A Blatant Example of Mass Media Manipulation

Sorry, but CNN is the most liberal leaning news service out there.

Cspan is goverment controled media.


Like the old saying goes, don't believe anything you read or hear and only half of what you see...
Wintermind said:
Anybody can make a movie and call it a documentary.
Say what?

sea said:
I am seriously concerned that the United States does not have a government body (the FCC?) to step in and put an end to this kind of bullshit.
Fox won a lawsuit which allows them to call itself news on the basis of free speech. It's false advertising if you ask me, but only idiots actually think that it's actually a news organization. MSNBC is awfully bad but at least they don't regularly pull this shit with presenting old news footage as if it's current or crap like the map that Crni just posted.

DammitBoy said:
sounds like you've fallen victim to media lies and hype...
They called themselves teabaggers until it was pointed out to them what it meant.

DammitBoy said:
Sorry, but CNN is the most liberal leaning news service out there.
Pretty sure that award goes to MSNBC. Truth is that none of the 24 hour news networks are good.
UncannyGarlic said:
They called themselves teabaggers until it was pointed out to them what it meant.

No, they call themselves the 'tea party' for Taxed Enough Already' and as a reference to the boston tea party.

It was CNN and other media that came up with 'teabaggers' term as an insult.

Also - he used the term neocon teabaggers which is an oxymoron.

Tea party advocates want smaller governemt that spends less money and works on problems in the usa instead of trying to police the world. neocons by definition want bigger government that tries to affect change around the globe.

But don't let that stop you from looking stupid.
DammitBoy said:
Tea party advocates want smaller governemt that spends less money and works on problems in the usa instead of trying to police the world. neocons by definition want bigger government that tries to affect change around the globe.

Let the US have their lovely Tea Drinkers...it's not like George Bush and his buddies didn't half sink the economy and weaken the USA standing internationally. I don't know why but Sarah Palin gives me the horn, the naughty housewife from Alaska - and most of her supporters probably think the same way. (I know the tits are fake, but who cares).


Get use to your new masters America...and it only took 40 years for China to own your arses...if Nixon only knew what the future was to entail, he might have avoided that trip and gone for a holiday in the Bahamas...The next time you want to buy a Hummer, just know this - CHINA owns it. :clap:

The real issues with media are more subtle. Anyhow, I always assumed that focus media in US was just some kind of ironic humour.
Yeah. It seems Cartman was al right from the begining. American Asses will be owned by Chinese. Well soon enough anyway
DammitBoy said:
Also - he used the term neocon teabaggers which is an oxymoron.

Blanket statement, tongue-in-cheek. Something akin to "liberal pinko commie faggot." Living in Texas as I do, hyperconservatives outnumber ultraliberals and are therefore the idiots I most often get to rail against. Let's not nitpick. Fox are fact-massaging snake oil salesmen, and so are everyone else whose business it is to sell us the news, and I don't think anyone here is particularly disagreeing.
As I see it the problem is that news source owned by private companies just cannot help but go for max ratings, all the time, and what attracts more viewers are extremist positions because it's more interesting. So all 'news' media apart from CNN (which is really just on the edge of joining the ultra-politized (sp?) mess) just take a stand on whatever is happening and ham-fists opinions while presenting it as 'fair and balanced'. Hot topics are simply unwatchable due to the sheer amounts of ridiculously unqualified ''experts'' and the metric ton of eyerolls per minute.

Also, government (oohhh eeeeeevil government!!!!!!)-owned media is really not as bad. I live in Canada and Radio-Canada (well, the local French equivalent anyway) is far more neutral than any American news media I know of (not 100% neutral, but there are no obvious judgements). Not only that, they actually do something against the government despite being owned by it; several grave scandals have surfaced lately because reporters went and dug really deep in some nasty stuff (like, Mafia connections with the Party in power). They were not censored in any way.

That is journalism and interesting news delivery, much better than spewing biased crap all over your 24 jours.
The fact that anyone can attempt to claim that CNN is not a biased left wing media outlet is humerous at best.
Fine, CNN is a rotten haven of self-righteous limousine liberal kool-aid men who worship Michael Moore, randomly confiscate guns at a whim and piss on the American flag every chance they get then. Jeez.

Actually that would kinda reinforce my point. So whatever suits you.
Ilosar said:
Fine, CNN is a rotten haven of self-righteous limousine liberal kool-aid men who worship Michael Moore, randomly confiscate guns at a whim and piss on the American flag every chance they get then. Jeez.

Let's not go crazy - I'm unaware that any of them have actually confiscated a gun... :mrgreen:

The moral of the story? Don't believe what your tv says.
Crni Vuk said:
but what if the TV says you should not believe what the TV says ... and thus ... argh ... :crazy:

I'm sure you'll be able to talk yourself out of any logical reasoned conclusion.
Na, moral of the story; be selective in what you believe, especially if it claims to be completely fair and trustworthy while presenting no proof. Being on TV has nothing to do with that, it's just basic intellectual defense tactics.

Also, I do hope you realize my second post was hyperbole not meant to be taken seriously at all. Because at this point I'm not sure.
American Asses will be owned by Chinese.

This. On an economic level, in most of our lifetimes. Seems very likely.

Sorry, but CNN is the most liberal leaning news service out there.

It is? I'm not doubting you, as I rarely watch US news channels, but still? Not that the standard is much better where I'm at. The papers in this country are absolute garbage.