lines of hitting locks with weapons, so that's probably what Todd was meaning. There's actually a lockpicking tutorial screen that pops up in the G4 video, and it looks like if you fail you might jam the lock. Since he doesn't scroll down I don't know what that actually implies, though. Might be neat if you have a strength option to force a lock, and if you fail at it it mangles it enough you can't then lockpick it and the object is stuck.
It's not auto attempt, it's forcing the lock, like trying to bash the lock. But if you fail you can't bash it again.

That's all I know from the previews.
There haven’t been many comments on the section of video with the zoomed out third person perspective. At that point it looked to me that the game really could have been something. Although we only got to see a few second worth of material it made quite an impression.

The game world looked good although I found the textures to drop in quality too soon. With the increased amount of stuff going on along the z-axis the city promised a lot of tactical options for combat as well as giving a interesting background. The viewpoint didn’t give the slightest idea of being outdated or unwieldy. It would have been interesting to see more scenery in this perspective.

Seeing this section of video I really don’t get why Bethesda didn’t try to go for this perspective. It would have been something they could have sold to the Oblivion fans. Combat could have been miles beyond what we have seen in Fallout in terms of tactical options.
Well, the swearing is excessive IMHO, and aimed to attract the Rockstar crowd, no doubt. The upside of this down is that this will be the more ambitious quartile of the aforementioned.

All in all, the game doesn't look all that bad, although I will be fiddling with the external camera, that is for sure. Playing F3 in FPP would make me feel too gordonish.

Still worried if the dialogues won't be butchered, though. Doesn't look like the player can deliver very elaborate phrases... or did I miss something?
Excessive swearing? I don't know where you live but that's pretty much how things go around here. And the 2 people who really swore were the sheriff and the bartender - makes sense actually they're usually the ones who act all big :D (sheriff being the man in charge).
thefalloutfan said:
Excessive swearing? I don't know where you live but that's pretty much how things go around here. And the 2 people who really swore were the sheriff and the bartender - makes sense actually they're usually the ones who act all big :D (sheriff being the man in charge).

Well, I keep saying everything that the bartender does at the radio at various appliances and folks tell me it's excessive ;)

EDIT: Also, dude; I live in Bolanda Curva Curva Bolanda, we use swear words for all possible punctuation marks here. Still, it is not what I am looking for in a videogame, because I already have a truckload everywhere else.
I guess it is excessive, but it fits if you know what I mean. Also, did you just change your sig image and add "FUCKING" in it :lol:
Not really, unless your neighbourhood is populated with morons using profanities as punctuation marks.
thefalloutfan said:
It fits in real life with what an average man would find as teh average day to day dialogue.

I'm glad I live where I live then, and don't surround myself with the type of people you do, it seems.

Remember, people swear because they're too stupid to use the words that they actually mean.

Based on FO1 or 2 (which Beth should be making most of their decisions based on) there is actually very little swearing going on in the FO universe.
To like people Swearing makes you a child?

Oh wow,

It also makes you a moron now?

Hmm, so that leaves like what 2000 people in the world who are not morons and children?

I personally did think there was too much in the context of the conversation though. With the Sheriff at least.
AFAIK, only those two guys, the bartender and the sheriff swore a bit. I see nothing wrong with it, it's perfectly normal to swear. And swearing is just like any other word, only some people decide swearing is 'bad' and taboo to a certain extent, which raises age restrictions in games and movies.
thefalloutfan said:
AFAIK, only those two guys, the bartender and the sheriff swore a bit. I see nothing wrong with it, it's perfectly normal to swear. And swearing is just like any other word, only some people decide swearing is 'bad' and taboo to a certain extent, which raises age restrictions in games and movies.

Uh, no. Excessive use of profanities is a sign of a primitive mind.
thefalloutfan said:
AFAIK, only those two guys, the bartender and the sheriff swore a bit.

It felt incredibly forced on the Sheriff. The total lack of facial animations didn't really help. It just made the swearing stand out even more. I didn't mind it when the barman did it.

Other patrons in the bar were also swearing.
thefalloutfan said:
It fits in real life with what an average man would find as teh average day to day dialogue.

Fallout isn't based on real life. This is not about how realistic all this swearing is, but about how coherent it is within the game's setting. The whole of the original's dialogue and writing didn't come even close to how much cursing a couple of Fallout 3 demos and screenshots has shown, and so excessive it is.

To me, it is all the more jarring seeing as Bethesda did try to capture that 50's americana style to some things - houses with white picket fences come to mind - while making people talk like someone out of San Andreas.