A Blatant Example of Mass Media Manipulation

The Vault Dweller

always looking for water.
With the current abundance of heated political debate I would like to first point out that I am more conservative than liberal so this original post isn't a left-wing attempt at mud-slinging, but just an honest observation.


Congressman Paul replicated his 2010 victory over Mitt Romney by defeating the former Governor of Massachusetts for a second consecutive year at the annual CPAC conference.

However, before anchor Bill Hemmer introduced a segment concerning the story, Fox News played a clip of the 2010 announcement of the poll results, during which Mitt Romney supporters had loudly booed Ron Paul’s victory, passing off last year’s footage as representative of this year’s event.

Just watch a few minutes of the first video in the article. It's actually hard to notice oddly.

This is sick.

:puke: ,
The Vault Dweller
lol Alex Jones.

Pretty shady all the same, not really sure what anyone expects though. All the big names in news do this kind of thing.
I love Alex Jones - whatever people say about him and however 'far out' he may seem at times, his passion is undeniable! :lol:

Sure he's got some 'conspiracy theories' that are hard to believe, but at the same time, he's one of the only people openly discussing blatant ones (like 911, which is sadly so 'passé' for most people now).
What's that, Fox News doing dirty tricks? Well I'll be! Who'd have thunk...

The only surprising thing here is that they did it to a conservative.
fedaykin said:
What's that, Fox News doing dirty tricks? Well I'll be! Who'd have thunk...

The only surprising thing here is that they did it to a conservative.

As if CNN or MSNBC or any other corporate controlled big money news industry does not use dirty tricks as well. They are all dirty.

SkuLL said:
I love Alex Jones - whatever people say about him and however 'far out' he may seem at times, his passion is undeniable! :lol:

Sure he's got some 'conspiracy theories' that are hard to believe, but at the same time, he's one of the only people openly discussing blatant ones (like 911, which is sadly so 'passé' for most people now).

All of the popular 9/11 conspiracy theories that made it to the mainstream like Loose Change were discredited long ago, there is a reason people don't care anymore.

Alex Jones is a nutter, by some conspiracy theory standards he is fairly mild but he will also have no mainstream credibility. It does not help Ron Pauls case at all either that he associates so much with him, that only hurts his chances of a reputable political career in the long run.

I had an old Alex Jones VHS tape several years ago that was called "Prison America" or something. He was mostly riding around talking about FEMA concentration camps, showing some footage of the national guard drilling inside a town (as if this was a terrible thing) and then he rode through a random Law Enforcement drunk driving/license check stop and told the officer "Thats some nice black boots you got there". As if just wearing black boots automatically qualifies him for some New World Order fascist police force conspiracy.

Very juvenile type stuff. Every time some big event happens (like the Egypt stuff) I always visit his website to see his spin on it, that is just for entertainment though.
The problem is that lots of people get their news from one source and one source only, making tricks like this all the more successful.
TheRatKing said:
The problem is that lots of people get their news from one source and one source only, making tricks like this all the more successful.

And that's the way he like it.

sea said:
I am seriously concerned that the United States does not have a government body (the FCC?) to step in and put an end to this kind of bullshit. It's one thing to selectively report on things and skew information in one direction or another; it's unavoidable and every journalist is going to do it to some degree, intentionally or not. But to deliberately misrepresent an event in such a disingenuous, manipulative way? That's just disgusting. Considering Fox's history with this sort of thing I have to wonder how many countries would actually allow them to advertise their programming as "news", because this strikes me as something far closer to political propaganda (not to take a trip into hyperbole).

