8.9 Earthquake in Japan


Vault Senior Citizen


As some of you may already know, all hell broke lose in Japan today. And there are tsunami warnings in effect for a lot of parts of the west coasts in North America.

The first link has up to the minute news updates, lots of on the ground amateur videos, and an important person finder.

If anyone has any family and friends in Japan, I hope they are alright. I still can't get in contact with some friends.

It might be extremely inappropriate but it feels a bit ironic for me to watch all these footage because Japan has always had a penchant for disaster stories. I can't recall the numbers of movies, mangas, or animes that have some sort of post apocalyptic themes in them. And to think, this is a FallOut community.

Off the top of my head, I don't think we have any Japanese members per se, but if we do, I hope they are well.
Luckily, any friends and family safe in Kanto area. Actually flying over in a few weeks anyway, but doubtful to see much destruction Tokyo way by then.
This is a nuclear forum, yet no comments on the small leak in a reactor there? Hope they contain it right and fast; no nation deserves another Chernobyl disaster, especially Japan who already suffered bad nuclear damage in WW2.

Best of luck to the japanese people, hope they recover fast from all this.
Some crazy footage:


There is a better quality version of this somewhere but I can't be bothered to search for it now.

I loled a bit when I saw Tokyo Drift in Related Videos for one of these.

Scary stuff. I feel for people over there.
Japan spends a lot of resources for research in technology to help against earth-quakes. Well I hope it payed off in the end !
Crni Vuk said:
Japan spends a lot of resources for research in technology to help against earth-quakes. Well I hope it payed off in the end !

Earth-quakes yes...Tsunamis? It seem some of the homes washed away were built on reclaimed land just a few meters above sea level.

The reactor news have been all over the map, so I am going to assume that it's just news noise during a major catastrophe and ignore most things until it's confirmed.

As far as I can gather, only the 1 reactor in Fukushima was the one that was in actual trouble. It's 40 yrs old and they didn't have enough back up power to cool the core properly. The potential future problems will be the ones near the actual epicentre in Sendai. The current news so far (unconfirmed) is that the 3 reactors there were able to shut down successfully but the plant itself was damaged badly.

Of course, oil and coal interest are overjoyed about this. There are already some more whispers about how dangerous Nuclear power really is even in a country that has adapted it so well. I think I might have even saw a piece from green peace about nuclear power.

Of course, all hell is still lose, with everyone suffering from all the information noise. Even Secretary of the State of the US said something that wasn't confirmed, so, we'll see.
Mayor explosion at one of the powerplants. No real reports on whats going on, but people are being evacuated in a 20 km radius.
Any more info on the aftermath (I'm assuming the worst is over?) and how many other countries are feeling the effects?

This is some heavy shit, I don't recall when there was an earthquake this strong in such a densely populated area before... Some of the footage feels more like a movie than reality.
at work we always have CNN on the background and we saw it when they started reporting it.
Shit. My heart goes to the people in Japan.

Heard the tsunami actually hit the US west coast? Anyone from the forums that saw it?
@iii: Wow... That took a big chink of my respect for humanity. I would'nt have said much if someone that actually was at Pearl said that, but for fucks sake!

Someone should remind them of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.