I must say I am surprised at how much some folks really do not know about WW2. The tired and old excuse of trying to seperate the Waffen-SS from the Totenkopfverbande and Einsatzgruppen is amazing.
If those folks stating that in this thread really understood that war they would know the Waffen SS was just as bad as the Einsatzgruppen units were.
Listed below are just some of the war crimes committed by the Waffen SS. The very ones you are trying to say were just regular Joes in a black uniform.
THE TULLE MURDERS (Near Limoges, Central France, June 9, 1944)
ASCQ (Near Lille, April 2, 1944)
FRAYSSINET (Near Tulle, Central France, May 21, 1944)
In the small village of Frayssinet le Gelat south of Tulle, between Gourdon and Fumel, an SS Rifle company of the 2 Panzer Division 'Das Reich' stopped for a 'coffee' break. Believing that one of their officers had been shot by members of the French underground, fifteen hostages were taken and executed. These hostages were all young males from one child families. This, in the twisted minds of the SS, was to prevent any further family line of descent.
I gave this one some quick details because it highlights just how sick in the head these fuckers really were. The whole organization from Himmler on down to the lowliest private in the Das Reich division were hardcore nazis, and believed the shit their leaders spewed out.
ANY member of the SS, German SS units and not foreign units, HAD to prove their German heritage back, IIRC, 3 or 4 generations and had to meet certain political and physical criteria to join. So trying to say the Waffen SS is any less evil than the Einsatzgruppen and Totenkopfverbande is nonsense.
Now, back to our regularly scheduled list of Waffen SS atrocities.
MALMÉDY MASSACRE (December 17, 1944)
STAVELOT December 18, the day after the massacre at Malmédy
WERETH (December 17, 1944)
NORMANDY MASSACRES (June, 1944) A little note, the 12th SS Panzer Division Hitler Jugend was nicknamed by the Allies as the murder division, for good reasons.
LE PARADIS (Pas-de-Calais, May 26, 1940)
WORMHOUDT ATROCITY (Pas-de-Calais, May 27/28 , 1940)
ORADOUR-SUR-GLANE (Central France, June 10, 1944)
SAULX VALLEY (August 29, 1944)
DISTOMO (June 10, 1944)
DE WOESTE HOEVE (March 6, 1945)
WARSAW GHETTO MASSACRE (April 19 to May 16, 1943)
RATOMSKAYA (August 28, 1941)
RUDA, CORNJI, DORFER, OTOK, and DALNJI (March 27, 1944)
SKIATAWA (Sunday November 30, 1941) Note, executions done by Latvian Waffen SS volunteer unit
VIA RASELLA (Rome, March 23, 1944)
SANT' ANNA MASSACRE (August 12, 1944)
BARDINE SAN TERENZO (August 20, 1944)
MARZABOTTO (September 29 to October 1st, 1944)
BOVES ATROCITY (September 17, 1944) Note, committed by Joachim Pieper, of Malmedy fame. Seems this gent just loved to kill
And remember, this is a short list of the Waffen SS atrocities, not the Einsatzgruppen. So before defending those sons of bitches, do some research and see just how evil they really were.
OT: If the man had been convicted in a trial in 1949, then fled to escape justice, he should have been repatriated to Holland. If Germany does the right thing and finds this SOB guilty, execution is what he deserves, not forgiveness.
Cheers, Thor