A Few New Fallout 4 Rumours "Revealed" on Reddit

Not to mention "you can mod the problems away!" is not, and never WAS, a valid argument against pointing out any game's glaring faults. Covering them up or fixing them on your own doesn't change the fact that what we were given and paid good money for was a heap of garbage. It's akin to saying Blizzard "quickly" fixing Error 32 means it was never a problem; except it was. A fix is just a fix, it doesn't deny that there is a problem- in fact, just the opposite, it highlights that a problem exists. In Bethesda's case, very serious problems.
Wintermind is a fucking stupid name, so I'm going to loathe everything on this forum board. Who gives a fuck about everything else, one of the members chose a name I dislike so it's obviously the website's fault and all content made by all members are all equally deserving of my hatred because you chose a stupid fucking name for yourself.

Sure, I could write a script to change your name within my browser into something more suitable to my tastes, or just fucking get over it, but fuck that, wintermind is a stupid fucking name so fuck NMA and everyone and everything on it.

Boston is a shitty setting. I live here. It has absolutely no skyline. There are less than 10 tall buildings, none of which are skyscrapers. And why are fallouts being made in cities anyway? Other than the todd howard cool factor of seeing a dead city, it makes no sense. In a worldwide nuclear exchange, wouldn't cities be flattened to glass? That logic thing really needs to go when playing a bethesda fallout I guess.

DC should have looked like The Glow x100,000.
I found the whole focus on a single major city and the crappy locations and outhouses surrounding it a bad idea to begin with.

Fallout environments were far more varied when the game world consisted of a state or states withe various locations being places of interest in the wasteland or amongst the ruins of cities rather than recreating entire cities that serve no purpose.

I am of the opinion that it would be better if future Fallout games returned to this design decision.
Instead of one major real time map with locations in it that feels compressed, the locations of interest instead have their own 'world spaces' that are connected with each other through an overhead map.

This way you can avoid nonsense like barriers to close off streets and metro tunnel dungeons. It would also allow random encounters brought back in a better way.

One benefit for the designers would be is that they can focus on making the chosen locations look far better and unique, and not having to waste time on expanding the ruins.

On another note; yes, Washington DC should have been a big radioactive crater that made the Glow look like a hole in comparison, with only the metal beam 'skeletons' of buildings remaining.
I think the real map can be a good idea for Fallout, they just need to use it better. probably move to a different engine. And combine it with a Hub System.
Fartmonkey said:
pipboy-x11 said:
(Wazer Wifle? the name was invented by some brilliant 5 y.o. boy, I suppose)
I fail to see what you're supposing. The name is fitting considering you do actually get it from some brilliant five year old boy

I'm supposing that this is the best example of a "joke" I can remember from FO3. All others are even worse, just as bad as little lampdicks.

Fartmonkey said:
Wintermind is a fucking stupid name, so I'm going to loathe everything on this forum board.

Whatever, dude. Unlike Steam, the board can always give your money back.
Fartmonkey said:
Wintermind is a fucking stupid name, so I'm going to loathe everything on this forum board. Who gives a fuck about everything else, one of the members chose a name I dislike so it's obviously the website's fault and all content made by all members are all equally deserving of my hatred because you chose a stupid fucking name for yourself.

Sure, I could write a script to change your name within my browser into something more suitable to my tastes, or just fucking get over it, but fuck that, wintermind is a stupid fucking name so fuck NMA and everyone and everything on it.


See this post might make sense if I was complaining about one stupid point in an otherwise good game, and not one drop of idiocy in the fucking sea of retardation that is your average bethesda game.

(And modding doesn't excuse bad development decisions)

The thing is though, Dutch Ghost, is that Bethesda will never fucking do that because it would involve a rather large change in their development process.

The thing I'd like to see is a map/compass that isn't fucking magical. Make it work like a real GPS device from before the war, and require you to make changes and updates to reflect what has happened since then. So the compass doesn't just hold your hand to the fucking quest goal.
Wintermind said:
The thing is though, Dutch Ghost, is that Bethesda will never fucking do that because it would involve a rather large change in their development process.

I know, but it would have been nice and I think it would have been a major improvement over what we have now.
I agree. I mean you could even do it in engine. Just cut up your existing slices of the wasteland, and mark them as separate zones (since skyrim lets you change zones merely by crossing a line, all of your caves no longer need doors).

Each area would have a decent chunk of wasteland around it, which might contain all the usual little hideyholes to stop in and check out (Primm would have primm, maybe Jean Sky Diving, the high patrol station, etc), and then an expanse of wasteland down in each direction. Walking so far would take you to the world map, where you'd plot a course. Random encounters would take place in a some semi-random areas, or be set around other locations (Like the Nipton Road Restop, that kind of thing).

The one downside is that there is a certain amount of charm about being able to see the other side of the goddamned world from a good enough vantage point, and in this you would lose out on it some.
But that's all it offers: charm. Novelty. Little moments of "Oh that's pretty cool" that could be easily replaced with artificial skylines. In Demon's Souls the areas were separated into contiguous and interconnected sections, and altogether separated hub sections. When traveling through a single, connected location, you could see your destination off in the distance, which you could physically reach, and a background that melded seamlessly with it, which was just artificial and intangible. Combined they made the scope of the location feel epic. By contrast, very little backgrounds in any of the Uncharted games could actually be reached, and the locations you could reach were practically invisible; trees within a forest. Yet those games are renowned for their set pieces.

