Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Proof? Actually most K-12 text books are becoming more conservative in the US as they are being written to meet with the Texas standard, hence why evolution is being downplayed. It takes time for schools to get new books so it isn't like they all buy the new edition when it comes out. As for history books specifically, they span the political spectrum and a large number of them are poor.DammitBoy said:Our text books have changed from, "we used the atom bomb to end WWII" to "We dropped the bomb on Japan because we are racists".
People on both sides are arguing against the change there. The literary world is pretty much shaking their heads in unison about the rewrite. That said, what proof do you have that the author is liberal?DammitBoy said:They're currently rewriting Mark Twains 'Huckleberry Finn' to read slave or man where Twain used the common venacular 'nigra'. Damn tree hugging commie pinko fags.