As I see it the problem is that news source owned by private companies just cannot help but go for max ratings, all the time, and what attracts more viewers are extremist positions because it's more interesting. So all 'news' media apart from CNN (which is really just on the edge of joining the ultra-politized (sp?) mess) just take a stand on whatever is happening and ham-fists opinions while presenting it as 'fair and balanced'. Hot topics are simply unwatchable due to the sheer amounts of ridiculously unqualified ''experts'' and the metric ton of eyerolls per minute.
Also, government (oohhh eeeeeevil government!!!!!!)-owned media is really not as bad. I live in Canada and Radio-Canada (well, the local French equivalent anyway) is far more neutral than any American news media I know of (not 100% neutral, but there are no obvious judgements). Not only that, they actually do something against the government despite being owned by it; several grave scandals have surfaced lately because reporters went and dug really deep in some nasty stuff (like, Mafia connections with the Party in power). They were not censored in any way.
That is journalism and interesting news delivery, much better than spewing biased crap all over your 24 jours.