Sure there are virtues to Open World designs, but the way they shrink game worlds can be a huge hindrance if they're applied to the wrong setting. Fallout's locales just happen to be really bad places to apply the Open World Shrinkage Effect. The grittiness of wasteland survival doesn't register when at any given time you're not further than 5 minutes away from a reliable source of clean water, and easily-hunted and unlimited supply of gecko meat to cook steaks from.
Alternatively, they need to insert the actual things in relevant/proper distances. So you may not be able to see everything, but if you go to a proper vantage point and bring some optics you could see things. Of course then you have the issue of whatever you can see potentially being "dead' with nothing happening there.
Wintermind said:
The one downside is that there is a certain amount of charm about being able to see the other side of the goddamned world from a good enough vantage point, and in this you would lose out on it some.
They could just use a fake backdrop, like a special Sky Box that would show what is far ahead on the map.
Walpknut said:
Wintermind said:
The one downside is that there is a certain amount of charm about being able to see the other side of the goddamned world from a good enough vantage point, and in this you would lose out on it some.
They could just use a fake backdrop, like a special Sky Box that would show what is far ahead on the map.

Then the issue would be that the area wouldn't look as potentially lively or the like, y'know?

Ideally, they'd need a much, much better engine that lets you have huge expanses of one single, contiguous wasteland, and let you drop in/out of a world map that lets you move through it much faster.
Replace the instant fast travel with a route system, you would need to ake your route to take yourself, there would be random encounters depending on each zone and how straighlined you are making your route,
Well, I kinda liked how Rage handled this. Big map (big enough to start making sense, so no raiders just next to a town). No fast travel at all. Just vehicles - but they get you to the destination fast enough to never get bored. A vehicle for you and a companion(s), with a trunk where you could keep your stuff - that would be good. If they started making Fallout games into shooters - let them be good ones, at least.

But I suspect this is not possible with the current game engine - from looking at how useless horses in Skyrim are.
mobucks said:
Boston is a shitty setting. I live here. It has absolutely no skyline. There are less than 10 tall buildings, none of which are skyscrapers. And why are fallouts being made in cities anyway? Other than the todd howard cool factor of seeing a dead city, it makes no sense. In a worldwide nuclear exchange, wouldn't cities be flattened to glass? That logic thing really needs to go when playing a bethesda fallout I guess.

DC should have looked like The Glow x100,000.

No skyline? Nothing like NYC I guess, but have you ever approached Boston from 93-S and entered the tunnels? Crossed the Zakim? Boston could been an excellent setting if the level designers do it right. Imagine running through the Thomas P. O'Neil tunnels congested with cars and ghouls. Or maybe a faction is using Fenway as a base of operations? The aquarium, the museum of science... there are plenty of places that can be used in game and be interesting.

Oh, and remember, if we're being realistic, no city would be habitable after a nuclear war. So that means all the fun times we had in the Boneyard, The Hub, New Reno, San Francisco, DC, and Vegas should be forgotten.
I drive though it every day. I live in Dorchester.

Although since I posted that I've seen a few areas that would look pretty cool PAized.



On mass ave these babies are W2W on both sides of the wide avenue.
SnapSlav said:
Not to mention "you can mod the problems away!" is not, and never WAS, a valid argument against pointing out any game's glaring faults. Covering them up or fixing them on your own doesn't change the fact that what we were given and paid good money for was a heap of garbage. It's akin to saying Blizzard "quickly" fixing Error 32 means it was never a problem; except it was. A fix is just a fix, it doesn't deny that there is a problem- in fact, just the opposite, it highlights that a problem exists. In Bethesda's case, very serious problems.

Just saw this, since you're my friend I won't get pissed, but what the hell? It's a suggestion man. If something minor like that bothers you, it can literally be fixed in seconds. The problem is still there, sure, but if it makes the game even a little bit more tolerable, why the hell not? Everyone knows that Fallout 3 had problems. You couldn't hide them all even if you wanted to. Modding a game to make it better, isn't denying the problem, it's attempting to do something about all the bullcrap.

I didn't argue either way, I offered a solution to a minor problem. So if you are just whining about it just to whine, then okay maybe I should have NOT tried to help out. Next time someone complains about a minor problem with a game that can be fixed in minutes, I won't try to help, I'll just shut the fuck up and let them bitch about nothing. :roll:

Now Wintermind, I make the simple suggestion, which you are moaning and groaning about, a simple fucking item name which can be renamed in under five minutes. Then you say "modding doesn't excuse bad development decisions"... No one said modding excused bad development. It was a suggestion if you wanted to fix the problem. But you were just complaining without wanting advice. I see that now.

As for Boston, not a bad choice for a Fallout game. Plenty of Americana to throw around. No doubt it will look something like Fallout 3 though which is...unfortunate. Despite that, I am looking forward to seeing the new factions they will introduce. Would be cool to see a faction based on old colonial militias or something like that. As for the no skyline complaint..Do you need a skyline for a Fallout game now? Shame on you Mobucks. Shame. You sound kinda like a Bethesda supporter. That's grounds for three lashings round these parts. :)

Fallout locales would be in cities sometimes because survivors aren't going to walk a hundred miles to resettle if they can help it. Besides, maybe Boston wasn't destroyed like Las Vegas wasn't destroyed. Boston had a Naval missile shield program developed at MIT, but it was too soon to ship to D.C, so it protected the surrounding area avoiding 60% of the missiles in the process..Shit like that is always possible. Oh and the open world debate. Doubtful that Bethesda will change their game style for a small group of fans, when most want open world. Sad but true. Zoning would work, but it ain't gonna happen.