You'd have to have Michael Moore arrested for everything his ever produced for starters
DammitBoy said:
You'd have to have Michael Moore arrested for everything his ever produced for starters

Done and done. As a matter of fact, let's give all the ultraliberals and neocon teabaggers a nice little fenced-in stretch of land to fight over somewhere out in the middle of nowhere and make the country a nice place to live again for everyone who understands that the heart of America is civility and compromise. The luminaries that birthed our nation suffered every abuse they could and maintained every last hope of conciliation before finally accepting, with no small sense of loss and disappointment, that they were going to have to throw down with King George. Now we're willing to tear our contrymen's throats out with ad hominems and tit-for-tat childishness over semantics and whether we each feel like paying a couple of dozen extra tax dollars a year. Things might be different if a civil discourse was even possible, but with our "facts" being poisoned at the source and our media (and media-conscious leadership circus) drilling in the mindset that the running of our nation is a vs. match in the name of winning votes, we haven't got a chance. And, as Fox has shown us yet again, those crying the loudest about restoring the foundations of American values usually possess the most incomplete understanding of what they actually were.
Heh... my leanings, though not extreme, have always been clear. I recognize that not every rectangle is a square, though. (And if you'll notice, "ultraliberal" was allowed to stand as an insult without any descriptors to help it along).
DammitBoy said:
sea said:
I am seriously concerned that the United States does not have a government body (the FCC?) to step in and put an end to this kind of bullshit. It's one thing to selectively report on things and skew information in one direction or another; it's unavoidable and every journalist is going to do it to some degree, intentionally or not. But to deliberately misrepresent an event in such a disingenuous, manipulative way? That's just disgusting. Considering Fox's history with this sort of thing I have to wonder how many countries would actually allow them to advertise their programming as "news", because this strikes me as something far closer to political propaganda (not to take a trip into hyperbole).

You'd have to have Michael Moore arrested for everything his ever produced for starters

Except Michael moore is a crazy fat prick from michigan, isn't a channel that's associated with the motherfucking news. The news is supposed to something resembling neutral at best, and, at worst, blowing this out of proportion. They shouldn't be taking sides in political bullshit.
As most of my professors say, "Fox isn't 'news', it's 'entertainment'". Kinda hard to expect any credibility from them.
Wintermind said:
Except Michael moore is a crazy fat prick from michigan, isn't a channel that's associated with the motherfucking news. The news is supposed to something resembling neutral at best, and, at worst, blowing this out of proportion. They shouldn't be taking sides in political bullshit.

Michael Moore makes "documentaries" which are supposed to factual - in fact he has won awards for documentaries that have been proven to be complete lies.

Last I checked documentaries were considered journalism...

ps - if you believe what you see on any news channel - you're not that bright.
It's stuff like that which is why I haven't watched TV in years save for a few sporting events (boxing) and random nature documentaries.

The Vault Dweller
DammitBoy said:
Wintermind said:
Except Michael moore is a crazy fat prick from michigan, isn't a channel that's associated with the motherfucking news. The news is supposed to something resembling neutral at best, and, at worst, blowing this out of proportion. They shouldn't be taking sides in political bullshit.

Michael Moore makes "documentaries" which are supposed to factual - in fact he has won awards for documentaries that have been proven to be complete lies.

Last I checked documentaries were considered journalism...

ps - if you believe what you see on any news channel - you're not that bright.

Anybody can make a movie and call it a documentary. Michael moore also made canadian bacon for christ's sake. It's also the only good movie he ever made. he's otherwise a hack. and i'll consider his documentaries documentaries when he makes something on par with Restrepo.

i don't watch the news. if it was important, it'd be happening in front of me. V:VV
^ But what if it's happening in front of you and you don't realize how important it is without a media expert to tell you so and tie it to a conspiracy theory? :V
There is a word for what Moore is doing. Its called Propaganda. As simple as that. He is not doing documentaries but entertaiment. Sure he calls it that. But that doesnt change the fact that its populism not journalism.

The reason why Fox news is worse then Moore is because he is not a public broadcasting service. You can and SHOULD simply expect more from your news.

Moore is a dick, and I'm not just saying that because I don't like the guy, but what he did to Heston in bowling for columbine was crossing a line. He had nothing to do with what happened and blaming him for a little girl's death is just sick and wrong, I don't care who does it or for what means.

Fox and all the other news outlets (except maybe CNN and CSPAN) are biased to one side or another, some just more than others.